Parish Council Minutes – 12th September 2016


Present: Vice-Chairman Mr T Heaford. Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer. Clerk Mrs J Bragg.
There were seven members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: Concerns were raised regarding the amount of rubbish around the playing field. It was suggested that the Hall Committee should be made aware of this.
Litter: A discussion was undertaken and it was agreed that litter is a big problem around the village. Parish Council will proceed to arrange a Litter Picking Day again. Possibly late October early November before the Remembrance Service.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Stephenson and Mrs J Gully.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 8th August 2016 as a true and fair record. Mr Baxter intimated that the last sentence of paragraph 7 of the Minutes of the Meeting of 8th August was incorrect. This was deleted and the following inserted: ‘Mr Baxter stated that he had contacted the Community Trust with a view to obtaining Gift Aid for the resurfacing project and was given to understand by them that this required the ‘permission’ of the Parish Council. He was informed that this was not the case and the matter was one for the Trust alone.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Chairman welcomed Cllr May to the meeting so soon after his hip replacement operation.
Cllr May reported that the Summer has been quiet. The Devolution presentations have taken place, with a small majority in favour of it. A decision will be made in October if Devolution goes ahead.
Your Care Your Way: To which Cllr May declared an interest, and reported that the Tender process had been undertaken and from April 2017 the NHS will be delivered by Virgin Care.
Hill House Wall:
20 mph Scheme: Cllr May was asked when this will be implemented. Cllr May to find out and report back. However we still await the Vehicle activated flashing signs from BANES also. Both will be chased up by Cllr May.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench: Parish Council are still trying to identify ownership of the wall behind the existing bench by the Lock Up as this needs attention before the new Acker Bilk is put in place.
Parish Council have received a phone call from a gentleman who worked with Acker for 43 years and has suggested a jazz evening to remember him. This will be progressed.

b) Lock Up: The vegetation has now been cleared. Three Quotes for the works have been received and funding sources will now be looked into. A meeting will also be arranged with the Conservation Officer to discuss the repairs. Clerk to clarify the need for the Conservation Officer if the the repairs being undertaken are “Like for like”.

c) Tennis Club: The Contractor has been asked for a refund or to re-surface the Courts to the necessary standard. The Contractor has not replied to either request. Legal advice has been sought. The Tennis Club are now in the process of obtaining three further quotes for the re-surfacing of the courts which will cost in the region of 10k per court. The LTA are very much involved and are helping to run a new web site. Thanks were extended to Jo & Mike at the Rising Sun for donating the proceeds of the Duck Race £360 to the Tennis Club.
There will be a “Tennis for Free” Event on 25th September 2016 10am – 2pm for any age from 4 upwards.

d) Fingerposts: The Community Trust have confirmed that they will fund £1500 towards the finger post campaign. The fund now has £3000 which will enable the renovation of two posts. A piece will be submitted to the Chew Valley Gazette by the Community Trust and there will be a photo call on September 26th for the key people involved. Another meeting will be convened soon to arrange the commissioning of the work.

e) Accounts: No update on the Accounts which remain with Grant Thornton External Auditors.

f) Church Street Re-Surfacing: No further progress to report. Attention will be focussed on Church Street once BANES complete all other Tarmac Programmes. Members of the Public have raised concerns about the appearance of the proposed surface and what it will look like in the future. Also why are the Council spending money on Church Street?
The Parish Council have suggested that residents should be consulted and would like to know what are the arrangements between the Council and the residents. An update is awaited.

g) Stanton Road Pensford Road Closure Update: BANES have now awarded the Contract and have a start date of 19th September with ground investigations being carried out in the neighbouring field. Road Closure is likely to be end of September early October to allow enough notice for users. Parish Council will again ask about Diversion Routes, the possibility of night working and advertising the road closure as wide as possible including the Bristol Airport Web Site.

h) Remembrance Sunday: Clerk has spoken at great length with the Traffic Management Team in BANES and also Avon and Somerset Constabulary. It will be impossible to apply for a Road Closure of the A37. There would have to be a Traffic Management Plan in place with diversion routes for HGV’s put in place, and to hire the signage for the day would cost in the region of £1,500.
A closure of Church Street has been applied for between 10.50am & 11.15am…It is hoped that the congregation could move down Church Street away from the War Memorial and the noise of the traffic. The PCC have been informed and it has been suggested to them that the Brownies/Guides meet in the school playground so that they are near to the Pedestrian Crossing. Clerk has also emailed the usual contact for a Bugler and will order the Poppy Wreath from the British Legion in due course.

i) Advertising Banners: Clerk contacted BANES Highways again to find out if the Tennis Club can put up their banner on the bridge. Clerk was informed that there are No Planning Consents in place for banners to be put up on the railings adjacent to the A37 outside of the School. The Highways Team informed the Clerk that they would be speaking to the School in due course which they have and school have been asked to remove their banners. Highways report that the banners are a distraction to motorists and could create an unsafe situation for other motorists and pedestrians using the crossing. On grounds of safety any application made will be refused.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Truespeed Broadband: Truspeed are currently rolling out Broadband to villages in the Chew Valley including Priston and Compton Dando. It has been suggested that Pensford may like to look into the Superfast Broadband. This can only be installed if there is sufficient take up from parishioners. After discussion it was agreed to invite Evan Wienburg to a future Parish Council meeting. A Public Meeting was also suggested for those interested.

