Parish Council Minutes – 12th May 2014


Present: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Jones, Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Gully, Mr L Seymour, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

AGM Agenda:

a) Chairman Report:

The Chairman gave his report, which summarised the last year of the Parish Council. Another busy year had been undertaken by members of the Council who had not only attended the monthly Parish Council meetings but participated in a wide range of other meetings.

b) Financial Report:

A full Financial Report will be given at the June Meeting.

c) Memorial Hall Report:

A new committee are in place and a meeting has taken place between the Parish Council and Memorial Hall Chairman and Vice Chair.


1. Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman:

Mr Heaford was proposed by Mr Seymour and seconded by Mrs Grimes to continue the position as Chairman. Mrs Gully proposed Mrs Stephenson to remain as Vice-Chair and this was seconded by Mr Filer.

2. Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book was duly signed by Mr Tony Heaford, Chairman and Mrs Janette Stephenson, Vice-Chairman.

3. Members of the Public: There were no members of the public present.

Presentation to Mrs Jenny Gully: The Parish Council had nominated Mrs Gully to receive the Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club Community Award. A framed certificate was presented to Jenny to mark her nomination for the outstanding contribution she has made to our community. The Rotary Club said “without people like Mrs Gully and the unseen work and energy she has shown over a number of years the fabric of village life would not be the same.”

4. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P Edwards & Mr J Kelly.

5. Minutes of Monday 14th April 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising.

7. Appointment of Representatives for: Memorial Hall Committee: Mrs Gully, Parish Council’s Airport Association: Mr Heaford & Mrs Grimes in his absence. Parish Liaison Meetings: Mr Heaford. ALCA Meetings & BANES Local Council Group: Mr Heaford. Chew Valley Forum Group: Mr Heaford. PACT Meetings: Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Gully.

8. Parish Council Charity Donation: Agree on Organisation/s to receive a donation: It was agreed that donations would be looked at on their own Merit as and when a request is received.

9. Items for Discussion:

a) A37/Traffic Lights: Close contact remains with BANES regarding the Traffic Lights. Access Only signs have been placed on High Street and entrance to Old Road as requested although they do not appear to deter all motorists. Parish Council to suggest getting rid of the traffic lights and leaving a coned area along the landslide causing a pinch point which will narrow the road slightly, but keep the traffic moving. Concerns have been raised with the Highways department regarding the amount of traffic that will be travelling on the A37 to the Bath & West Show and the Glastonbury Festival.

A Police presence has been requested to try and deter the speed of motorists along Old Road and down the High Street. It has been reported to the Parish Council that the “School Run” is becoming a dangerous walk to school.

Better publicity will be asked for. The possibility of having a news bulletin to add to our web site will be asked for too.

Parish Council agreed that George Bottin, Highways should be invited to the next Parish Council meeting.

b) Pensford 10K Update: Mrs Stephenson reported that the 10K went well, although the weather was poor. There were increased numbers this year. The Football Club provided 14 Marshalls for the day. The Rotary Club were also a great help. Highways swept the course and filled in the potholes prior to the race, although the flooding at Peats Hill continues to be a problem area. Poppies have been planted along the edge of the Memorial Hall field. The accounts details for the 10K are awaited.

c) Neighbourhood Planning – Date needed: It was agreed to meet on Wednesday 11th June at 2.30 pm. Venue to be confirmed. Clerk to contact all interested parties.

d) Railway Bungalow: Concerns had been raised by the Ward Councillor for the Chew Vally North about permissions Granted by the Planning Authority and the possibility that the building is not in accordance with the plans. A future meeting will be convened to discuss the Planning Application and the Permissions granted.

e) Memorial Hall Meeting/Children’s Play Area: A meeting was held with the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Memorial Hall and Chairman and Clerk of the Parish Council. The recent Play Area Report was discussed. It was agreed that the Memorial Hall would obtain quotes from BANES for the repairs. Many ideas for fundraising are in place. The Memorial Hall have been offered Security Cameras by the Community Trust. Close links will remain with both Hall Committee and the Parish Council.

f) Church Organ Donation: It was agreed that the Parish Council would donate £250.00 towards the cost of the new organ for All Saints Publow.

g) Rural 20 mph Speed Limit Programme: Clerk reported that BANES have allocated £70000 in this year’s Capital Schemes Programme for the introduction of 20mph speed limits in rural areas now that the urban 20mph limit rollout is coming to an end. An expression of interest is now being sought from Parish Councils wishing to be considered for the introduction of a 20mph limit and details of where they would wish to be considered. Clerk has written a letter to BANES asking for Old Road Pensford to be considered and also Publow Lane Pensford.

10. Clerks Progress Report: Man Hole Covers at High Street & Pot Holes: BANES have been reminded about the need to repair this area. It was marked with white lines but to date nothing repaired.

Verge Cutting: An email has been put through Council Connect to try and find out who is responsible for the Verge Cutting. Reply awaited.

Parking: No update from Parking Services following Clerks enquiry regarding the current use/or lack of use of Disabled Parking Bays in the village. A reminder has been sent.

War Memorial: Quotes awaited for cleaning the Memorial.

Banners on Highway: There is an application process to obtain a licence to put a banner adjacent to or across the Highway. Clerk has obtained details from the BANES Web Site.

Log Cabin: No update to offer since last month.

Greenacres: At the last meeting of Whitchurch Parish Council, it was reported that Greenacres in Woollard Lane has several caravans parked on its land. Enforcement have been asked to investigate. No report from Enforcement to date. There is one Caravan parked on site.

