Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford (part), Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 7 Member of Public
10.1 Public Submissions: – Comments were received from residents regarding the amended designs for the land north of the Orchard preapplication discussion. Points raised included concerns that the new designs were even more dominant on the hillside, the parking & turning provision take up half the plot and combines with the metal steps, generated a street scene that was not sympathetic to its surroundings. The plans include the removal of 2 of the TPO protected trees and the development would be harmful to the root system of the other tree. The observation platform and windows facing the orchard increased privacy issues. The scale of the proposal was considered too large for this plot of land. Rubble stone would be preferable to render.
10.2 Apologies: There were no apologies for absence
10.3 Declarations of Interest: Tony Jones (10.9a)
10.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 7th September 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.
10.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr May reported that he had attended the hearing for the TPO at the Orchard and the decision was unanimous in favour of making the TPO permanent.
-Residents were concerned about parking in the lane at the top of Hursley Hill and Cllr May had informed them that the Parish council had supported the Traffic Regulation Order for double yellow lines to prevent cars parking and blocking the lane.
-It has been reported that B&NES have the second highest cases of Covid 19 in the area after Bristol, but it is thought that this is mainly due to the occurrence of cases at the university
-Cllr May had questioned whether we could amend the Neighbourhood Plan to include Climate change, but had established that an amendment would need a complete review and not just an amendment.
-B&NES have formally objected to expansion plans at the airport and will be represented at the enquiry. Cllr May has contact Jacob Rees Mogg for support.
-The government is considering proposals for a unitary authority for Somerset. This may have a knock-on effect on B&NES and so needs to be monitored.
-B&NES are considering returning the chew Valley Leisure Centre to Chew Valley School.
-B&NES have a shortfall in funding of £29 Million and need to make savings of £21 million over the next 2 years.
10.6. Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – No update
b) Allotments – Details to be sent to Clerk
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – 6 Month Report Circulated
d) Dog bins – The Supplier has changed but should be ready in about one week.
e) Memorial Hall – The Committee have not met and are not planning any of the normal events as they are likely to be cancelled.
f) Litter picks – Due to Covid restrictions a normal litter pick cannot be organised but it was agreed to split the Parish into sections and allocate volunteers to look after each section as and when convenient. The Parish Council approved expenditure for 10 litter pickers.
10.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) Footpath Officer Position. Mark McMullen has been appointed as the Parish Footpath Officer.
b) The Parish Council approved a grant of £300 to the PCAA towards legal costs opposing the hearing for the expansion of Bristol airport from 10 million Passengers per annum to 12 million passengers per annum, to allay concerns of increased traffic and night flights resulting from the expansion.
c) CIL Funds: Funds from the Community Infrastructure levy needed to be spent by 2022. Two proposals have been put forward.
-To create an additional Car Parking area in the playing fields. (Including an ancillary proposal to pursue the creation of a footpath off road, from the Memorial Hall to the School.
-To make changes to the road layout at the Village Green.
It was agreed to add more details to these proposals and consult on the preferred option.
d) The Prevalence of Mink in the river was discussed. Bristol Avon River Trust are currently investigating Mink in local rivers -the chairman will circulate the details to see if they can advise.
e) Remembrance Day arrangements have been curtailed due to Covid. The Parish council have ordered two Wreaths, one will be laid in the Church and one at the War Memorial. The situation will be monitored.
f) The Parish Council agreed to give permission for purple crocus to be planted around the parish. The Crocus will be provided by Rotary to celebrate that the whole of Africa is now Free of Polio.
10.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Minutes of the ALCA AGM had been previously circulated
10.9 Planning
a) Applications to Consult:
i. 20/03399/TCA: The Hollies, Pensford Hill, Pensford. T1(Ash) – Remove the side limb to wall height, side prune remaining to clear electrical distribution lines. The Parish Council agreed that they had no objection.
b) Decision Notifications:
i. 20/0242/FUL: Land to the North of the Orchard, High Street, Pensford. Erection of 3 bed dwelling with parking (resubmission): REFUSE
c) Other Planning Issues:
ii. Informal pre-application consultation for Land north of the Orchard, High Street, Pensford . Proposed plans were made available for residents to view and make comments prior to them being submitted to B&NES, The Parish Council agreed that residents comments would be directed to the developer.
10.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report & 6-month Budget review were accepted
b) October Payment were approved.
Payee Description Amount
DPM Lucas Grass cutting the green (August) £40
Chew Valley East News Advertisement for Climate Group £35
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (September) £719.01
Mrs Helen Richardson Reimburse Zoom subscription (October) £4.80
10.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: CIL Money.
10.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 6.30pm 2020
Chew Valley Forum – 2nd November 6pm.
The meeting closed at 21.05pm
IF YOU INTEND TO ATTEND YOU MUST notify pensfordparishoffice@gmail.co.uk