You are summoned to attend a virtual meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 28th June 2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
H Richardson (Mrs) – Clerk to the Parish Council
Date: 23rd June 2021
Presentation: Young Bristol – Youth Club on Wheels.
Lucy Shaw (Development & Fundraising Manager) and Shea Stew (Mobile Provision Lead)
1. Public Participation – Due to Covid, Members of Public are asked to inform the Clerk if you wish to attend.
(15 minutes Maximum): Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Please inform the Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hrs prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, the applicant or their agent may verbally present planning applications. You are not guaranteed a slot if you do not book in advance. Please note the Parish Council cannot make a decision on items that are not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for the agenda for the next meeting.
2. To receive apologies for absence.
3. To receive notification of any members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.
4. To confirm minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 as a true & fair record
5. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
i) 21/02399/FUL: Lordswood, 7 Station Approach, Pensford. Erection of single-storey rear extension with covered patio following demolition of existing conservatory /extension.
ii) 21/02692/TCA: Bramley Cottage, Publow Lane, Woollard. Willow(T3) – fell as deceased.
iii) 21/02575/FUL: Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane, Stanton Drew. Change of use of agricultural building and land to mixed agricultural and equestrian, the erection of a hay barn and the creation of an all-weather riding arena (Part Retrospective).
b) Decision Notification:
i) 21/01512/FUL: Laurel Lea. Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of a double storey side extension, porch roof changed from flat roof to tiled pitched roof and a skylight balcony to the rear of the property. PERMIT
ii) 21/01194/FUL: Jasmine Cottage, 153 High Street, Pensford. Erection of Replacement rear lobby. PERMIT
6. Matters for discussion/decision:
a) To consider options to fund the ‘Youth Club on Wheels’ to enable it to continue operating in Pensford.
b) To discuss the proposed donation of a defibrillator to be sited at the Village Hall.
c) To consider planting a tree to commemorate the Queens Jubilee as part of the Queens Green Canopy.
d) To approve the additional insurance premium of £37 to insure the Phone Box against damage. It is already insured against public liability at no extra charge.
e) To discuss excessive litter at Publow Pond and misuse of Parish bins.
f) To approve the commissioning of the BWCE Renewables Audit £3250 + VAT (£3050 to be paid by grants raised by the Climate Emergency Working Group)
7. Financial Matters:
a) To accept the Internal Auditors report.
b) To approve the Annual Governance statements
c) To approve & sign the Annual Return for YE 31 March 2021 (Unaudited) Sect 2
d) To sign Certificate of Exemption (Gross expenditure does not exceed £25,000)
e) To approve the financial Report:
f) To approve Payments to be authorised at June meeting:
Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary
Amount £719.21
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Reimburse Zoom subscription
Amount £4.80
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Christine Wilkins
Description Internal Audit
Amount £200
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Sarah Bishop
Description Vintage Phone Box
Amount £1
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Parish Councils Airport Association (PCAA)
Description Annual Subscription
Amount £75
VAT to reclaim N
Payee DPM Lucas
Description Cutting the green
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N
Payee Water3Business
Description Water for allotments
Amount £18.32
VAT to reclaim N
8. B&NES Ward Councillor: To receive an update on district matters from Cllr P May
9. To receive reports/updates on current matters: (Report to be circulated prior to the meeting)
a) Allotments – Cllr Mike Daniels
b) Climate Emergency working group– Cllr Dawn Custance
c) Memorial Hall-Cllr Paul Baxter
d) PCAA – Cllr Tony Heaford
e) Clerks Progress Report
f) Chairman’s Report
10. Items of report to carry forward to the next meeting.
11. To Note Future Meetings
Parish Liaison -, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July,