Woollard Bridge: Structures were emailed and reminded that a request was made over 12 months ago for the bridge to be re-painted. It is hoped this will now happen. A reply was received from structures who have reminded their team that this is 12 months out of date and needs to be attended to.

Web Site: An enquiry has been received from someone looking to rent land in the Area. A copy of the enquiry will be placed on the notice board. Details of the Parish News contacts has been sent to the enquirer.

Traffic Count Publow Lane: Chairman has sent a follow up email to Stefan Chiffers as the traffic count is still awaited.

Planning: Parish Council comments have been submitted in relation to the Planning Application for Church Farm, The Chapel Mill Lane, Birchwood House & Roundlands Stables.
Footpaths: The Footpaths Officer has been reminded that we need his hours in order to finalise payment. He has been asked to cut the Village Green.
The Parish Council Agency Agreement has been increased by 4% this year bringing the total to £805.71. An invoice has been raised to claim this from BANES.

Correspondence: Connecting Communities new Forums for Keynsham & Chew Valley: It is proposed that the dissolution of the Chew Valley Area Partnership and the formal procedure for setting up the two new groups are to b held at the same meeting. The date for this meeting has now been scheduled for Tuesday 22nd July, at 6.30pm, venue to be confirmed. Further details about this meeting will be circulated in due course. Following this meeting the Forums will then meet separately. Parish Cluster meetings will now cease for Keynsham and Chew Valley. The last meeting will be held on the 14th May in Chew Magna. The new Forums will deal with common and shared issues regarding service delivery, rather than individual Parish issues.

Neighbourhood Policing Awards: Nominations are now being sought for Neighbourhood Beat Team of the Year, Neighbourhood Beat Manager, PCSO & Special Constable of the Year. Also Outstanding Customer Service Award and Volunteer of the Year. Clerk has forms should anyone wish to make a nomination.

11. Planning:

Application Considered:

14/01844/FUL Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 3no bed dwelling to be built to the side of 13 Hillcrest. The Parish Council considered this application and will submit comments that a Two Bedroom Property would be better for the size of the plot. It would make a more affordable house and cause less overdevelopment of the size of the plot. Concerns had been made to the Parish Council by members of the public regarding the position of a new property on the corner of a very small lane, which may cause Highway Access Concerns. There will be very little garden and the proposal will overlook neighbouring properties. Parish Council were also concerned about parking issues, which would be caused by this development.

Application considered by Sub-Committee:

14/01767/FUL Mr & Mrs P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of Double Garage. Parish Council Support.


None to date

Enforcement Matter: No response has been received from the owner of Elm Tree Cottage; Clerk will ask Planning Enforcement to make a site visit.

BANES Workshop for Parishes & Town Councils on Paperless Consultations: The Chairman and Clerk attended this workshop on Monday 12trh May which was a presentation to pprovide Parish Councils with a context and background for electronic working. The benefits of us all working electronically were discussed. The procedure on how to view and comment on plans electronically was shown. Presenters were from BANES Development Management, the Planning Portal and representatives from parishes who are already working electronically.

12. Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg April Salary 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Imprest 15.35
Gospel Hall Hire Donation 20.00
Diane Malley Payroll Services 2014/15 48.00
National Allotments Membership Renewal 22.50
P Holmes Notice board Repairs 132.97

Receipts to Note:

Allotment Rental Cox, Custance 40.00

13. Any Other Business:

Defibrillator Invoice: The final invoice for the installation of the Defibrillator is still awaited.

War Memorial: Clerk confirmed that no response had been received from the Primary School in relation to the WW1 Celebrations.

Planters for the Village: This project will now get underway. A Grant was received from the Ward Councillors Initiative.

Church Farm: Concerns have been raised again regarding the landslip on the Footpath at Church Farm. Chairman has been in contact with the landowner and the aim is to walk the footpath again to look at the areas of concern.

Allotments: An allotment tenant has asked the Parish Councils permission to take the Mistletoe off of a tree at the allotment site and sell it. Proceeds will be donated to Dorothy House. As long as it is harvested correctly the Parish Council were agreed that this would be ok.

Parking – Publow Lane: Cars are reported to be parking on the pavement outside of Lock Up Cottages again. This is making the corner very dangerous. Clerk to chase up Mr S Chiffers department again.

Village Green: Footpaths Officer will be asked to cut this and keep tidy. Clerk has tried to make contact. There is also a bollard pushed over which needs replacing.

Waterside Cottage: It was raised again that the area around Waterside Cottage is very untidy. The Cottage is in the middle of a Conservation Area and does little to enhance it.

Overgrown Foliage outside of Mousehole was reported. Clerk to report to Highways.

Tennis Club: Held a very successful Jazz Evening, 120 people attended.
A new Coach has been advertised for on the LTA web site. It is hoped a new one will be starting and will also hold Cardio Tennis sessions.

Pensford Hill: Concerns were raised regarding the Wall Bowing out by Hillside House. Clerk to contact Highways Structures Department and ask if they are able to have a look at this.

125 High Street (Sheilas Cottage): A new decked area and fencing around has been raised as a concern as it overlooks the properties in The Orchard. It also appears to encroach on the neighbouring ground.

August Meeting: Parish Council agreed that they should hold an August Meeting.

14. Notice of Future Meetings:

  • BANES ALCA Group Meeting 28th May 2014
  • PCAA 24th June 2014


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