Parish Council Annual & Montlhy Minutes – 13th April 2015



a) Chairman’s Report (attached) – Retired Chairman Mr Tony Heaford gave his Chairman’s report for the nine months to December 2015. Following which current Chair Mrs Janette Stephenson gave her report for January to March 23015. Mr Heaford extended thanks to Cllr P Edwards for his twelve years as our Ward Councillor and all of the work and assistance which he has given to our Parish Council over those years. Cllr Edwards will be retiring at the end of April.

b) Financial Report (attached): The Responsible Financial Officer, Mr Kelly circulated the Financial Report. Mr Heaford commented that it is “Indicative of the amount of time spent on it”.

c) Memorial Hall Report: An update from the Memorial Hall Chairman will be requested. It was understood that a meeting held recently was not well attended. The Play Area is again suffering with problems. The last two fundraising events were thought to be well attended.

Miners Welfare Institute: Mrs Gully gave an update on the Miners Welfare Institute and reported the Cafe is trading well and the building is well maintained. The owners are currently considering how they can further benefit the community.


1) Members of the Public: Members of the Public were concerned that potholes reported 2 months ago had not been filled in. Clerk will follow this up. The Sign at the end of Birchwood Lane is still missing. Clerk to follow up. The metal seat in Woollard is reported to be in need of attention as the rails are now quite old.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Jones & Mr Filer.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th March 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Response to Member of the Public -”Question”: The Chairman reported that the member of the public who posed the question about a Parish Referendum has been given the information sought and had not responded. Therefore there was no need to discuss this matter further.

b) Pensford 10K – Sunday 26th April 2015: There had been a good number of entries received. Marshalls had been recruited. Social Media has been used to advertise the event. Road Closures had been confirmed and advertised. The route incorporated a lane to allow normal running of the Public House in Compton Dando.

c) Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Update: Mrs Grimes gave an update from the last meeting held on Wednesday 1st April 2015. Six logos had been produced by the school and one was chosen. It was amended slightly to include the wording “Publow with Pensford.” Renewable Energy was discussed. Including Solar Panels for the Viaduct and a Micro Hydro Scheme. Mr Ford & Mr James will meet to adapt and submit the grant application form. Information Leaflets and posters and a draft banner had been produced by Mr King. Display Boards for the Open Meetings were discussed. Some will depict Pensford through the Ages. The Questionnaires will be going out after the Open Meetings. Parish Council members have offered help of delivering the questionnaires. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 22nd April 2015.

d) Elections 2015: Disappointment and surprise was expressed that no prospective candidates had attended the public session in order to learn about the processes of the Parish Council and also to discuss how they would benefit the Community.
Several councillors had been asked by parishioners about the significance of ‘Your Vote’ in the Candidate Description column of the list of persons nominated. Advice was that while this was misleading it was nevertheless still compliant.

e) Update following Meeting with Highways Representatives Wednesday 11th March 2015: A walk around the village was undertaken with Parish Council members and Sadie Cox & Stefan Chiffers from Traffic & Safety Team BANES. Prior to the meeting a scheme had been drawn up by BANES as to where they advised would be best to put double yellow lines to help with the current problems in the village regarding parking. BANES Traffic propose Double Yellow Lines in front of Lock Up Cottages to stop parking at this dangerous corner. Double Yellow Lines will also be put where the current advisory keep clear lines are leading down to the A37 from the High Street. Double Yellow Lines will be put by the War Memorial.
Because of the safety concerns due to the narrow bridge, it is proposed to put Double Yellow Lines by the Church Rooms where there is already advisory No Parking Lines in place. Cars consistently park by the Church Room and in front of the Church Gates. This does not allow for picking up and dropping off of visitors to the Church Room and also prevents wheelchair access. Church Street will also have double yellow lines along where the existing lines are. A public consultation will be undertaken in relation to the scheme before anything goes ahead and the Parish Council can ask for changes to the scheme to be made but BANES Traffic insisted that Public Safety was paramount.

