Parish Council Minutes – 12th November 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr J Kelly, Mr T Jones, Mrs Tracy Jones, Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mrs S Grimes.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were ten members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public:

a) Mr D Lowe: An update was given on the Stones for the Parish. The faces have now been cut on the stones and they are due for collection soon. Suitable locations are still to be confirmed.
Mr Lowe is co-ordinating a Music Festival for the Village on 22nd June 2019 the profits from which will be split into 3 charities. Monies will be donated to the Memorial Hall to develop it and offer more amenities. Ideas so far are an all-weather Bowling Green and an Astro Turf Pitch. Parish Council welcomed the idea and suggested that the Hall Committee should also be consulted.
Cllr May committed to donate the Ward Councillors Personal Allowance next year towards a bowling green.
Member of public asked about the wall at the Memorial Hall. They were informed that Truespeed will be paying for the wall to be re-built in return for siting their exchange box in the car park.
Parking: Members of the Public raised concerns regarding parking around the Parish especially at the bottom of Wick Lane. Recently the Emergency Services had difficulty in accessing Church Street as a car blocked the road. No Parking Bays were suggested however Enforcement of these are a concern. Positioning planters in the space where a car would park and block the road was suggested. Extra signage was suggested. Purchasing a small piece of land and installing the plastic matting to preserve the grass was also suggested.

b) Mrs J Flower: Truespeed work on roads. Replacement Barn/Stables/Store on Downs following Fire. Remembrance Sunday, Mrs Flower had asked for these items to be placed on the agenda but was absent from the meeting.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer and Mr P Baxter.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. There were none received.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 8th October 2018 and sign as a true and accurate record. After being circulated the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

b) Affordable Housing following Meeting with Gary Ward: Cllr May gave an update of the meeting. The possibility of building smaller units on small pieces of land around the village was discussed. It was explained that people wishing to register on the Homesearch register were finding it a difficult web site to access. An open day with Homesearch attending was suggested. Cllr May will follow up with Gary Ward and come back to the Parish Council.

c) Bins for Hillcrest: A new bin will be requested where one once stood by the Bus Stop and Post Box at the top of High Street where it meets Hillcrest.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Cllr May gave updates on the Clean Air Consultation, Budget, proposed housing for Whitchurch and the JSP and the Local Plan. In addition to the advertised open days for the Local Plan Cllr May will be holding a public meeting at the British Legion in Whitchurch on Tuesday 27th November at 7.30 pm.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Feedback from Remembrance Sunday: The Remembrance Service was well attended with 150+ people gathering around the War Memorial. Poppies had been put up along Church Street by a Member of the Public. The PA system on the day again helped with the Service.
Chairman gave thanks to all of those involved. Parish Council extended thanks to Umang Patel for providing the refreshments for after the service in the Church Room. The Police Community Support Officers although they were unable to stop the traffic were a great help in slowing the traffic down.

b) Update from BANES re: Pensford Safety Scheme for the A37: Works have been promised to start after Christmas. BANES will be asked for confirmation of a date. Clerk handed around the detailed drawings of the proposals agreed. Clerk has further copies should members of the public wish to see them.

c) Fingerposts Update: Awaiting the removal of the posts.

d) Memorial Hall: An update following the Memorial Hall held on Tuesday 6th November 2018 was given. Currently the hall finances are reported to be good, bookings are coming in for next year. Clerk reported that the Parish Council had not received a copy of the accounts.

e) Tennis Club: The new sign has gone up on the A37. The club now has 100 members. The club are now looking at fundraising to improve the off court facilities.

f) Litter Pick Update: This went well with volunteers helping. It was suggested that it should be done three times a year. Maybe Spring, Summer & Autumn.

f) Bath Clean Air Consultation: Covered under item 5. The consultation closes on 28th November 2018.

7. Reports:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Not represented. An update on the Clean Air Zone Consultation for Bath was given along with a presentation from Gigaclear.

c) Clerks Progress Report: Gigaclear: Clerk has received an email from the Community Engagement Manager for the area. Parish Council to invite to a future meeting.

Local Plan Consultation: Clerk has circulated details regarding the new Local Plan which is about the use and development of land. The Local Plan consultation ends on 7th January 2019. The options document can be viewed at different locations such as One Stop Shops and Libraries. All Consultation Documents and background evidence can be found at

CIL Training: Mr Kelly will be attending the CIL Training in Keynsham on Thursday 6th December 2018 Planning Policy have been notified.

Fingerpost: A Donation of £1,000 has been received from Bristol Airports Diamond Fund.

Planning: Appeal Nickel Scaffolding. Clerk has submitted a reply to Development Management in response to the appeal re-iterating original comments. The proposal still remains in the Green Belt and has no Affordable Housing element to it.

Back Lane – A new nameplate is on order and will be installed when received by BANES.

Culvery Lane Unfortunately as Culvery Lane is not an adopted Highway and not maintained by Highways, BANES will not be installing a nameplate here.

Travellers Rest: No update has been received from the Asset Management Company.

Community Awards – Two Nominations have been received from a Member of Public these will be submitted along with the suggestions from the October Parish Council Meeting.

Bath Clean Air Consultation: Details of this Consultation have been added to the web site.
Police: Local Neighbourhood Police Team will be holding Beat Surgeries outside the Fire Station in Chew Magna on the following Wednesdays – 14th November, 12th December, 23rd January & 20th February between 11 am & 1 pm

Clerks Training: Clerk attended Local Councils Administration (2) Training. Aimed at Finance procedures. Topics covered Responsibility of the RFO, Budgeting. October November & December are the months where the Parish Council should be thinking about future projects. Financial Procedures were covered. January is the month for setting the Precept and it is considered good practice to raise the Precept by up to 2% per year. February is considered a good month to review Governance Arrangements and Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The Internal Audit was covered. An Internal Audit can be carried out by a Clerk from another Parish it does not have to be an accountant.

Payroll & PAYE were discussed along with how Parishes operate their Payroll. Most do as we do and have a Payroll Provider. Audit and Year End Accounts were discussed along with different forms of good Accounting Systems. VAT was another topic covered. Risk Assessments and applying for Grants were also looked at. This just highlights a few of the Topics covered. Clerk has the full presentation if anyone would like to see it. The next training takes place on Friday 16th November 2018.

8. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

18/04865/TCA Mr M Brady Devon House 1 x Ash – fell. 1 x Sycamore – fell. Parish Council Support.

18/04444/FUL Mr R Wilson Roses Pensford Hill Pensford. Extension & Alterations


18/01825/OUT Mr Budd Broadoak Sidings Wick Lane Pensford. Outline application for the erection of 1 no.dwelling. REFUSE

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £757.72

Payments to be authorised

Mrs J Bragg Imprest £32.00
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink Cartridge x 2 £25.00
Mr D Lucas Village Green Grass Cutting x 2 Cuts October £40.00

Receipts to note:

BANES CIL Payment 15/04054/FUL Pensford Garage £3096.44

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Hedges on Pensford Hill need cutting back.

11. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 10th December 2018 AT 7.15 pm.
Parish Online Event Bath Spa University 27th November 2018

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