Publow with Pensford Parish Council Extra Ordinary meeting.
Held at Publow Memorial Hall at 19:45 on 21st March 2018
Councillors S. Grimes, T. Heaford, J Kelly, D. Custance, P. Baxter, T. Jones, S. Filer.
Apologies were received from councillors J. Stephenson, J. Gully, Mr. T Jones, M Daniels and were formally accepted
There were 6 members of the public present.
Locum Clerk: Deborah White
The Vice Chairman T. Heaford acted as Chairman
There were no items on the agenda that would require those councillors present to declare Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Item 1 To agree the minutes of the Full Council meeting of 8th January 2018
It was proposed that the minutes of the meeting of the 8th January 2018 should be approved as a correct record of the meeting
Proposer T Heaford
Seconded by J. Kelly
An amendment to Item 7 b) of the minutes was proposed by P. Baxter to include the agreement for him to draw up, free of charge, plans for the allotment site to be taken to public consultation and that the council be bound by the preference expressed by the public.
How this differed from the original minutes, except from the level of detail was discussed.
It was RESOLVED to accept the original proposal to accept the minutes of the meeting on 8th January 2018 as a correct record of the meeting.
Item 2 To agree the minutes of the Full Council meeting of 12th February 2018
It was proposed that the minutes of the meeting of the 12th February 2018 should be approved as a correct record of the meeting
Proposer T Heaford
Seconded by J. Kelly
P. Baxter objected to the proposal because he was unhappy about how his proposal for the allotment site in the January 2018 was recorded in the minutes and how planning applications were handled in general, particularly with regard to pre-meeting discussions with the applicant.
The handling of planning applications in general was discussed.
It was RESOLVED to accept the original proposal to accept the minutes of the meeting on 12th February 2018 as a correct record of the meeting.
The meeting closed at 20:28