Minutes – 6 May 2024

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Held on Monday 6th May 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 31 Members of Public.
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Village Meeting Minutes 2023

The Parish Council notice board outside Pensford Post Office


Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs T Jones, Mr P Baxter, C Dinsdale, Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Grimes, Dr L Malt. Also Present Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 members of the public.

a) Chairmans Report:

The Chairman thanked the members of public who regularly attend Parish Council meetings and said that it was good to see their contribution to the Public Participation section at the start of the meetings.

She expressed thanks to the three guardians of the defibrillators who check the equipment on a weekly basis to ensure that it is operational if needed in a medical emergency.

She thanked the volunteers who help to keep the parish clear of litter, in particular Mike Daniels & Simon King for emptying the litter bins.

The Parish Council have been consulted on a large number of planning applications; she said that the Parish Council appreciate the contributions from residents which help inform our decisions.

The fingerposts have now all been renovated, and she thanked all involved in the project.

The Chairman thanked Mark McMullen for keeping the footpaths clear around the Parish.

Finally the Chairman thanked all the councillors for their time and energy and thanked the Clerk for her work.

b) Financial Report:

The Clerk gave a summary of the current finances of the Parish Council as at 31st March 2023.

c) Report from the Ward Councillor:

The Ward Councillor sent his apologies as he was unable to attend.

d) Items of Interest from Residents:

A resident asked why there were no village events in Pensford. There seemed to be a lack of community spirit and there appears to be more going on in other villages.

Meeting Closed at 7.27pm

Minutes – April 2024




Held on Monday 8th April 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.
Continue reading “Minutes – April 2024”

Minutes – March 2024

Notice Board Wooll


Held on Monday 11th March 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, Ms C Dinsdale, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.  Continue reading “Minutes – March 2024”

Parish Council Minutes – 12th February 2024

Notice Board Wooll


Held on Monday 12th February 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A Resident asked the PC to report running water on Birchwood Lane.

47.1. Mr P Baxter, Ms C Dinsdale, Mrs J Gully

47.2. Declarations of Interest: None

47.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2024 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

47.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:
i) 24/00151/VAR: Gospel Hall High Street, Pensford. Variation of condition 8 (Plans List) of application 22/04725/FUL (Proposed conversion and extension to create a dwelling). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the variation.

b) Decision Notification:
i) 23/04030/FUL, The Teasel Barn, Stanton Road, Pensford. Demolition of existing detached single storey garage to be replaced with a two storey, two bedroom detached dwelling (annex). REFUSE
ii) 23/04536/FUL: Greenmeadow, Woollard Lane, Publow. Conversion of garage raising of roof and extension behind. PERMIT.
iii) 23/00549/FUL. Land Adjacent To Meadow Barn, Wick Lane, Pensford: Creation of a vehicular access onto an agricultural field with the erection of gates and fencing. PERMIT
iv) 23/04465/FUL: 6 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of first floor extension and alterations. REFUSE.

47.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council resolved to defer the discussion regarding new financial regulations until NALC produce their new model Financial Regulation, expected in March.
b) The Parish Council resolved to appoint Unity Bank as their new Bank subject to the adoption of new financial regulations which will allow the use of online banking.
c) IT was reported that the Parish Council had not received a response to numerous letters requesting a refund from the contractor which has failed to install the ANPR cameras. The Clerk was instructed to seek legal advice from NALC regarding the retrieval of funds.
d) The Parish Council discussed the Local Plan consultations, The chair would attend the drop-in session at Whitchurch and the councillors would look into the proposed plan and discuss again next month. It was noted that officers had said that Pensford was a sustainable location.
e) The Parish Council agreed that the dog bin at Old Road should be removed as it is repeatedly being used for household rubbish and very few dog walkers pass the location.
f) The Parish Council discussed the creation of a Parish Nature Action Plan. The Parish Nature Group would be asked whether they want to take it forward.
g) The Parish Council approved expenditure to replace the gate post on the allotments. Of the two quotes that had been received Quote A was preferred and would be accepted on the 19th February unless the third quote was received and was preferable.
h) The Parish Council reviewed the proposal to introduce a speed limit of 30 mph on the B3130 through the narrows. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT and ask for 20mph as they had to protect pedestrians walking though the narrows.
i) The Parish Council resolved to accept the offer from the Somerset District Miners Welfare Society and request the two metal miners are installed, by the boundary stones at each end of Pensford. If only one miner is offered, then the preferred site would be at the Chelwood end of the village.

47.6. Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted
b) February payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – footpaths
Amount £85.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson (45.5j) – Salary
Amount £882.18
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Number One Electrical – reimburse Layla Malt
Amount £86.40
VAT £14.40
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense Pensford Memorial Hall, reissue lost cheque
Amount £1006.93
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Titan Internet – reimburse H Richardson
Amount £240
VAT £40
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense H Richardson Reimburse(Stamps & Special del)
Amount £27.35
VAT £-
Recover N/A

47.7. B&NES Ward Councillor confirmed that Council tax would be raised by 4.99 percent. An extra £5 million had been provided for Children’s services. There would be a review of the voluntary sector as opposed to the feared cut of £1.1 million. Following the fundraising for the clock on the church tower, the church have approved the works to commence.

47.8. Reports

a) PCAA: The Parish Council asked the Clerk to write to Paul May to ask him to object to the removal of greenbelt from the NSC local plan to 2039.
b) Allotments: There are a few vacant plots to be advertised, The Parish Council agreed to give one plot to the school foc, Rent increase would be discussed next month.
c) Parish Council Working Group – No meeting this month
d) War memorial – Local stone mason not interested and so Chair had contacted the War Memorial Trust. A resident had made some enquiries and found some other names that could be added, but more investigations were needed. War Memorial was originally unveiled in July 1925 and would be good to honour the Centenary.
e) Flood Representatives: the volunteer position had been advertised to residents and no-one had come forward,.
f) Clerks Report – circulated. The clerk would get some quotes for fly-tipping signs
g) Chairmans report- circulated. The Chairman had been in discussions with the Community Trust and would submit an application to part fund two defibrillators & blood packs. The Parish Council would also write to other community organisations/business for donations.

47.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Allotment rent, Gate (Confirm accepted quote) ANPR Update, Financial Regs, Local Plan, Parish Nature Action Plan

47.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison –28th Feb, 19th June, 18th September 2024
Chew Valley Forum – early 2024
ALCA Meeting 23 Jan, 11th June.

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 11th March 2024 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 20.36 pm

Parish Council Minutes – 8th January 2024

Notice Board Wooll


Held on Monday 8th January 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter(Chairman), Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones, Ms C Dinsdale Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident requested an update on the ‘metal miners’ The Clerk would chase a response from the Miners Welfare to see if they would like to be involved. Continue reading “Parish Council Minutes – 8th January 2024”

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