NP Meeting – 13-05-15


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mr P Tyson, Mrs J Bragg, Mrs J Stephenson.

1) Apologies were received from Sue Grimes and Umang Patel

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. Clarification was made by Members of the Parish Council to the Chairman that the recent Elections and the delayed result would not change anything in relation to the work on the Neighbourhood Plan.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: The minutes of Wednesday 22nd April 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct and true record.

4) Matters Arising: Alan Ford had been in contact with Cleo Newcombe-Jones in relation to display boards and also informed her that a grant application would be submitted after the Parish Council Elections.

5) Feedback from Meetings: The Parish Council continue to fully support the Neighbourhood Plan. Representatives from the Neighbourhood Planning Committee will attend the Parish Council meeting on Monday 18th May 2015.

6) Items for Discussion:

Open Meetings: Format & Organisation:
Publicity: The Publicity Letter had been delivered to the Post Office by Simon King. Payment of £40.00 had been made for the delivery. The letters would be delivered within the next couple of days but prior to the Open Meetings.
Content & Presentation: Photos for each category were agreed. Colours were agreed. Post its were obtained.
A copy of the Parish Map will be enlarged and displayed. A copy of the Conservation Area Maps of Pensford & Woollard will be enlarged and displayed.
Visuals: Colin Taylor was hoping for an Artist impression to be drawn of the Triangle & Lock Up Area.
Phil Tyson’s displays of Pensford Life in the Past were all in hand.
Topic Sheets were discussed. The Housing Content will be e.mailed to Janette to amend and return. The Parish Life will include a “Suggestions Area.”
It was agreed that there should be a Final Board with wording in relation to “Thank you for attending, are you interested in helping?
A further sheet will be put out for names and addresses of attendees.
Rota Arrangements: As per April 22nd Minutes.
Refreshments: Alan Ford to source.
Stationery: Julie Bragg to source.
Display Boards: Chris James to ask about the display boards in the Church Room and the possibility of borrowing them. Boards will be dropped off at the Memorial Hall on the Friday morning at 10am for opening at 2pm.
It was agreed that a meeting should be held soon after the Open Meetings as possible for feedback and analysis. It was agreed the meeting should be Wednesday 3rd June 2015.
Pre-Sifting of the Post It notes from the Open Meetings will be carried out by Neighbourhood Planning Committee members.
A summary from the Open Meetings will into the June Parish Magazine.
Questionnaire to go out possibly in September after the Summer Break.

Grant Application and Budget: The Grant application will be made after the Election. The Budget may need updating. The first main grant will be for the smaller items. Offers of help to produce the Grant Application were made by Phil Tyson.

Terms of Reference: A version was issued last month. Alan Ford will e.mail the latest version to all. This can then be taken to the Parish Council to be signed off.

7. Any Other Business: There was no Other Business.

8. Date and Venue for Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd June 7.30p.m. at The Church Room, Church Street.

Availability: Rota Arrangements:
Alan Ford – Available on Both Days – All Day
Janette Stephenson – Available on Friday Only All Day
Phil Tyson – Available to Set Up Only.
Julie Bragg – Available on Saturday Only All Day
Simon King – Available to Set Up on Friday then 5pm onwards on Friday and all day Saturday.
Colin Taylor – Available Friday All Day.
Sue Grimes – Possibly Saturday (although just back from Holiday).
Chris James – To be asked.

Terms of reference: These had been produced by Alan and will be taken forward to next meeting of the Parish Council.

7) Any Other Business: Simon had been around the village and taken photos representing the Village. All were circulated and agreed that they represented the Village well.

8. Venue of next meeting: The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th May 2015 at the Church Room.

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