Parish Council Minutes – 17th October 2016


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford.
Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May, Mr P Baxter.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were five members of the public present.

Police Update: A Crime Update for Publow with Pensford Parish Council 1/10/2016 – 16/10/2016 had been prepared by PCSO Martyn Bragg. The update reported Theft from Motor Vehicles, Criminal Damage. High Visibility Patrols and an event called Sheducation to be held at Pensford Memorial Hall on 5th November 2016. Clerk circulated a copy to all and the Chairman read it out. A copy will go onto the Web Site.

1. Members of the Public:

Member of the Public Jane Flower objected to the extract from the minutes of the meeting of 8th August contained in the October issue of the Parish Magazine on the grounds that it was critical of the residents of Church Street. In particular she felt that it identified and was critical of the councillor who lives in Church Street and thought that his statement that it would “enhance the value of houses in Church Street” was taken out of context. She also saw no reason to include other Pensford Residents in making the final decision about the resurfacing of Church Street.

Parish Sweeper: A member of the public was told this is being looked into.
Thanks were noted to those Residents who do Litter Pick regularly around the area in which they live and also to Jenny Gully for regularly cleaning around the War Memorial and the Bus Stop.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from S Grimes.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 12th September 2016 as a true and fair record: These were signed as a true and fair record.

To sign amended Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th August 2016: The amended minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Joint Spatial Plan: The JSP is a Development Plan prepared by the four unitary authorities and consultation starts on
7th November 2016. Pensford remains a Parish brushed over by green belt. Although proposals within the JSP are for Whitchurch it is felt that they many encroach on other neighbouring Parishes. Whitchurch Parish Council have asked if Pensford would like to join Whitchurch in looking at the proposed options of the JSP. It was agreed Pensford would like to be involved in further discussions.

Devolution: A decision has been deferred to November. A survey undertaken showed a small number in favour.

Budgets: A further 5 million in cuts needed with proposals being looked into.

Main A37: Cllr May continues to push for change on this subject.
Flashing Road Signs for Old Road: Cllr May is trying to seek resolution to this and the cost of the signs.

Jazz Evening: Cllr May tried to obtain help with funding for this future event but was unfortunately unable to.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench Update: The Bench progresses. The Plaque is in hand. The wall behind the Lock Up needs some attention.
It is hoped to hold a Jazz evening in the New Year.

b) Lock Up: Funding for the repairs is being looked into.

c) Tennis Club: The Tennis Club & the LTA have made enquiries as to the contractors whereabouts. The Contractor is not replying to letters or e-mails. The last known address was visited but the house was deserted. What further action to take will be decided at next months AGM. Obtaining 3 quotes for resurfacing is proving difficult. Many contractors are saying it is not cost effective if they are outside the area to travel to Pensford as resurfacing work requires a lot of labour. A Race Night will be held on Saturday 12th November in Pensford Memorial Hall starting at 7:30 pm.

d) Fingerposts: The donation has been received from the Community Trust. Restoration will start soon. There will be another fundraiser to be held at The Grange on 4th December 6pm – 8pm. Tickets will be £10.00. An invoice from Cedric Foundaries had been received for works to two Fingers at a cost of £768.00 incl VAT. Clerk to arrange Payment

e) Accounts: The Annual Return had been signed off by Grant Thornton. A copy of it will be put on the Web Site. All in order.

f) Stanton Road Pensford Closure Update: The six month project on the Bank Stabilisation works commenced 17th October 2016. A number of trees beside the carriageway are unstable due to the ground conditions and will be removed before netting is anchored to the slope. Vegetation will then be able to grow up through the netting naturally and help bind the earth.
There will be a 2 week opening during the Christmas Holiday period. Many country lanes are taking the strain of the diversions.

