Present: Chairman: Mr C James Vice-Chairman: Mr Charlie Bishop
Janette Stephenson, Mr P Tyson, Mr Colin Taylor, Lydia Robinson, Amber Daniels, Sue Grimes, Meg Thomas, Caroline Batten. Clerk: Julie Bragg
1) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr C Wookey, Susan Aires, Cleo Newcombe-Jones, Mr C Reddy, Jo Drury.
2) Chairman’s Remarks: Welcomed all to the meeting.
3) Minutes of Wednesday 29th July after being circulated and read were altered to include Janette Stephenson as being present and then signed as a correct record.
4) Matters Arising: Charlie Bishop had spoken with CNJ regarding fraudulent responses. The advice given was to carry on as per agreed by the group with a questionnaire going to each household. If required extra copies can be obtained and completed individually.
A37 Traffic Info: All information has been given to Paul May who will pass to Kelvin Packer. A meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Sub Group had taken place and it was decided to leave in all questions regarding the A37 as they formed a large part of the notes from the open meetings.
5) Items for Discussion:
Questionnaire: Now on Version 10 Chairman thanked all whom had an input into the Questionnaire. Chairman proposed that we all agree the content and format of the V10 Questionnaire. Lydia Robinson to proof read final copy.
Covering Letter needs finalising. Chairman to action.
Presentation/Format: Q12 – no room at present to put how many in each household. Extra boxes required.
Q2 Local Businesses. It was agreed Q2d should be changed to “Support the supply of local products to local shops and markets.
All agreed to the separate Sheet for Comments. Comments can be anonymous.
Room to add name and address if you would like to volunteer to help.
Maps: Lydia to work on the Maps. There will be the Parish Map and the Housing Development Boundary. There will also be an explanation of the Maps.
At this point of the meeting the majority attending agreed with the Presentation and Format of the Questionnaire.
Distribution/Collection: Everything will be put into an A4 Envelope for distribution. Including the Covering Letter, Questionnaire and Maps. Information will also be printed on the front of the Envelope.
Chairman passed around an example of suggested wording for the Covering Information.
It was agreed that all members of the Neighbourhood Planning Group would help with the distribution. There are just under 500 households in the Parish including Woollard.
Distribution Dates: Suggested 10th & 11th October for distribution of questionnaires.
Two dates were suggested for return. Those who wish to be added to the prize draw have a return date of two weeks. I.e. Saturday 24th October. Then the 2nd deadline of 31st October for those who do not wish to be in the prize draw.
Suggested to have a list of Neighbourhood Planning Members whose address can be used to return the questionnaire to. Maybe also the Post Office.
Printing: All printing has to be with KC Printing by the middle of September for printing.
Lydia to liaise with Julie/Charlie if more information needed.
Colours will be kept to the Black & Red with the Logo.
Questionnaire Incentives: All agreed the idea of a £25 voucher which will be re-deemable at a local business. Amber volunteered to collate the information on interested local businesses, but needs input from all in the group. All were asked to let Amber have details of any local businesses and indicate if or not they have been asked if they are willing to participate. Details to be emailed to Amber at amdam@hotmail.co.uk
Publicity: More publicity is needed. Chairman will be sending information to the Chew Valley Gazette and the Parish Magazine. In addition laminated posters will be produced and 3 more banners will be ordered.
7. Date and Venue for next meeting: The next meeting will take place on the 30th September at 7.30 pm and thanks to Meg’s kind invitation will be at The Grange, Belluton. It will be a very practical (envelope stuffing) evening, made more convivial by a glass of wine or two by way of celebration.
Colin Taylor gave his apologies.
To close the meeting the Chairman asked everyone to think about the areas which they can help with distribution of the questionnaire. A discussion took part on how many questionnaires to have printed. It was agreed by a majority vote that it should be 750 printed giving enough for extra copies if required.
Chairman will sort Magazine Articles and letter and show to Charlie Bishop and Janette Stephenson. A final copy of the letter and the Questionnaire will be sent to Cleo Newcombe-Jones at B&NES Council.