8. Reports:

a) Report on Sod-Cutting Ceremony Queen Charlton Quarry: Mr Heaford & Mr Kelly attended along with over 100 other interested people. The plant hopes to start taking food waste onto the site in February 2017. It is anticipated that the amount of energy produced could power 80% of residences in Keynsham. The extra traffic the site will generate is anticipated to be 2 tankers per hour along Charlton Road between the hours of 8am & 6pm.
The composting site continues. Anyone who wishes to go and have a look around the site will be more than welcome. School visits will be encouraged to the site.
A Parish Councillor commented that he would like to see the front of the site tidied up.

b) Clerks Progress Report:

Memorial Hall: The committee have been awarded a grant of £850 by the Pensford Social Welfare Centre towards the refurbishment of the ladies toilets at the hall. They have obtained the necessary 3 quotes in order to satisfy our standing orders and have asked that the Parish Council help with claiming the VAT back. On discussion Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Mr Kelly (Financial) have agreed to this. The hall committee have 3 months in which to complete the works. The Hall Committee have also been reminded that all invoices need to be in the name of the Parish Council and addressed to the Clerk.

White Lining: Clerk followed up the requests again for the White Lines to be re-instated at Priestdown Junction with Publow Lane and was informed on the 18th August that it would be carried out in the next couple of weeks following.

The request for a Litter Picker has been passed to cleansing but no update from them has been received to date.

Bollard on Pensford Hill: An email was received from Liz Hine to let the Parish Council know that the bollard has been replaced, and to say thank you for the Clerks persistence, it was much appreciated.

Litter Bin Request: We were pleased to receive the email from BANES confirming our request for a bin outside of the Primary School had been granted. The request for a Bin at the Bus Stop, Hillcrest had been refused but the area will be monitored for rubbish.

Weed Killing: BANES had arranged for the Streets in the Village to have Weeds sprayed. Clerk asked if the weeds could also be sprayed on Woollard Bridge and also around Publow Church car park.

Signs for Snack Van: Cllr Paul May has been in touch with Enforcement regarding the Snack Van Signs. No update to date.

Hill House Wall: Cllr May continues to be in touch with Building Control regarding the Wall. Suggestions to move the Wall back when works are carried out have been made by Cllr May. Building Control report that they are in conversation with the owners and await sight of the Engineers Report.

Parking Hillcrest: Cars parking on the pavement at Hillcrest have been reported to Parking Services as the cars are on the corner near a junction blocking visibility of cars exiting a junction. During the discussion on this problem it was noted that the property concerned has now erected a new fence which also blocks vision on this corner. Clerk to find out permitted height for a new fence.
Being a Good Councillor: The next course takes place on 15th October 2016 in Timsbury. Tracy Jones has been booked a place on this course.

Planning Enforcement:

Blackrock Lane: An email has been sent to Planning Enforcement regarding a gateway which has been created through a hedge at the top of Blackrock Lane to give access to a newly purchased woodland. Large storage containers have also been put on site. Concerns were raised by Public Rights of Way. No update from Enforcement as yet.

Bell Farm: An email was sent to Planning Enforcement regarding works at Bell Farm. It is understood that a small dormer window has been set in the roof of the property and internal works are being undertaken. As this is a Listed Building it is understood by the Parish Council that a Planning Application should be submitted. A reply is awaited.

c) Footpaths Report: Clerk has received details of Risk Assessments from Public Rights of Way and will arrange to go through this with the Footpaths Officer.
Work has commenced on replacing the Stiles at Publow Farm. The Footpaths Officer continues to work through the Paths and has submitted his recently completed hours.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted and discussed by Sub-Committee:

16/03934/ADCOU J & R Padfield Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane Publow. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and for associated operation development. Parish Council Support.

Applications to Discuss:

16/04058/LBA Mr Andy Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. External alterations to remove existing pan tiles, flashing, battens and roof felt and replace with new battens, flashing and roof felt whilst re-fitting existing pan tiles. Removal of existing UPVC guttering and replacement with new UPVC guttering. Parish Council Support if the replacement of the UPVC guttering is “Like for Like”. Clerk to clarify this with Case Officer.

16/04060/LBA Mr Andy Smith Newbridge House 198 Hunstrete Lane Woollard. External alterations to remove existing pan tiles, flashing, battens and roof felt and replace with new battens, flashing and roof felt whilst re-fitting existing pan tiles. Parish Council Support if the replacement of the UPVC guttering is “Like for Like”. Clerk to clarify this with Case Officer.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

16/03278/FUL Mr & Mrs N Anstey 24 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of a two-storey rear extension (Resubmission) PERMIT

16/01865/FUL Mr & Mrs Cullen Belluton House Stanton Road. Erection of an Agricultural Barn. PERMIT

16/03475/FUL Mr R Fegan Riverside Publow Lane. Erection of a single storey extension to an agricultural building. PERMIT

16/03249/FUL Mr & Mrs Richardson Westleigh Publow Lane. Erection of outbuilding forward to the front elevation. PERMIT

16/02626/FUL Mr Bewley Churchview High Street Pensford. Erection of two-storey extension following removal of garage and conservatory. PERMIT

16/03792/TCA Mrs Listor Hill House Trees to be felled in line with the repairs to the adjacent retaining wall. No Objection.

Appeal Lodged:

16/00056/HOUSE Mr James Hillside House Pensford Hill. Raised roof structure to allow new second floor accommodation. New Window to North East Elevation.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26           744.77
AED Locator Defibrillator Refurbishment Labelling Kit     150.00

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest                                                27.60
DCM Computers Remote Support Renewal                        72.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Officer 10 hours @ £8                     80.00

Receipts to note: None to note

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: No items to carry forward.

12. To Note Future Meetings:

BANES ALCA AGM Meeting Wednesday 14th September 2016 at Saltford Community Centre 7.30p.m.
ALCA AGM 8th October 2016 The Assembly Room Midsomer Norton – Mrs Grimes to attend.
Chew Valley Forum Meeting 29th September 2016
Neighbourhood Planning Meeting. Wednesday 5th October 2016



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