h) Remembrance Sunday: All in hand. Clerk to collect the Poppy Wreath from the British Legion. Chairman will lay the Poppy Wreath on the War Memorial. Chairman will speak with the Headmaster at the Primary School to encourage the children to get involved with the service.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: To sign off Final Neighbourhood Plan: All members of the Parish Council had received the Submission Copy of the Neighbourhood Plan. One comment made referred to the Action Policy 6 stating that the Neighbourhood Plan supports the provision of energy efficient street lighting in residential areas i.e. Church Street. The PC were reminded that there are a species of Light Sensitive Bats which live in the Church Tower and are an endangered species. This comment had been submitted via Residents Comments and the Draft Plan Policy wording had been amended accordingly. A further discussion took place on the process of identifying Housing Land.
Cllr May further reported that New Legislation could change elements of the Neighbourhood Plan and there may be a provision added that it can be amended. The Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan has been re-written twice. A vote was undertaken to sign off the Final Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan. The result was in favour with 8 votes to 1 against.
Discuss Pollution monitoring. Pollution: It was suggested contact is made with BANES Health & Safety Department to find out when the last Pollution Survey was undertaken and maybe ask them to help with the undertaking of a new one. Cllr May reported that the Environmental Health department had recently met with Whitchurch Parish Council. Clerk to make contact with the Clerk at Whitchurch for further direction.

b) Village Litter Pick Date: The Litter Pick had been arranged for Sunday 6th November at 10am, BANES will provide the Litter Picks, Gloves and bags. An advert has gone into the Parish Magazine. Notices will be put up. The Memorial Hall Committee have been notified.
Fly Tipping was recently reported to Council Connect and they were quick to respond.

c) Concerns regarding Parking at Hillcrest & Station Approach: Inconsiderate parking recently has resulted in residents finding it hard to access Station Approach. A suggestion was made to put up a sign.

d) Police Lane: Concerns were raised regarding a new stone wall which has been built at a property in Police Lane. The lane is narrow and dark and the wall could potentially be a hazard.

e) Memorial Hall Play Area: The Memorial Hall Committee will be undertaking a survey asking Residents of the Parish what improvement and equipment they would like to see at the Play Area.

f) Defibrillator Refresher: Refresher courses have been looked into. Mr Setter would provide a refresher free of charge. St Johns Ambulance would provide a refresher at a cost of £77 + VAT for an hour or £90 +VAT for 2 hours. It was agreed to proceed with Mr Setter in the New year.
The defibrillator outside the Post Office has now been refurbished.

g) Old Road: The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group had written to the Parish Council raising concerns about speeding along Old Road following an accident outside of the Gospel Hall in the High Street. Traffic calming measures were discussed along with speed bumps, chicanes. A further suggestion of gates on either side of the road at one point gives the impression of the road narrowing and slows the traffic. The 20mph signs are awaited.
On discussion it was suggested that a follow up meeting should be arranged with Stefan Chiffers to discuss Old Road on site and also Church Street – Yellow Lines and Parking by the Post Office.

8. Reports:

a) BANES ALCA AGM: No update given.

b) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: The Chairman attended this meeting. The Police were in attendance and gave an update. ASB had imprived apart from Bishop Sutton but this was beginning to improve.
From Autumn 2017 the Council are proposing 2 weekly rubbish collections. A 240L Wheelie Bin or Gull Proof Sacks will be provided. Recycling will continue as norman. Cllr May has so far resisted this proposal of 2 weekly collections. It was suggested to contact the Local Authority if not in favour of this proposal and raise personal concerns. Contact should be made with
Cllr M. Veale.
Public Libraries: A discussion took place on whether Mobile Libraries are still needed. A survey will be carried out.
Chew Valley Childrens Centre: The Local Authority are looking into the current useage of the Centre and how it may be improved.
The next meeting takes place on 29th November 2016.

