Terms of Reference Climate Emergency

Publow with Pensford Parish Council

Climate Emergency Working Group
Terms of Reference (Approved 9th March 2020)

In order to take forward the Parish Council’s Decision to recognise the existence of a Climate Emergency, the Working Group is asked to:

• Work with local residents, community organisations, businesses, B&NES Council, other parish councils, neighbouring authorities and organisations to establish specific local initiatives that will contribute to achieving the area wide objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

• Attend meetings, forums and training days on behalf of the Parish Council to gather information and advice from partner organisations.

• Call for experts or interested community members to input into and support the working party;

• Draft an Action Plan and create targets to help deliver carbon neutrality by 2030

• Hold a parishioners’ meeting to share information and generate ideas.

• Report back to this Parish Council on September 14th

The Working Group has not been given any delegated powers, and so will need to refer back to the Parish Council for all decisions that requires any expenditure.

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