Parish Council Minutes – 11th September 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
Mr M Daniels, Mr Alford were present along with 4 members of the public.

1. Welcome P Alford Bristol Based Model Balloons uk .com: Mr Alford presented to the Parish Council an example of his model balloon. There are 45 members of the Bristol Based Model Balloons. They are remotely controlled. The intention is to fly the balloons under and over the viaduct, something which has been done in Germany but never in the UK. Permission has been granted by the owners of the Viaduct and contact has been made with the owners of the Rising Sun as part of this would be on their land. The owners of the field nearest the road will be contacted and permission to use the field will be asked for. It is hoped this event would raise money for charity and the event would take place in December (the suggested dates being 10th or 17th December) Clerk to liaise further with Mr Alford and report back to the Parish Council.

2. Members of the Public:

Truespeed: The Parish Council were made aware of the options for Truespeed Ultra Fast Broadband for the Village. A 30% take up in the Parish would be necessary for it to be installed. It was suggested that an advert go into the Parish Magazine, although it was confirmed that every household in Pensford had been given information.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer, Cllr P May

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 14th August 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record: After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

b) Litter Pick: It was agreed that the next Litter Pick would take place on Sunday 8th October at 10 am.
Rubbish recently dumped in a field on the right travelling into Woollard is being looked into by the Landowner.

c) Parish Council Vacancies: The Parish Council Vacancies had been through the advertisement process and with no applications. The Parish Council were able to co-opt members onto the parish council. Two applications had been received. One resume had been received by Mr M Daniels, a meeting with himself & the Chairman had taken place prior to the meeting. Following a full show of hands at the meeting Mr Daniels was successfully co-opted onto the Parish Council.

d) PCAA Consultation: Bristol Airport are planning to increase passenger figures over the next 10 years to 20 million. There is a major consultation underway. The Department for Transport wish to increase night flights. The PCAA have responded. The PCAA are asking for support of their members to submit a response to the “Slot Co-ordination Response”. The Clerk had prepared a response which Mr Heaford read out. All agreed the letter would be sent the next day. A discussion took place on Car Parking at the airport.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: There was no update from Cllr May who was absent from the meeting. However Chairman reported that a meeting had taken place in Belluton to discuss options for the changes to the Belluton junction. Option 1 was to do nothing, Option 2 was for Islands in the road, Option 3 was for Traffic Lights and Option 4 was for a roundabout. The roundabout would have to be quite large and would have a massive impact on the road and may cause congestion.
The Islands were the more favoured option keeping a more rural feel to the area.
The overtaking problem from Chelwood into Pensford is being considered by Kelvin Packer.
More improvements will be seen by Christmas. 1 Million has been spent so far on the A37.
Bus Stop: If this was to be moved above the Travellers the bus from Chew Valley would have nowhere to stop. This was not an option.
Speed Monitor: It was thought that the black box on a post at Hillcrest is possibly a speed monitor.
Hill House Wall: Engineers have reported that a lot of investigation has been undertaken and the wall is stable at present.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Accounts: Clerk reported that the accounts were still with the external auditors Grant Thornton.

b) Tennis Club: £500 had been made from the Duck Race at the Rising Sun Regatta. Thanks were extended to Jo & Mike for this. The Tennis Club continues to work towards “Tennis Mark”. There will be a fundraising Bavarian Evening held on 18th November 2017.

c) Fingerposts Update: Still waiting on the Forge. Contact has been made with the metal worker who restored the Chew Magna posts to compare costs.

d) Update on Reply to Gary Ward BANES: Chairman had replied to Mr Ward asking for more detail from the developer in the form of what the houses would look like, traffic calming measures etc. They would like to come to a future Parish Council meeting to present the scheme. Chairman will liaise with them further. Parish Council remain concerned on commenting on something which they do not have a planning application for.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report – Report Attached.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted or to Consult:

None received to date.


17/01569/OUT Mr T Budd Broadoak Sidings Wick Lane Erection of 2 no dwellings. REFUSED

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Officer 13.5 hours @ £8 £108.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Imprest, Ink Cartridge, Stationery £48.75
Mrs J Gully Flowers for War Memorial £20.00
D Malley Payroll 1st Half Year £40.50
PCAA Membership £50.00

Receipts to note:

BANES Council Public Rights of Way Allowance £838.34

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Nativity: Mr Baxter will be putting on the Nativity again this year in the Lock Up. A Risk Assessment will be carried out.

Defibrillator: An offer of a Refresher Course has been made to the PC. Chairman will progress this. A problem had occurred with the reporting of the Defibrillator as the on-line link was not working. All three defibrillators are checked regularly, the one in Woollard has been in place since 2011.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling – Friday 22nd September 2017 at 3 pm Mr Hunt has offered to tidy the area and put out cones to prevent parking here.

Joint Spatial Plan, New Local Plan & HELAA Briefing 11th September 2017, 6 pm- 8 pm Chandos Room Somervale Pavilion Keynsham. Apologies given



Clerks Report for September 2017 Meeting.

Dumped car in Publow: The VW Car abandoned in Publow and reported to BANES and the Police was subsequently removed on the Wednesday 16th August after the last parish council meeting.
Old Road Wall: Clerk has emailed Structures Department at BANES with a copy to Kelvin Packer for his attention again asking for the vegetation to be cleared from this wall.
Bollard on Pensford Hill: Clerk has been liaising with Liz Hine, Kelvin Packer asking for the knocked over Bollard to be re-instated. Liz Hine is concerned that pedestrians are at risk whilst this bollard is out. Kelvin Packer is to liaise with Cllr May regarding its reinstatement. Cllr Mays view is to reinstate the bollard whilst other schemes are under review.
Remembrance Sunday: The Road Closure Application has been granted by BANES for Remembrance Sunday. Church Street will be closed from 10.45 hrs to 11.20 hrs.
It is necessary now to submit an Event Application Form along with a Risk Assessment form and an Event Management Plan.
Police Lane: Overgrown vegetation has been reported
Parsonage Lane: Overgrown Vegetation has been reported.
High Street: Overhanging trees on the Right Hand Side have been reported to Council Connect.
Hillcrest Signage: A Member of the Public has asked for more signage to Hillcrest. They would like an extra sign which directs people up High Street to Hillcrest and not just the Right Turn at the top of the High Street to Hillcrest.
De-Gratton House: Overhanging Vegetation which is along the footpath going up to the Post Office is quite bad. Clerk has emailed the owner of the property to ask if he can cut it back.
Pensford Bridge: Council Connect have been asked to attend to the cutting back of the bushes.
High Street: Council Connect have been asked about the spraying of weeds and vegetation
growing out of the pavement by Schumack House.
Short Lane: Council Connect have been asked to look at the wall at the bottom of Short Lane. It has been reported that the gap in the wall appears to be getting wider.
Rubbish Collection Changes: A summary of Rubbish Collection Changes has been sent for inclusion in the Parish Magazine. From 6th November household rubbish will be collected every other week in a wheeled bin or re-useable rubbish bags. Recycling will still be collected weekly.
Parish Charter: The Steering Group will next meet on 15th September to discuss comments submitted.
Community Empowerment Fund: The application form for the funding has been completed and returned to BANES and is awaiting approval.
Electoral Review of Bath & North East Somerset Warding Arrangements: Comments need to be submitted by 2nd October 2017.
ALCA AGM: Takes place on Saturday 7th October 2017 in Bradley Stoke. Clerk has Agenda and paperwork to forward to anyone attending.
Crime In Pensford: Crime continues in Pensford. A shed was broken into on Saturday 2nd September at 11 pm….Garden Tools were taken.


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