Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 4th March 2015


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Tyson, Mrs J Bragg, Mr G Tattersall

1) Apologies were received from James Cogan & Janette Stephenson

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr Tattersall was welcomed to the meeting and thanked for joining us.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings:

a) The minutes of Wednesday 4th February 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct and true record.

4) Matters Arising:

Draft Minutes:

Logo: Chairman had attended the Primary School assembly. Curriculum time will be offered to Pupils to create a Logo. This will take place after the Easter Holiday.

Financial Officer: The Parish Councils’ Responsible Financial Officer is happy to take up the Position as Financial Officer for the Neighbourhood Planning Grant Monies if awarded.

Script: Mrs Grimes had trialled the “script” produced by the Chairman. A presentation had been made to the Tennis Club.

5) Feedback from the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015:

The Parish Council were brought up to date by Mrs Grimes. A trial questionnaire had been completed by one member of the Parish Council. The details will be put into the data by Alan Ford. Dates of the Drop In Events were given to the Parish Council.

6) Items for discussion:

a) Grant Application & Budget: It was agreed that an Application would be made for money to fund small costs which the Parish Council are covering at present. B&NES are responsible for funding some aspects i.e. Inspector Costs and Referendum Costs. Grants have to be applied for on a six monthly basis.

Alan Ford agreed to circulate a budget proposal. Sue Grimes will continue to look at alternative grant applications.

The Parish Magazine costs will be added to the budget application. This stands currently at £120.00 per year. The proposal will be to apply for a grant and hopefully have it awarded by early April.

Publicity including Parish Magazine:

Publicity was discussed with all agreeing that an article should continue in the Parish Magazine. It was agreed that a letter to all households would be good.

A prize for completing the survey may be offered.

Advertising through Social Media was discussed. Details of meetings etc are already published on the web site, so no action re Social Media for the present.

A good time to advertise was discussed. It was agreed that the banners would go up 5/6 weeks before the Open Sessions and the letter would go out 2 weeks before the Open Sessions.

Simon King will look at the wording on the Banner and produce an idea and circulate to all. Costs will be approximately £25.00 – £30.00. 4 Banners will be needed in total.

Chairman will speak to the Primary School and ask for the logo before the end of Term.

Posters will also be put up 1 Month before the Open Sessions. Simon King will produce these as well. The posters will be more informative.

The Memorial Hall Committee will be asked if we can use their board to put up a banner.

Chairman will re-shape the information sheet before the Open Sessions.

Alan Ford has written to all organisations in the Parish and so far there has been no response in relation to finding out more about the Neighbourhood Plan.

Colin Taylor re-iterated his “wish list” of ideas to go into the Plan which include the Village Green, Traffic Management on the A37, supporting the conversion of the dis-used bus shelter into a planter.

Open Meetings – Progress and Next Steps: It was confirmed that the Memorial Hall has been booked. Display boards have been booked. Dimensions are needed.

Alan Ford & Simon King have been discussing the display boards and put to the committee their ideas. There will be 6 Outlines, all colour coded. There will be a display board left blank for suggestions.

The time-line from designation to now will be displayed. Phil Tyson suggested putting pictures of “Old Pensford” then and finish with “Pensford Now”, What would you like to see? At the end.

It was thought that more display boards may be needed. Stanton Drew will be asked if they have any.

Renewable Energy: A Community Project? Chairman explained that adjoining Parishes are looking at including Renewable Energy in their Neighbourhood Plans. It is favoured by B&NES. There is money available in the region of 150k to set it up.

First question was would it be practicable for our area? As Pensford could be liable to flooding Hydro Electricity would need more knowledge before being considered.

Solar Panels were also discussed.

It was agreed that the Renewable Energy is something which the Committee need to be more aware of. Maybe advice will be sought from Cleo Newcombe-Jones at B&NES.

Change of Name to Neighbourhood Forum:

The change of name to a Forum had been suggested. The name forum is only used where there is no Parish Council to look after the Parish. After discussion it was agreed that we should be called a Neighbourhood Planning Committee.

Meeting with Cleo Newcombe-Jones: A second meeting with Cleo Newcombe-Jones will take place on Friday 6th March at 11am. Cleo will be shown around the village by Alan Ford and those who can attend.

Any Other Business:

Moving the Primary School: It had been suggested that maybe moving the Primary School could be added to the Neighbourhood Plan.

The meeting was finalised by Alan Ford giving a short presentation on how the end result of all data collected will be analysed and shown in graph formats.

8. Date and Venue of next meeting: The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 1st April at the Church Room.

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