Present: Chairman – Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman – Mr T Heaford. Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mr S Filer. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were six members of the public present.
1. Members of the Public asked if there were any plans being made by the Parish Council to Celebrate the Queen’s Birthday. It was thought that the PTA at the School will be organising something. There will be a Tea Party at the Tower of St Thomas a Becket that day also. An advert will be in the Parish Magazine. It was also understood that the Memorial Hall Committee may organise an event.
Drain Cover by Church Farm: There is a raised drain cover at the end of Church Farm driveway joining Peats Hill. Clerk was asked to report it again.
The Parish Council were thanked for supporting objections made by a member of public in respect of the Wick Lane Proposal.
2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Cllr P May.
3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. There were none received.
4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 14th March 2016 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read the minutes were agreed.
5. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May, although absent from the meeting Cllr May submitted a report to the Clerk which was read out at the meeting: The chief executive of the council has been promoted to a civil service post.
The devolution agreement has not yet been considered by the council. It appears to bring new powers and money to the area. There is considerable resistance to the concept of a metro mayor. If one of the four UAs drops out it is not clear how the agreement changes.
There will be a launch for the A37 route collision review…a date is awaited for a follow up meeting about the main road. The review will look at reducing speed limits upgrading white lines/ Chevrons, cutting back vegetation, clearing foot ways, replacing bollards etc.
In addition the money is in for the Pensford hill improvements. Dates are awaited from BANES. Cllr May is keen to work with the Parish Council again regarding a meeting. The schemes will also include detailed changes at the Belluton junction. The Belluton lane junction will be covered as well as the Hursley Hill accident areas.
6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:
a) Acker Bilk Bench Update: A site visit was made to JT Reclamation. A piece will be in the next Gazette.
b) Restoration of Finger Posts Update: 30 Tickets had been sold so far. Donations and money received totalled £500.00 at present. All cheques are to be made out to Publow with Pensford Parish Council.
c) Tennis Club: BANES have refused the Grant Application. A meeting has been held with the LTA to discuss options. The Tennis Club will be applying for a grant to renew the fencing a business plan has been prepared. After School numbers have dropped. Police will be notified regarding recent vandalism. The Tennis Club await the Contractor to re-surface the courts which can only be carried out in dry weather +5c.
d) Neighbourhood Plan Update: A meeting was held on Wednesday 6th April. Only five people attended but the meeting went ahead. The Feedback from the Open Days was good. It is hoped that the Final Draft will be prepared for the beginning of June with a Referendum being
held Early January 2017. Parishioners will be given a six week consultation period of the Draft Plan. Neighbourhood Plans are an Agenda Item at the next Chew Valley Forum Meeting. Charlie Bishop Vice Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been asked to attend.
e) Pensford 10K will be held on Sunday 24th April 2016. Numbers of runners are reported to be healthier than previous years. Medical cover has been secured. BANES have kindly offered to Roadsweep the course and attend to any potholes along the way.
f) Memorial Hall: Chairman and Clerk of the Parish Council attended the meeting held on Tuesday 5th April 2016. The Playground was discussed and the financial implications it holds. The Memorial Hall Committee were informed that the Parish Council could make a donation to the Play Area. The Committee were also advised to contact West of England Rural Network who can offer held and advice to Village Halls.
7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) Quality Assurance: In pursuance of that we were advised to set up the subcommittee – Staffing Panel. The Parish Councillors volunteered – namely – Sue Grimes, Steve Filer and Tracy Jones.
b) SLCC Membership: All in attendance agreed that it would be beneficial if the Parish Council became a member of the Society of Local Council Clerks.
8. Reports:
a) Clerks Progress Report:
Pot Holes at bottom of High Street/Junction of A37: These have been reported to BANES Council Connect.
Pot Hole in Church Street: This has been reported to BANES Council Connect.
Recycling in a Conservation Area: The reply from BANES regarding this is “the recycling procedure for properties in conservation areas is the same as everywhere else. Items can be placed kerbside from 8pm the night before but must be available from 7am on the morning of collection and should be removed back onto resident’s properties as soon after collection as possible.
Footpaths: Footpaths Officer has reported that the footbridge on higher footpath 17/22 from Blackrock Lane to Priestdown below the lake, has been dragged down stream by flooding approx. 30metres and is on the bank. The lower bridge remains intact, in same area. Clerk has reported this to BANES and they have confirmed that the Path Warden will be dealing with it.
