Present: Chairman: Mr C James Vice-Chairman: Mr Charlie Bishop
Colin Taylor, Amber Daniels, Janette Stephenson, Lydia Robinson, Charles Wookey, Sue Grimes, Caroline Batten, Meg Thomas, Fi Farquhar. Clerk: Julie Bragg

1) Apologies for Absence were received from Chris Reddy, Jo Drury & Cleo Newcombe-Jones.

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Chairman welcomed new member Fi Farquhar from Station Approach to the meeting and relevant introductions ensued.

3) Minutes of Wednesday 7th October 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising: DPI’s – Direct Pecuniary Interests. Janette Stephenson had attended a lengthy meeting regarding this. Julie has all necessary paperwork and will arrange for it to be signed in due course.

5) Items for Discussion:

Questionnaire: Distribution/Collection: Chairman gave thanks to everyone involved in delivery the questionnaires, putting up posters, talking to members of the Parish to give encouragement to complete a questionnaire.
A total of 480 Questionnaires went out. 206 were returned which gave a return rate of 42% which was very pleasing. Comparisons were Stanton Drew 38%, Stowey Sutton 27.7%, Chew Valley 29.5% and Limpley Stoke 57%
80 Comment Sheets had been returned. These were typed up by Chris Reddy and produced 13 pages of further comments. Although absent from the meeting thanks were
extended to Chris for his help with this.

Prize Draw: 180 Questionnaires had been returned in time for the prize draw. Lydia, Chris and Charlie held the draw at the Rising Sun and winners were drawn by patrons of the pub. Prizes of the gift vouchers were distributed and everyone who won were very pleased with their vouchers. One person suggested that theirs should be donated to charity. A second person had spent their vouchers at the Rising Sun and third was known to have spent their vouchers with Dustin Time.

Directory of Local Businesses: This is still work in progress.

Analysis: Prior to the showing of the analysis completed Neighbourhood Plans were passed around these included Clutton, Freshford & Stowey Sutton. Chairman suggested that everyone looks up the completed plans online to gather ways in which we can possibly use these as templates for ours.
Charlie then displayed the results. Thanks were given to those involved in the inputting of all the results from the questionnaires.
The Analysis of the Questionnaires was shown in a large spreadsheet with block graphs. Charlie will circulate the results to everyone by email. Discussions on how to consult further
were undertaken. It was suggested Open Meetings should be held. The results need to be published in summary along with the comments.
Chairman suggested an Open Day as we have held before or a Public Meeting or both?
It was also suggested that specific groups should be formed and looked at in more details. I.e. Housing, Environment, Traffic & Transport, Business and Technology. Members of the Group should let Chairman know which group they are interested in joining.

Next Steps: Once further consultations have happened the final Plan can be drawn up. This is then looked at by the Local Authority, the Inspector who is appointed by the Local Authority. This could possibly be completed by Autumn 2016. A referendum will need to take place once the Plan is agreed. Chairman asked that by the next meeting a way forward will have to be agreed. All in attendance were happy with the Topic Groups. The month of March was suggested as a possible date for consultation. Everyone was asked to look at how to publish the information we have.
Chairman had a booklet about Neighbourhood Planning and read out a page regarding common mistakes made.

Grant Application: A further grant of £1,480.00 will be applied for. This will run to the end of March 2016. Chairman reminded everyone that legitimate expenses can be claimed i.e. printing, paper etc. Invoices should be given to the Clerk.

6. Fingerposts: Lydia reported that she is looking into raising money to restore the cast iron fingerposts in the Parish starting with the one at the junction of the High Street and the A37. Permission has been granted by B&NES. Local fundraising may be required. It was suggested maybe that control over the signs in the village could be put into the Plan.

7. Any other Business: There was no other business.

8. Date and Venue for next meeting: Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Hall. It was suggested that we have mince pies and wine.

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