Parish Council Minutes – 12th February 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr T Jones, Mr S Filer. Mr M Daniels. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

There were 6 Members of the Public present.

1. Public Participation: Members of the public were informed that the Woollard Bench had now been repaired in Green Oak. The Bench at Hillcrest will take longer to repair due to the rusted bolts in place.
Two boxes of canisters had been dumped. Council Connect informed.
A stone had been removed from the wall at the end of Old Road and a tree planted. Parish Council to remove.
Mr Hunt will continue to Litter Pick his designated areas. He was informed that the recent successful Litter Pick had been organised by a local Resident.

2. Apologies for Absence: None received.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: As an allotment holder Mrs D Custance declared an interest on item 7f.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2017 as a true and fair record. A Parish Councillor raised disagreement to the January minutes on three points. Firstly was the way in which an application was dealt with. Secondly plans for the allotment site and how it was recorded. Thirdly regarding the recording of meetings.
Other minor corrections were a spelling error on item, the figure of 12.5 million was altered to 20 million on item 1 and Item 5 Council Tax Cap has now increased.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:
Difficulty with the Budgets are reported.
A37 Works are still promised including the Vehicle Activated Signs, Crossing, Bollards and the removal of the White Line on Pensford Hill.
Parking Issues had been taken up with Cllr May by the owner of the Post Office. Residents had recently blocked in the Post Office vans. Short Term Parking to reflect the open hours of the Post Office and Timed Bays were suggested. Enforcement of this is a concern.
Chairman reported that the Parish Council have received a letter from BANES offering Land in Church Street on a Leasehold basis.
It was suggested to put a note up on the Noticeboard regarding Parking.

6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Pensford Playground: The Planning Department are happy with the proposals and works can go ahead. Play equipment has been ordered. Payments have been arranged for the first 50% of the equipment and installation costs.

ii) Fingerposts: The Belluton Fingerpost has been removed for refurbishment. The PPSCT (Community Trust) are keen to keep the project moving. The next fundraiser will take place in March.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Affordable Housing: It was agreed to invite Winsley White to the March Meeting. Clerk to check the expiry date of the last Housing Needs Survey.
The suggestion of building Alms Houses was made. Plans will be drawn up by a Parish Councillor for a scheme on the Allotment Site. It was noted that Curo own the access to the allotments. Alternative sites for the allotments would have to be looked at.

b) Signs to Tennis Courts: BANES reported they are not implementing any new signs unless they relate to a safety issue. Costs of amending the current signage were received from BANES. Parish Council agreed to have one sign with three destinations on it. Sue Grimes to ask for a design and cost for this.

c) Parking Issues: Highlighted areas of current problem parking areas are Church Street outside of the Old Shoe Shop and the entrance to the Church Yard. Hillcrest many cars parking on the pavements when they have rear parking. Old Road pavement, parking by the Old School House, blocking the end of the painted walkway outside of the Old Bakery. Publow Lane pavement parking on the road to the allotments.

Parish Council agreed to highlight the need for Enforcement of these issues. It was suggested that Parking could be added as an agenda item to a future Chew Valley Forum Meeting.

d) Requests for extra Bins: BANES have reported there is no budget for new bins. Agreed that Clerk will look into the cost of purchasing Bins through Parish Council, also to ask cost of having wooden bins made which may look nicer around the village.

e) Litter Pick: Agreed that a Litter Pick would go ahead on Sunday 22nd April at 9.30am.

f) Allotment Site: Allotment tenants are having vegetables eaten by Deer & Badgers. Under current legislation there is nothing that can be done. Clerk reported that Grants could be applied for to put up high fencing around the site. Allotment tenants are concerned about the discussions of building on the Allotment Site. They were informed that the Parish Council has a duty to provide Allotments and that other sites for the Allotments are being looked at should building permissions be granted.

8. Reports:

a) BANES ALCA Meeting 24th January 2018: GDPR regulations due to come into force at the end of May but have yet to be agreed.
Ward Review: Whitchurch & Pensford remain as one Ward.
Elections: BANES have announced that in future Parish Councils will be charged for Bye-elections, 50% for the first one and 100% for subsequent bye-elections.
Transparency Grant: Closing date middle of February.
Training: Please inform Deborah White of ALCA if there is any subject wishing to be covered.
Planning in Plain English Training takes place on 17th March 2018. Clerk & Chairman will be attending.

