Minutes – 13-08-18


Present: Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were six members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: Jane Flower – Mink in River: Concerns were raised regarding Mink destroying wildlife along the riverbank. The Environment Agency have been contacted.
Flood Anniversary: Details of the Accounts from the Flood Day had been received.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully and Mrs J Stephenson.
Notice was given that the meeting was being recorded.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 10th July 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record: A Parish Council member asked if the minutes could be changed to read “Mr Patel attended the meeting to ask the Parish Council to support the TRO.”

b) Bristol Airport Summer Review: Mr Baxter may attend if no one else steps forward. Clerk will ask the Chairman if she can attend and then re-circulate the details.

c) Bristol Water River Chew Restoration: After discussion it was agreed that the response would be the Parish Council do not feel that the proposals are returning the river to its natural state.

d) Donation to Tower Fund: Parish Council agreed to donate £100 to the St Thomas a Becket Tower Fund.

e) Bristol Airport Noise Consultation: Bristol Airport have produced their Draft Noise Action Plan Consultation which will run until October. PCAA have drafted a response to it. Clerk to circulate the PCAA response.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Updates were given on the JSP. The building of a further two and half thousand homes for Whitchurch. A draft letter will go to every current household asking for information of where they have moved from etc. The Community have flagged up that they did not want development on Greenbelt land and 600 houses have been suggested as a compromise.
Traffic Regulation Order Church Street: The submission had gone in for the 2 places limited to shop hours.
An update was given on the Western Gateway.
A37 Works: No response had been received from Kelvin Packer. It was suggested that the Parish Council chase this situation now along with Cllr May.
Bath Clean Air Zone: Cllr May is following up on this.
Boundary Changes: The Boundaries remain unchanged for Pensford.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:
a) Memorial Hall Wall: Chairman of the Memorial Hall has agreed for Truespeed to re-build the wall in return for the siting of a Telephone Exchange Box at the Memorial Hall.

b) Neighbourhood Watch Update: Clerk had circulated to all an email containing notes from a meeting between the local PCSO and the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Watch Team. Details of incidents in Pensford for the last six months were discussed. Ten in all. The speeding traffic was mentioned again at Old Road and it was reported that warning letters have been sent out.
The concerns of Speed will again be raised with Kelvin Packer as part of the Pensford A37 Works and the fact that the Vehicle Activated Sign is still awaited. Other possible forms of traffic calming were discussed.

c) Affordable Housing Update: It was agreed that there should be an End of Call Date for applicants to register on the Homesearch Register. Parish Council agreed that this would be the
next meeting date of 10th September. A Facebook advert will be put up. Clerk was asked to look up the size of the allotment site and the size of each individual plot.

7. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk had circulated the notes from the Forum Meeting held on Monday 23rd July. The theme of the meeting was Community Safety. Police were in attendance but their report related mostly to Clutton. Sue Mountstevens from the Police Crime & Commissioner attended to answer questions.
There was a discussion on the Community Library. An update was given on the Great Flood Commemorative events.

