About the Parish Council

Publow-with-Pensford is a civil parish within the council of Bath and North East Somerset and within the parliamentary constituency of North East Somerset and Hanham. It comprises the villages of Belluton  Pensford  Publow and Woollard. Pensford stands on the site of the most important Northern Somerset textile market of the 14th and 15th Centuries

Our Parish is administered by Publow with Pensford Parish Council, which has responsibilities for many aspects of life in our villages, such as provision and upkeep of certain local facilities such as footpaths, village greens, allotments, bus shelters, parks, playgrounds, public seats, public toilets, public clocks, litter bins, street lights, the village hall, and various leisure and recreation facilities

The Parish Council works hard for the local community and acts as a channel of local opinion to larger local government bodies. As such we have the right to be consulted on any planning decisions affecting the Parish. We are consulted by our Local Authority on planning applications, highway improvements, parking and many other matters of concern to our local community. Delegated members attend Liaison Meetings with our Local Authority and we also actively participate in various other Local Forums

The Parish Council Notice Board at Woollard Bridge
The Parish Council Notice Board at Woollard Bridge

Our Parish Council has powers to provide community transport (such as a minibus), crime prevention measures (such as CCTV) and to contribute money towards traffic calming schemes. It also has the power to consider giving grants to local voluntary organisations, and to sponsor public events

Publow with Pensford Parish Council provides this website so that everyone in the area can have easy access to local news and matters of interest to our local community

Our Parish Council meets at the Memorial Hall, Pensford on the second Monday of each month in the evening (with the possible exception of August).  Each meeting lasts between 2 and 3 hours. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Prior to the official business of the meeting; Parish residents are welcome to raise any Parish issues.  To arrange a speaking slot, please inform the Parish Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. You will be required to keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, applicants or their agents may verbally present planning applications.

The Parish Councillors represent the entire Parish. They are all volunteers who are elected to serve for four years and receive no remuneration. Only if there are more candidates standing for election than there are seats on the Council will an election be held. Otherwise vacant seats are filled by co-option by the Council. When a vacancy arises for a seat mid-term, an election is only held if a certain number of Parish residents request an election. Otherwise the Parish Council will co-opt someone to be the replacement councillor

The Parish Council Notice Board at the Pensford Miners Welfare Institute
The Parish Council Notice Board at the Pensford Miners Welfare Institute

To raise any matters of concern with the Parish Council, you may:

  • attend any council meeting. You will be invited to speak at the meeting (see above)

Minutes of Parish Council meetings are published on this website and on the Parish Council noticeboards outside Pensford Miners Welfare Institute and at Woollard Bridge

External Links

Publow with Pensford Parish Council is not responsible for the contents of external links

Parish Charter

A formal working relationship exists between Bath & North East Somerset Council and its parish councils.

Follow this link to see how your Parish Council works with Bath and North East Somerset Council and other local parish councils for the benefit of our area

Other Information 

Parish Councils (Wiki)

The Role of Parish Clerks and Parish Councillors (BANES)

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