Held on Monday 13th March 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford
Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Grimes (Part), Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Stephenson (chairman), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Members of Public.
37.1. Apologies: Dr L Malt, Mr M Daniels
37.2. Declarations of Interest: None
37.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th February 2023 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.
37.4. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
i) 23/00572/FUL: Southleigh Farm. Birchwood Lane, Publow. Erection of two storey side extension. Internal reconfiguration of ground floor and first floor layouts following demolition of existing garage and store
The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 22/04635/FUL: Greenfields, Blackrock Lane, Publow. Erection of dwelling and detached home office including demolition of detached barn (Resubmission). The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the proposal as the new dwelling is too far from the footprint of the existing detached barn, and the design of the new dwelling is not sympathetic to the rural surroundings.
b) Decision Notification: None
37.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council resolved to Co-opt Steve Grimes onto the Parish Council. The other candidate was urged to submit nomination papers for the election in May.
Steve Grimes joined the meeting.
b) The Parish Council resolved expenditure of £358 (plus VAT) to purchase 100 commemorative mugs for the Kings Coronation to be given to children over the Coronation Weekend. £350 was also approved to purchase beef for a spit roast for a community barbeque on Saturday 6th May. £292 from the ‘Coronation Budget’ was still unallocated and the Parish Council would be happy to consider grant requests from community groups planning events to help the community celebrate the Coronation together.
c) The Parish Council resolved to approved expenditure or £1200 from CIL Funds for an additional ANPR camera once a third host is confirmed.
d) The Parish council considered a grant request from the Pensford Clock Tower Project towards the repair of the Clockface on the Church Tower. The Clerk was asked to find out if the Parish Council could legally contribute financially to the Churches Conservation Trust for the maintenance of the building. The Clerk informed the Council that they could contribute towards an event for the community and so it would be suggested that the Pensford Clock Tower Project submit another grant request to support an event they are holding.
e) No information has been supplied regarding the cost of Bin Bags and so the decision to approve expenditure for Bin Bags was postponed.
f) The Parish Council agreed to request a further section of Double Yellow Lines on Publow Lane to create a passing place when cars are parked along Publow Lane for an event at the Village Hall / playing fields.
g) The Parish Council considered a proposal to purchase a large marquee to be available for use by community groups. A more detailed proposal would be put together.
h) The date of the April meeting would be moved to 17th April (Due to Easter Monday on 10th April)
37.6. Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report was accepted.
b) March payments were approved, but the BWCE payment would be held until the Parish Council receives confirmation that grant monies had been received.
Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer (February)
Amount £85
Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (March)
Amount £785.31
Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson Reimburse Zoom
Amount £4.8
Purpose for Expense HMRC PAYE
Amount £709.70
Purpose for Expense Bath& West Community Energy – Energy Audit
Amount £1845
VAT £307.50
Recover Y
37.7. B&NES: No report
37.8. Reports
a) Emptying Dog Bins. The Hillcrest bin has been emptied.
b) Allotment Trees. The Clerk has received a report from another contractor who has assessed the tree and said no immediate concern but would like to look again in May when the tree is in leaf.
c) Emergency Plan – No update
d) Table Tennis Table: PB would lay a concrete base for the legs of the Table Tennis Table, and so need accurate dimensions. A grass mat would be purchased from a local DIY store, and enquiries would be made to obtain the use of a telehandler to assist with delivery. The benches would be considered alongside other proposals for CIL funds.
e) Capital Expenditure / off street parking – no update
f) Housing & Roads Campaign meeting – an update was given
g) Police report – Circulated. An officer would attend the June Meeting.
h) Clerks Report – circulated
i) The Chairman- Nothing to add
37.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None
37.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison – Wednesday 15 March 2023, Wednesday 19 July 2023, Wednesday 18 October 2023
The meeting closed at 9.19pm