b) Clerks Progress Report:
TRO Church Street: Clerk contacted BANES to confirm the TRO details proposed for Church Street and submitted a response from the Parish Council. This was circulated to all PC.
Rubbish Bin Woollard: The bin was removed and a new one is in place.
Plaque for Woollard Bench: The family were given the go ahead to put their plaque on the bench and an email of thanks was received from them they will send the Council a photo of the plaque before it is fitted.
Post office – Help: A letter of thanks had been received from a couple who received help from the Post Office Owners & the Rising Sun following a recent accident on the A37. Clerk read out the letter to the Parish Council.
Community Library Consultation: The next consultation event is on Wednesday 29th August between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm.
Footpaths: Footpaths Officer has been asked to strim around the Acker Bilk Bench and surrounding area.
Public Rights of Way reported that the stile is out of order at land off Old Road called The Common. CL17/19 which runs across it and it is south of Hillcrest. It is not registered with the RPA. It is not in the correct place either. On investigation it was found to be land rented but owned by Willow Cottage. Public Rights of Way are looking at upgrading both ends of the path with gates.
Culvery Wood: No update from woodland trust has been received.
Trees High Street/Old Road: No update offered although all was logged on Fix my Street.
Defibrillator Signs: The new Defibrillator signs for the Telephone Box in Woollard have arrived, the total cost is £104.00
AED Locator: A Final Demand invoice has been received from AED Locator for Tag Monitoring Services for the three defibrillators. Clerk has informed them that the invoice has not been seen before and that only two defibrillators details are submitted via a smartphone. AED say that they sent out information regarding this in June 2018, neither Clerk or Chairman have had details. The total for all three defibrillators is £176.40 (inc VAT) and this will be a yearly charge.
It was reported that the light is not working on the Defibrillator at Hillcrest. Clerk will contact the guardian. Mr Daniels has also confirmed that he will be happy to take over the guardianship of this particular defibrillator. Clerk to organise.
Community First Responder: Alex Easton has asked the Clerk to forward his thanks to the Parish Council for the donation of £200.00. He has said he would be happy to give a demo and also maybe some practice at CPR at a suitable time.
Highways: Work will be undertaken on Pensford Lane from its point at Druid Farm Stanton Drew to its point with Stanton Lane in a North Easterly direction for approximately 1600 metres. The road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position, which will be operative from 24th August 2018.
Pensford Air Quality Update: The update was circulated with no comments back. However Cllr May has suggested that Lucy Bolton attends a future Parish Council meeting to discuss the updates.
Police Matters: Clerk has sent Gemma Lindow from Avon & Somerset Constabulary best wishes for her career break. Gemma will be replaced by PC 4503 Jonathan BESWETHERICK but his start date is yet to be decided. Contact can now be made through PCSO 8079 Martyn BRAGG and PCSO 7315 David HOLMES will be available to assist with any issues. Urgent issues can be dealt with by Sgt 2601 Jon BAGNOWIEC.
Walk Booklets: An email praising the walk booklets which were launched at the flood commemoration day was received. Clerk sent the details to the History Group.
Alias Email Addresses on the Web Site: The Webmaster has kindly set up alias emails for all Parish Councillors.
Update from Memorial Hall Meeting: Clerk has circulated an update from the meeting held on 7th August 2018.
Training Session: BANES are arranging a training session for Parish/Town Councils on the 9th October from 10.00 a.m. – 12 noon in the Guildhall, Bath on the revised NPPF that has recently been released . The training session will focus on the changes between the old NPPF and the new one. One representative from each Council can attend. Return attendee name by 28th September…..
Chairs Community Awards: Nominations for the awards 2018/19 have been launched. Nominations have to be made by Friday 21st December with presentations in February.

8. Planning:

Applications to Consulted:

18/03290/FUL Mr P Hunt Mill Corner Church Street Pensford. Erection of single storey extension and change of use from workshop and storage to MOT testing facility/vehicle repair shop. Parish Council Support

18/03343/FUL Mr J Halliday The Laurels High Street Pensford. Erection of extensions, rear first floor balcony and relocation and design change of a dormer window. It was noted that there was no Design and Access Statement with this application. Clerk will follow up. Parish Council were happy with the application.

18/03342/FUL Mr S Whitemore Brook Cottage Hunstrete Lane Woollard. Erection of two storey rear extension and replacement of dilapidated lean to structure. This application was noted, however it is in Compton Dando Parish.


18/02439/TCA Bluebell Cottage 129 High Street. Hawthorn (T1) – Fell, Hawthorn (T2) Fell, Hawthorn (T3) – lower to 6ft. No Objection

18/01951/FUL Mr Cole Parcel 5001 Woollard Lane Publow. Creation of horse ménage measuring 38m x 45m PERMIT

18/02788/RES Mr T Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Approval of reserved matters with regard to outline application 15/01672/OUT. Approve

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £757.92
Mr R Stephenson Defib Signs £104.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Clearing/petrol & Weed killer £162.02
P James Flood Memorial Plaque £350.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £43.00
K C Printing Affordable Housing Information Flyers £30.00
Water 2 Business Allotment Water £28.37

Receipts to note:

Donation Flood Memorial Plaque £350.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Concerns were raised regarding the Crack in the Wall at St Thomas a Becket Churchyard. This had been raised before with the Local Authority who now have responsibility for the Churchyard.

11. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 10th September 2018 AT 7.15 pm.

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