No Entry: It was noted that the No Entry road markings in Church Street which you should note when exiting Wick Lane have worn away. BANES will replace these as traffic is often seen coming the wrong way out of the One-Way system. The Post Office owner remains concerned regarding the amount of traffic which enters the One Way System the wrong way and have asked for extra signage.
Time restricted spaces will be followed up as reports have been made about a car which often parks outside of the Post Office for long periods of time.
Clerk to contact BANES and ask for details regarding the proposed timescale for the public consultation.

Register of Concern re: Parking: A letter was given to the Parish Council regarding the issues of parking outside of the Post Office on Church Street. The concern was raised regarding placing a time limit on the parking bays outside of the Post Office as there is “little residential parking on Church Street. Many people park on Church Street for example walkers, users of the Church Rooms, Pensford School Teachers, parents collecting their children from school. It is often the case that residents have to park in the parking bays near the post office in order that they can park anywhere near their own home.”
The Parish Council appreciate the parking problems and have suggested in the past that the Memorial Hall is used for Walkers, Teachers etc. All matters will be discussed with BANES during the consultation period.

f) Annual Civic Reception held on 17th March 2015: Chairman and her husband attended the Civic Reception which was again held in the Pump Rooms in Bath.

g) Local Flood Representative Nomination: Parish Council agreed that a representative should be nominated. Mrs Gully offered to be the representative. Clerk to forward details to BANES.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: Matter still ongoing. Traffic & Safety Team confirmed that the footpath would not have to be closed as there are metal railings in front of the bus stop which would protect passing pedestrians from the A37 traffic.

Highways: Council Connect have been reminded about the Pot holes in Church Street also there are bad potholes in Belluton which have now been reported to Council Connect.

Church Street: The white No Entry Sign has worn away in Church Street outside of Waterside Cottage. This was pointed out to Traffic & Safety during their site visit. It has since been noted that cars are entering the No Entry by the Post Office. Highways will be asked to highlight the No Entry and the One Way system.

Bus shelter Pensford Hill: A box of bottles & cans has been dumped in the Bus shelter. This has been reported to Council Connect for clearing.

Your Care Your Way: The consultation event in conjunction with BANES Council, NHS BANES Clinical Commissioning Group and the Village Agents takes place on Tuesday 14th April 10.00am to 12.00noon at the Conygre Hall, North Road, Timsbury.

Rotary of Chelwood Bridge Community Award: Clerk had emailed asking for details of the results of the Community Awards. Unfortunately the Parish Councils nomination for the Miners Welfare Coffee Shop, Sally Daniels had not won an award. However a certificate will be sent in due course to mark Sally’s worthy role in the Community.

Pensford Viaduct: Clerk has been researching who now owns the Viaduct. BRB Residuary has now been abolished and its continuing functions have been dispersed to various successor bodies. The ownership of the viaduct is with the Department for Transport. The Historical Railway Estate team is responsible for the structure on behalf of the Secretary of State.

Woollard Bridge: Once again BANES Council have been asked when the Bridge is likely to be painted. Compton Dando Parish Council have also asked the same question. BANES report that the painting works will be carried out “during the warmer months of the year to
ensure the paint can cure as per manufactures recommendations. Therefore we aim to have the works carried out before the end of summer 2015.”

Chew Valley Crime Report: PC Gemma Hill is now on maternity leave for approximately 12 months. We are advised that someone is likely to be covering her beat whilst she is off but this has not yet been confirmed. In the meantime, PCSO 8079 BRAGG and PCSO 6903 BAILEY should be our points of contact by calling 101. A Crime Report from PC Hill for the Chew Valley is attached to my Progress Report.