b) Memorial Hall AGM: Notes from the AGM were read out, main points as follows: – The hall is looking profitable, Events are costing less to hold but are bringing in less money
The accounts need to be audited by an Independent Auditor. Mr Wilcox will remain as Chairman. Mr Chris Lawrence will become Vice Chair, Aimee McGuire will stay as Secretary and Karen Lawrence will take over as events manager. 3 Family nights will be held. 23/3, 26/10 and 21/12 although dates to be confirmed.
Meetings will be held quarterly on the following dates 1/5, 7/8, 6/11 – this being the first Tuesday of the quarterly month
Parish Council were asked if the Hall could have a waste bin put by the bench – would the parish council pay for this? Recycling bins are being looked into. Minutes and Agendas are to be prepared in plenty of time before the meeting. A key safe will be put by the hall for easier access to the keys. 10K may not go ahead this year.

c) Clerks Progress Report: Mill Lane Woollard: Road repairs are still awaited.
Peats Hill: The flood management Team were asked to look into the flooding here.
They report that they will be sending the Highways Team out to get his highway maintenance gang to clear out the grip in the verge so the water can get to the small plastic pipe. They report that the drainage path off the highway seems to keep on being filled up with earth and branches to prevent the highway from draining on its historic route?
They will be discussing the long-term options to resolve the problem at their next Highway Maintenance / Drainage meeting. They have asked what has changed as they don’t imagine the road has always flooded so badly?
Also why do the PC think the problem has developed?
BANES are aware that Bristol Water did some work here some years back they understood that their leak had been mended.
Precept Form: The Precept request form was returned. Asking for a total of £13780.00
The Great Flood: The appointment of a Project Officer to organise events is awaited.
Drain Cover: Banes Council Connect were contacted regarding the Drain Cover at the junction of High Street and the A37 as it had become very noisy when driven over.
Joint Spatial Plan: A very comprehensive email had been received from a member of public regarding the JSP. A copy was circulated to all PC members and also the Clerk to Parish Council at Whitchurch for their comments.
Litter: An email was received from a Member of Public who travels through Pensford each day and he was concerned about the “Visual state of the Parish”. Clerk informed him that overhanging hedges and branches are reported regularly to the Local Authority. Also that regular litter picks are organised by the Parish Council and that there was one coming up organised by a Member of the Parish. Clerk was thanked for her response to him.

Parking/High Street: Concerns were registered via the Web Site from a local farmer who travelled up the High Street early one morning and could not get through the space because of two parked cars. Parking is on the Agenda for discussion. Clerk has replied to him.

Budgets: Clerk circulated an email from BANES regarding Budgets proposals which are aimed at protecting front line services and investing in the future.

VAT Return: Clerk has completed VAT Return up to the end of the 2017 Accounting Year.
Parish Councils Airport Association: A request was made by PCAA for help building a website. Waste & Recycling Problems were experienced in Belluton and Gibbet Lane Pensford due to staffing issues. The recycling was collected the following day (Thursday).

Resourceful Earth Site: Email from Mr Morgan circulated to all PC Members. No further update on the site at present.

Big Things: An email was received from a Team developing a new programme for a major UK Broadcaster, hoping to create a new landmark for a nominated community. Training: Tony Jones was booked onto and attended the Being a Good Councillor Training Course.

Planning and Plain English a training session on how to make successful and influential submissions to applications! 17th March 2018 in Long Ashton. Cost £50 per delegate. Clerk & Chairman to attend this.

Crime Update 8th February 2018: Unknown offender(s) smashed the side window to gain entry to a van while it was parked on Church Street, Pensford, between 7.30 pm on Wednesday 7 February and 6.10 am the following morning. Items were stolen from the van, and the police want to remind drivers to ensure that they leave nothing in their vehicles, as even the smallest item can attract unwanted attention.

9. Planning:

Applications received & Circulated for Comment:
18/00410/FUL Mr K Sheehan The Orchard Gibbet Lane. Erection of an infill front extension, removal of the conservatory and erection of a raised platform and decking with a hot tub. Parish Council Support.

18/00441/CLEU Mr Garrry Cole Parcel 5001 Woollard Lane Publow. Use of Land for Equestrian use (Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use). Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

17/04840/FUL Mr P Walsh 40 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of a double and single storey side and rear extension. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £752.14
HMRC Clerk NI & Tax £211.50
Kompan Ltd 50% Memorial Hall Payment Playground Equipment £5954.75

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £32.00
ALCA Good Councillor Course – Tony Jones £60.00
Water Business Allotment Water £29.53


Memorial Hall Donation to Play Equipment £4962.28

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Affordable Housing.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Forum Meeting Monday 26th February 2018 at 6 pm
Parish Liaison Meeting 28th February 2018

Mr M Daniels and Mr T Jones gave apologies for the March Meeting.

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