20mph Speed Limit: The Notice of Intent for various roads in the Parish to be included in the 20mph limit has been received (and circulated). The 20mph Limit has been challenged again with a request that it carries on along the length of Publow Lane, into Woollard and joins up with Compton Dando. A reply is awaited.
Public Rights of Way: BANES have confirmed that the payments for the Footpaths Officer this year will increase by 1.0% in line with the Councils standard increase to contractors for the 2016/2017 financial year. The amount this year will be £830.04. Clerk to raise an invoice for this amount and send to BANES.
Pensford Bridge: No update from Structures Department.
Lock Up: English Heritage were contacted about works to the Lock Up. They have advised contacting the Conservation Officer of our Local Authority for advice on restoration. Historic England are only able to advise on alterations which fall within their remit – which include developments which affect grade I and II* listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments, grade I and II* registered parks and gardens, conservation areas where the development site is over 1,000 sq.m and significant structural alterations to grade II listed buildings (such as demolition / partial demolition). Grant Criteria has been received. Historic England offer grants to Grade I & II* listed buildings, which must also be on the Heritage at Risk Register. Useful links have also been provided for further information.
2015/2016 Audit: All Information has been received from Grant Thornton the external auditors.
Transparency Grant funding will continue in 2016/17. The decision panel is doing them in batches and so a decision can take up to a couple of months. 1572 grants have been awarded so far across the country. Clerk to progress with JK
Wick Lane: The Parish Council objections were submitted to Planning application 16/00532/FUL LAND ADJACENT TO MEADOW BARN, WICK LANE, PENSFORD, BRISTOL
Pensford 10K: The road Closure Notice has been received for the 10K. A copy will be placed on the noticeboard.
Yellow Lines: After reporting to BANES that the newly painted Yellow Lines were already wearing off Clerk was contacted and it is hoped that the contractors would be rectifying the lining within a week or so of the 29th March 2016.
Community Award: The Parish Council nominations were sent to the Rotary Club, we await their decision.
Chew Valley Transport Survey: As part of the strategy the Council have organised a public consultation event to be held at Chew Valley School on 26th April 4pm to 8pm. All councillors have had details sent to them by email
Parish Online: Clerk has received a list of new “layers” which have been added to the Parish Online mapping. These include identifying where Emergency Equipment is in the Parish i.e. Defibrillators. Also Neighbourhood Planning details. Clerk has emailed Parish Online asking for some Training Dates for Publow with Pensford Parish Council to attend. There is also a Training Event Scheduled for September 22nd at the Community Space in Keynsham Civic Centre. This will be promoted by
Sara Dixon, BANES.
Technical consultation on implementation of planning changes: Details of this has been circulated to all Parish Council Members. Three Parish Councillors have responded that they suggest we continue as we are and one suggested the extension be retained so as consultation with interested parties can be sought where needed. A full response needs to be submitted by 15th April 2016. ALCA have submitted a 10 page
9. Planning:
Applications received Discussed by the Sub- Committee:
16/01274/TCA Mr M Coles Land West of 182 Publow Lane. Parish Council Support.
16/01094/FUL Mr J & R Padfield Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane. Construction of new vehicular access from Birchwood Lane to serve the farm buildings at Southleigh Farm. Parish Council Support.
16/01502/FUL Mr & Mrs N Anstey 24 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of two storey side and first floor rear extensions. Parish Council Support.
Planning Outcomes to Note:
16/00253/FUL Greenmeadow Woollard Lane Publow. Installation of two pitched roof dormers to the front elevation of the property. PERMIT
10. Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26
HM Revenue & Customs Clerk NI & Tax 144.51
Mrs J Bragg Neighbourhood Planning Hours (Oct,Nov,Dec) 147.72
Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 23.80
K C Printing Neighbourhood Planning 98.30
Mr C Bishop Ink Cartridges for Printing/Neighbourhood Planning 41.73
CPRE Membership Renewal 36.00
Diane Malley Payroll Services 58.00
Receipts to note:
BANES Precept £5610.00 Grant £275.00 5885.00
J Kelly Donation to Acker Bilk Bench 50.00
11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
12. To Note Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Forum Meeting 28th April 2016.
This will be the AGM, Annual & a Monthly Meeting.