Specimen Letters – Local Plan

Letter 1

                                                                                                                                                November 2018

Planning Policy, B&NES,

Lewis House, Manvers Street,



Dear Sir,

LINK  http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/local-plan-2016-2036

Dear Sir,

As a resident of Pensford Village I write to object to the above plan.

The Plan is unsound as paragraph 14 in the NPPF clearly states that housing targets should not override constraints within the area.  The constraints at Whitchurch Village and Pensford are the Green Belt and Flooding.  The Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan has recently been adopted by B&NES and residents (98%) voted both for the retention of the Green Belt and for the Plan itself with an amazing 48% approx. voting turnout.  Also the Green Belt should not be revisited for alteration within the current Core Strategy time scale.

Whitchurch Village is being told to take 1.500-2.500 houses taking in hundreds of acres of Green Belt land at present mostly used for agriculture.  This is not a sustainable area for such massive development due to –

Very little employment,

No Shops

No senior school and primary already oversubscribed

No doctor surgery

Poor road network already congested and no easy access to motorways

There is no Transport Plan defining any route. The new suggested Link Road from Whitchurch Village to Hicksgate/Brislington Road, will not alleviate/improve the congested roads in the area as publicly conceded by Highways Officers.  In fact it will make the situation worse especially for us in our neighbouring village, where the A37 is regularly closed due to lorries being unable to pass each other through the village.  This proposed road will also attract even more lorries from the south coast as it will be the shortest HGV route to the motorway system. Placing a Park and Ride here will also just attract more cars through our village.  It is an economic failure to place 2.500 houses at Whitchurch Village then build a road to get cars to Hicksgate.  Put the houses at Hicksgate with the ring road, railway and park and ride.

Other sites are more sustainable and can offer all of the above infrastructure such as Hicksgate/Brislington Road, Long Ashton and of course Bath.  All of these can offer proximity to rail links to Bath & Bristol, Metro Bus, Ring roads for good access to Motorways, employment, schools, shops etc.

Yours sincerely,


Print Name and Address



Letter 2


Planning Policy                                                                                                                  November 2018

B&NES, Lewis House,

Manvers Street,



Dear Sir/Madam,


I live in the Village of Pensford.  This village will be severely affected by the above plan and I object to it.

The proposal to build 1.500-2.500 houses will destroy the Village of Whitchurch and its environs. This figure is disproportionate to other areas giving the feeling of discrimination for our area.  Where is Bath contributing to this housing need or is Bath merely to house students?  Bristol should utilise Brownfield sites such as the now abandoned Arena at Templemeads.

Air pollution already exceeds the National guidelines and will only increase with a further minimum increase of 5000 cars on already congested roads.

The proposed development is to be all on Green Belt land.  Residents at Whitchurch Village were recently asked about the JSP and 98% of respondents wanted the Green Belt retained.  The NPPF at paragraph 14 clearly states that housing targets should not override constraints.  At Whitchurch Village two such constraints are the Green Belt and Flooding.

Even though there is to date no Transport Plane the vaguely proposed  road to Hicksgage/Brislington Road will only attract more cars through Pensford Village  where the A37 is regularly closed due to lorries being unable to pass each and a Park and Ride will also add to the traffic.  Further more this proposed road will be the shortest HGV route to the motorway system from the South Coast attracting more lorries.  Highways Officers have publicly stated that their plans will not improve the traffic situation which would seem then to be a complete waste of public money.  Rather, why would you not build the houses at Hicksgate/Brislington Road.  This site can offer –

Immediate access to Ring Road for easy travel to Motorways, Park and Ride, Rail link for commute to Bristol and Bath for employment, Employment close by, Schools  both senior and junior

Shops/supermarket, Post Office etc, Doctor surgery, Dentist.

This area cannot tick any of the above, demonstrating why this is not a sustainable location.

Yours sincerely,


Print Name and Address



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