c) Clerks Progress & Footpaths Report: Overhanging Vegetation: Has been reported to Council Connect. Overhanging Vegetation is a problem on Pensford Hill the pavement coming down from the corner of Parsonage Lane and down the hill. Also the pavement in Church Street from Rising Sun up to the Post Office has a lot of overhanging brambles. Both await a reply/decision from BANES.
Fly Tipping: Fly Tipping in the Layby at the bottom of Hursley Hill was reported to Council Connect. An old wardrobe and other items had been dumped there.
Bus Stop and surrounding area: A member of the Public from Belluton has complained about the amount of rubbish left in the Bus Stop at the top of Pensford Hill and surrounding the Bus Stop in the layby. Clerk has reported this to Council Connect and requested a litter pick.
Snack Van Signs: No update from Enforcement regarding the Snack Signs at the side of
the road on Hursley Hill.
Break Ins/Incidents: There have been a few incidents in the Parish which have been reported to the Police recently. Publow Lane – The time of the incident is unknown, but someone had tried to get access to a shed and also had tried to open a secure key safe.
Station Approach: Between 5pm on Sunday October the 2nd and 9.45am the following morning, unknown person(s) have drilled the lock on the drivers door to gain entry to a motor vehicle parked on Station Approach, Pensford. The vehicle was searched but nothing appears to have been stolen.
The same week a shed at one property was disturbed but nothing taken and at another the shed was forced and 2 bikes taken.
There has also been reports about parked vehicles in Station Approach having their tyres damaged. This has been reported to the Police. Cllr Sue Grimes has twice had difficulty getting through the parked cars. The cars are mostly owned by people who live on Pensford Hill who have nowhere else to park.
Break In: Somebody broke in through open window of summer house, although it was
unlocked and Stole a DVD player.
Wall by Lock Up: Ownership still not identified. The Owner of the Wall is not Popham Cottage.
Hill House Retaining Wall: To update everyone the Structural Engineer’s has written a report regarding the condition of the wall.
Investigatory drilling be undertaken into the wall and ground behind to ascertain the thickness and construction of the wall and the makeup of the ground behind.
Then three possible further actions to ensure the continued safety of the wall.
1. Insert metal tie rods anchored into the ground behind the wall.
2. Use concrete anchors similar to above.
3. Take down the wall and rebuild.
A partial closure of the road will be needed for the undertaking of the investigative drilling.
Truespeed: Mr E Weinburg has been invited to a future Parish Council Meeting, however Clerk has had no reply back to date.

d) Being a Good Councillor Course: Tracey Jones & Dawn Custance attended this course. Clerk to obtain updated Being a Good Councillor guides.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted and discussed by Sub-Committee:

16/04541/TCA 1 Orchardleigh New Road Pensford. 3 x conifer Remove. PC Support.
16/04545/FUL Mr M McMullen Sherwood Publow Lane Woollard. Erection of single storey rear extension. PC Support.
16/04778/FUL Mr B Toase Viaduct House Culvery Lane Pensford. Widening of existing access following the replacement of existing single hinged field gate with a double hinged gate. PC Support.

Applications to Discuss:

16/04933/FUL Mr & Mrs Timson 60 Hillcrest Pensford. Single storey rear and side extension and front porch. Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/04585/FUL Mr M Ford Publow Passion Alpacas Priestdown Lane Publow. Construction of garage/agricultural machine building. PERMIT
16/03934/ADCOU J & R Padfield Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and for associated operation development. APPROVE
16/01736/FUL Mr & Mrs Rodgers Police House Police Lane Pensford. Erection of single storey two bedroom attached annexe. WITHDRAWN

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 plus Hours in respect of Jan,Feb, March, April,May,June & October Neighbourhood Plan 1103.72
Underwood Lamb Internal Audit 2015/2016 240.00
Grant Thornton External Audit 2015/16 180.00
Cedric Foundries 2 Fingers on Fingerpost (1) 768.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 25.30
Rising Sun Re-imbursement for Neighbourhood Plan Vouchers 35.00
ALCA Training Being a Good Councillor – T Jones 60.00
ALCA Training Being a Good Councillor – D Custance 60.00
C James Neighbourhood Planning Stationery 29.74
C Bishop Neighbourhood Planning Costs 45.90
C Reddy Neighbourhood Planning Costs – Paper/ink 33.13
KC Printing Submission Version of Neighbourhood Plan 36.40

Receipts to note:

BANES 2nd Part Precept 5610.00
BANES Parish Grant 275.00
Memorial Hall Donation to Toilet Repairs 2460.00
PPSCT Donation to Fingerposts Refurbishment 1500.00
Fingerpost Postcard Sales 7.50

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
Wi-Fi for the Hall: Mr Filer will look further into this.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 14th November 2016 AT 7.15 pm


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