Present: Chairman: Mr C James, Mr C Wookey, Mr C Bishop, Mrs J Drury, Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs S Grimes, Miss C Batten & Mrs J Bragg.
1) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr C Taylor, Julie O’Rourke, Mr P Tyson, Mrs Meg Thomas.
2) Chairman’s Remarks: All were welcomed to the meeting and thanks were extended to Jo for her hospitality at the Pub and nibbles provided. Chairman was pleased to report that we have produced a Draft Plan ready for distribution, subject to any amendments considered necessary at the meeting.
3) Minutes of the previous Meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th May 2016 after being circulated and read were signed and agreed as a true record.
4) Matters Arising: There were none.
5) Items for Discussion:
To finalise the distribution to residents of the Draft Plan: It was agreed that a copy of the Draft Plan without appendices would be hand delivered to all parishioners. CJ & CVB had filled all of the envelopes ready for distribution. Spare would be delivered to the Post Office. Anyone wishing to comment could return their comment sheet to the Post Office. Anonymous comments cannot be included they must include a name.
Three folders had been put together with extra comment sheets. These would be placed in 1) The Rising Sun 2) the Post Office 3) The Miners Café.
The front of the envelope has the bullet point directions of the procedure.
Julie O’Rourke advised holding a short Public Meeting and it was agreed that prior to the next Parish Council Meeting on the 11th July 2016 the Public Meeting would take place from 6.45 pm – 7.15 pm. Both Sue Grimes & Janette Stephenson gave their apologies.
Printing: Thanks were extended to Simon King for the printing and presentation which has been excellent throughout the process. Compliments given to Charlie for helping put together the Draft Plan Documents.
Parish Council: Hard copies of the Draft Plan had been delivered to Members of the Parish Council no comments had been received. A copy of the Draft Plan will be put on the Web Site.
It was agreed that a small comment would be placed on Pensford News Facebook Page to raise awareness of the imminent delivery of the Draft Plan.
Collection of Comment Sheets will be undertaken by Charlie Bishop. It was agreed that the format of typing up a comment would be headed Name, Summary, Action:
Date for Distribution: It was agreed would be from 23rd June – 1st July 2016.
Discuss the next Stage in the Process:
A meeting will be held to discuss the comments. The comments will be separated into each Topic Group they relate to. If there are a lot of comments received then an earlier meeting than October would be called. However if not it was agreed an October meeting would be fine.
6) Any Other Business: None.
7) Date and Venue for next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th October at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Hall.