Planning: Further to an email received from a resident in Gibbett Lane raising concerns regarding the former Railway Bungalow, Cllr Liz Richardson has looked into the planning permissions on site. It is reported that the property is now known as “Stonewell”. The application for the new barn recently erected was made under the new property name in March last year and was permitted under the Permitted development rights. Cllr Richardson has written to the resident in Gibbett Lane and explained this.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard Closure: Clerk has written to the Secretary of the PCC and BANES Council representative confirming that the Parish Council have proposed to resolve not to take on the Maintenance Obligation

7) Planning:

Application to discuss:

15/01128/FUL Hareclive Properties Ltd Pensford Garage New Road Pensford. Redevelopment of car sales site to include erection of 3no. new buildings to provide 6 no. 3 bedroom houses. Conversion of garage workshop with associated works to provide 2 no. 3 bedroom cottages and demolition of existing showroom. The owner of the site attended the Parish Council Meeting and gave the Parish Council further details regarding the proposal. It was explained that there is no change of use application because there is a “Clause in legislation which allows the move of Light Industrial to Residential without an application. The site has been owned by the same person for 13 years and it has been a long term plan to build houses here. No-one locally is employed on the site. The housing proposal will be for affordable housing with the option to Rent or to Buy. The Parish Council supported this application.

15/01239/FUL Mr & Mrs A Smart Sunningdale Woollard Lane. Single Storey rear extension. Parish Council concerned that this is a property which has been largely extended over the years. The proposal is mostly glass and concerns were raised regarding the reflection it will cause. Clerk to reply to Planning.

Application discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/05884/FUL Summerhouse. Old Stables Stanton Road. Change of use of three existing bedrooms and a reception room in the Old Stables from residential to bed and breakfast. Use of sun/garden room as a lounge in the Old Stables for guests and as a breakfast room. Use of swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and fitness equipment in The Granary as ancillary to bed and breakfast. Parish Council support this but note that it should be a retrospective application.

15/01165/TCA: Hill House Pensford Hill. Ash Saplings, Beech, Hazel, Field Maple – Reduce in Height. Beech & Laurel reduce to hedge height. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

15/00548/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. First floor extension to rear and side with sky light in roof. Wall to be built on boundary. Porch at front of the house. WITHDRAWN
15/00820/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1 no. Dwelling (Outline application). WITHDRAWN

15/00853/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of Detached Garage. PERMITTED


Appeal Ref: 15/00018/HOUSE Mr & Mrs Sessford Birchwood Lodge Pensford. Erection of Detached double garage.

Tree Works: 15/01445/TCA Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Fell 6 x conifers forming hedge.

8) Financial Matters:

HMRC tax-free allowance – Clerk Use of Home as Office: The RFO of the Council explained that through budget information received from ALCA it was learnt that the Clerk should be claiming for a portion of her “home as office”. The amount recommended is £16 per month. The Responsible Financial Officer suggested a separate meeting should be convened to discuss the timescale of back pay for this claim.
As there were now minor changes to be made to the quarterly accounts it was agreed that they would now be tabled at the May Meeting.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary March 637.52

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £15.98 + Ink Cartridges £26.98 42.96
Mrs J Bragg New Printer 81.98
CPRE Subscription 2015/16 36.00
ALCA External Audit Process/Annual Return 15.00
P Holmes Footpaths 7.5 Hours + £38.19 Equipment 98.19

Payments Received:
BANES 1st Part Precept 5500.00
BANES Parish Grant 345.00

9) Any Other Business:

Mrs Gully had a catalogue of wooden benches. Two prices for benches were from Fountain Timber and were £227.45 and £246.00 for a larger bench. Mrs Gully will speak with Mrs Bilk.

Primary School: It was noted that the school will be celebrating its Centenary this year in October/November 2015.

Scarecrow Trail: It was thought to be a good idea to have Pensford included in the Winford Parish Council Scarecrow Appeal next year. Mrs Jones will progress this.

Tennis Club: Are very grateful for the recent donation from the Community Trust. The courts can now be repaired to a deeper level than expected.
The Memorial Hall have agreed to allow the small children to use the hall in bad weather.

Date of Next Meeting: Mr Heaford proposed that the date of the next meeting should be changed to the 18th May 2015. Parish Council supported this.

9) Notice of Future Meetings:
DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 18th May 2015 AT 7.15 pm
This will be the ANNUAL MEETING & A MONTHLY Meeting of the Parish Council.
Tower Friends ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- Church Room Tuesday 21st April at 8pm


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