Parish Council Minutes – 10th December 2018


Present: Vice Chairman: Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs Tracy Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mr T Jones, Mr J Kelly, Mrs D Custance. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were five members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public reported trees in the river by Church Farm. These were noted.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer, Mrs J Stephenson, Cllr P May

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. No interests were declared.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 12th November 2018 and sign as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were amended to read
“Miss” J Flower on item 1 b) and were then signed as a true and accurate record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:
Apologies were submitted by Cllr May, an update submitted by him was read out at the meeting. A start date for the A37 Works has been asked for. Further details will be given at the January Meeting.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Public Meeting held in Whitchurch & A37 Works: Approximately 350 people attended this meeting. None of whom are in support of the Local Plan Options. Pro forma letters have been put together to enable those who wish to object to the scheme. Clerk to circulate these letters. The consultations closes on 7th January 2019.

b) Local Plan: Covered in item 6a)

c) Christmas Tree: Thanks were extended to everyone involved in putting up and decorating the Christmas Tree. Thanks were also noted to Pensford Post Office who kindly donated the tree. New lights may be required next year.

7. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk had circulated the notes from the meeting.
Mr Heaford retired as Vice Chairman. The new Beat Manager Pc John Beswetherick introduced himself. Clerk to invite him to a future meeting. The main part of the meeting was then dedicated to the Budget for the next Financial Year. The Parish Sweeper Scheme will cease.

b) Clerks Progress Report:

Gigaclear: Clerk invited the Community Engagement Manager for the area to the December meeting. A new person taking will be introduced in the New Year.

Travellers Rest: The Planning team will be submitting a pre-app to the Local Planning Authority.

Bath Clean Air Consultation: Consultation now closed.

Police: A reminder that the Local Neighbourhood Police Team will be holding Beat Surgeries outside the Fire Station in Chew Magna on the following Wednesdays – 12th December, 23rd January & 20th February between 11am & 1pm. Clerk has circulated details regarding a recent burglary in Publow Lane and van break-ins which have taken place in the Chew Valley.

Clerks Training: Clerk attended Local Councils Administration (3) Training on Friday 16th November. This training session was aimed at Management and Community Engagement.

Three Kings Nativity: Clerk has completed a risk assessment in relation to the Nativity this year.

Bin for Hillcrest: A request has been made for a new bin by the bus stop at Hillcrest. Photos were forwarded of the old rusty ring which used to be home to a bin many years ago in the hope that a replacement can be put there. BANES have replied and are happy to consider the site if a bin was there before. However they are unable to make a site visit soon, and any application approved for a new bin will have to wait for the next financial year.

Fingerposts: Tesco have confirmed that the application submitted by Janette to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme has been successful and our Fingerpost project will be put forward to a customer vote in Tesco stores during January and February 2019.

Remembrance Sunday: A letter of thanks was sent to the Bugler along with her donation. The donation was sent to the British Legion. An email of thanks has been sent to the Police thanking the
PCSO’s for their support on the day.

Community Awards: Clerk has put together all of the submissions for the different categories.

c) VAT Training: The training was hosted by Mr Derek Kemp and was attended by a dozen people including Clerks and RFO’s of Parish Councils. Re-claiming VAT on behalf of others was explained. VAT inspection visits tend to relate to Parish Councils who claim more than £7,500 in any financial year. Making Tax Digital (MTD) was explained. VAT claims will need to be online. Clerk confirmed that VAT claims are already submitted on line for the Parish Council.

d) Bristol Airport: Bristol Airport are about to submit an application to increase their passenger numbers to 12 Million. The PCAA will be objecting. There is likely to be a night flight increase.

8. Planning:

Applications Consulted:

18/05022/TCA Mrs K Hunt The Poplars High Street Pensford. Ash – Pollard. Holly – Crown reduction of 2 metres. No Objections from Parish Council.

Appeal Outcome:

17/05538/FUL Nickel Scaffolding Ltd. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 6no. semi-detached four bedroom houses including access to New Road, 12 no off street parking spaces and an additional 6 no parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping. Appeal Dismissed.


18/04865/TCA Mr M Brady Devon House Pensford Hill. 1 x Ash fell. 1 x Sycamore fell. No Objection.

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £757.92
Underwood Lamb External Audit Fee 2018 Accounts £240.00

Payments to be authorised
Mrs J Bragg Imprest £41.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths 10 hours @ £8 per hour – October £80.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths 10 Hours @ £8 per hour – November £80.00
ALCA Clerks Training Administration 3 £40.00
Mr J Kelly VAT Training £40.00
DM Payroll Services Payroll Admin Second Half year 18/19 £36.50
Water 2 Business Allotment Water Charges 8/6/18 – 26/11/18 £53.49

Receipts to note:
Fingerposts From Fundraiser and donations £556.40

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

An email has been received from someone who is in possession of a Black marble mantle clock which was donated by the parishioners and others of Publow to “Mr George Smart as a slight recognition of his service rendered as a church warden of Publow for the past 7 years. Easter 1903”.
The Parish Council agreed to add this to the January agenda for further discussion. Meanwhile we will try to find out if there are any relative of Mr Smart in Pensford or Publow and have a discussion with the Church as to where we think the Clock should be placed if returned the Publow.

Mrs Grimes gave apologies for the January Meeting.

11. To Note Future Meetings:

PCAA Thursday 24th January 2019

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