Parish Council Minutes – 13th June 2016


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr P Baxter, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were two members of the public present.

1. Welcome Steve Wilcox to discuss Wi-Fi proposals for the Memorial Hall:

Mr Wilcox was unable to attend the meeting.

2. Members of the Public:

Members of the Public asked if it would be possible to obtain another Litter Picking instrument for Hillcrest. Chairman can obtain bags but not a litter pick instrument.

Member of the Public was unaware of the Parish Meeting in May as it was not advertised in the Parish Magazine dateline. Clerk to make sure that this is updated.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P May, Mr J Kelly.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda

5. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2016 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read the Minutes were signed as a True and Fair record.

6. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

The council has still to decide on whether to accept the devolution deal. The issue of an elected mayor is very unpopular following the recent BANES Mayor referendum.

The meeting with lead council officers about the A37 was well attended even though it was in the afternoon. There were lots of public commitments which will be recorded back to them in order to make sure they do not become forgotten. A meeting will be held with the head of the strategic roads group next week to discuss the larger issues of the infrastructure review being carried out by consultants.

The move by NHS England to combine BANES and Wiltshire CCG commissioning is not serving our community well so pressure is being put on the council to register that although this may suit the RUH it will not the residents of NES.

Whitchurch Parish council is now Whitchurch Village council. The first major application for 100 houses by Barratt Homes has been placed with the council. We are still pushing for a north south route through the new development but Queen Charlton object.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) A37 Meeting at Memorial Hall: A positive meeting with many attending. The resurfacing has now been completed however, some of the vegetation has been cleared but some remains and is unsatisfactory. Also some of the roadwork signs and the Porta Loo remains in the village. Clerk to ask about the removal of it.

An email has been sent to Kelvin Packer regarding the proposed location for a crossing by Police Lane. It is thought that the better location will be at the bottom of Short Lane. Parish Council to support this.

Mrs Grimes will circulate her notes from the meeting.

The Yellow Lines are still awaited on High Street and there is one less parking space outside of the Miners Coffee Shop. Clerk to follow up on these points.

b) Acker Bilk Bench Update:

Possibly be ready at the end of June. A £90.00 anonymous donation has been made along with £30 from the Miners Welfare Institute.

Planter on Bridge:

A local resident is keen to support the Planter on Pensford Bridge and will kindly be donating £700.00 to the Parish Council for plants around the War Memorial and the Planter, and bulbs which will be planted on the Village Green, around the Lock Up.

c) Lock Up:

A quote for a Conditions Survey to be carried out on the Lock Up was received and discussed. This can then be used as a basis to establish the cost of the restoration and repairs to the Lock Up. Parish Council agreed the quote for services of £100.00. clerk to progress.

Finger Posts:

Chairman reported that another £40.00 in donations had been received. A meeting has been arranged for the 20th June 2016 to discuss what help BANES may be able to offer. The person instructed from the Forge has surveyed all of the Finger Posts and will give a price for the restoration of all of them. Local interest continues. There is still the question of a missing Finger Post at the top of Hursley Hill. There will be another Fund Raising Event later in the year.

d) Tennis Club:

The Contractor was informed that all fencing and courts remedial work should be completed by 3rd June in time for a league home match. After exchanges of emails and being told the courts could not be done until July the Tennis Club decided not to progress with this contractor. An alternative contractor is now being sought.

LTA help & support is being looked into. An application has been made to the LTA for a grant to change fencing layout. A business plan has been completed.

The After School Club continues on a Tuesday with coaching being offered from a Bishop Sutton Coach.

Some members of the committee believe that stronger links with Bishop Sutton should be made with a view to becoming a satellite.

e) Memorial Hall:

It was reported that the Football Club are hoping to refurbish the area by putting a new roof on the hut. Possibly obtaining a grant to level the whole of the football field. Support has been given by the Hall Committee. The condition of the pitch after games is bad with litter being dropped. This needs picking up and/or bins in place. Thursday nights are busy with many cars trying to park due to the meeting of the Evergreens and the Footballers. Mrs Jones will unlock the gates to enable the footballers to park on the field.

Play Area: Awards for All and Sports England will be applied for a grant. BANES have confirmed they have no funding. Treasurer of the Memorial Hall will carry out a survey of what equipment is required and what needs replacing. Toddlers Parents have offered to paint the equipment.

BT Wi-Fi was suggested by the Hall Committee for the Hall. Clerk summarised the quotes from Steve Wilcox which detailed high costs.

Salmon & Strawberry Event: Ticket Sales continue.

Bottle Bank has been suggested for the Hall. The Christmas Fair has 10 tables sold so far. The Parish Council were asked to consider having a table.

8. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree Clerks Pay Scale Rise as per NALC/SLCC 2016-2018 National Salary Award: It has been confirmed by ALCA that the estimated salary of the clerk to Publow with Pensford Parish Council would be in the region of SCP 24 – 28. The recommended hours would be between 10 and 15 hours per week. Clerk currently is paid for 12 hours per week. Parish Council supported the NALC Pay award for 2016 – 2018 and subsequently agreed that the Clerk should now be paid for 14 hours per week.

b) To agree Draft Neighbourhood Plan: Clerk had circulated by email a copy of the Draft Plan to Parish Councillors. It was agreed that Clerk would get hard copies to those who wanted one and then gather comments prior to the Neighbourhood Planning Meeting on 22nd June. The Parish Council have to be happy with the Draft Neighbourhood Plan before the next consultation takes place.

9. Reports:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Devolution was discussed. The main aspects being the economy & transport. Infrastructure should be in place prior to more housing being built in Bristol. Transparency throughout. More communication between BANES and Parish Councils. Rural Transport remains a big problem.
Sweeper Scheme was discussed. 18 Parishes participate in BANES. Publow with Pensford have applied to be re-instated in the scheme.
A37 – A long discussion took place. It was reported that an 138K spend will save £614,000 in costs especially when an accident occurs.
Planning: Neighbourhood Plans are important and many are being produced in BANES.
BANES ALCA Meeting: ALCA Training – Parish Councillor Training. Mrs Jones & Mrs Gully to attend the next Councillor Training.

b) Clerks Progress Report:

Neighbourhood Planning: The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 22nd June. The next grant money has been received from Groundworks at a total of £3130.00 paid by BACS.

Peats Hill, Priestdown, Blackrock Lane: Clerk has put in a request to renew all of the white give way lines in this area.

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane: A reply was received from Enforcement who were meeting on the 17th May to discuss the legal position in terms of prosecution or injunction regarding non-compliance with the enforcement notice. An update was promised to happen the following week. To date no update received. Clerk has emailed again

Allotments: A further plot has been rented. However the site is becoming very overgrown and the pathways need strimming. Clerk will highlight with P Holmes on his return.

Village Green: A local parishioner will undertake the cutting of the Village Green every fortnight during the growing season. The area around the Lock Up will also be attended to.

A37 Snack Van: A Parishioner has emailed Clerk to highlight new signs which have been put up by the Snack Van in Hursley Hill Lay by. The new signs can be seen when travelling towards Whitchurch. They encourage drivers to turn right into the layby crossing the white hatchings and double white lines. This has been highlighted as a potential danger with Highways.

BANES ALCA Area Group: Are holding an extra meeting on Tuesday 19th July 2016 at 19:30 in the Kelston Room of Saltford Community Centre. Vice-chairman is unable to attend.

A Board Advertising: BANES are launching a new zero tolerance approach in enforcing A-board policy begins this week details will be placed on the noticeboard.

War Memorial: A recent survey was carried out on all WW1 War Memorials including ours in Church Street. The survey results scored a “fair” relating to the condition of the War Memorial. Clerk has asked the owners of the conifer trees behind the War Memorial to cut them back as soon as possible.

Networking Event for Clerks: Clerk recently attended a Networking Event in Compton Dando organised by Deborah White from ALCA. Seven other Parish Councils were represented. Useful discussions took place regarding Quality Parish Councils, Foundation Level, CILCA Qualifications, Continuation Professional Development Points (CPD Point System) these can be gained by the Clerk (12 per year) to enable the Parish Council to become Quality status. Clerk has a list of the criteria to attain the Foundation Award for Parish Council. Clerk will work toward achieving this with the Chairman.

There was further discussion on Clerks Hours and Salaries.

There will be a workshop in September headed “Effectively Influencing Planning” and will cost in the region of £70 – £80. Clerk will receive details in due course. The networking events will now be held quarterly.

Church Street Resurfacing Works: Scheduled for the 24th July. The Post Office and the Rising Sun have raised concerns regarding the loss of business through the recent road closure and the anticipated resurfacing. Clerk has contacted Highways with these concerns and awaits a reply back. The Post Office have also been advised to apply for compensation from BANES.

10. Planning:

Applications received Discussed by the Sub- Committee:

16/02165/FUL Mr K Dawe Church Farm Peats Hill. Conversion and change of use of a redundant agricultural barn to form a new private pool house. Parish Council Support. Letter Sent.

16/02204/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Short Lane Pensford. Erection of Detached Garage. Parish Council site visit made. Parish Council Support. Letter sent.

16/02238/ADCOU Mr R Flower Publow Farm Blackrock Lane Publow. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Parish Council support. Letter Sent.

16/02626/FUL Mr Bewley Churchview High Street Pensford. Two-storey side extension. Support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/04054/FUL Hareclive Properties Pensford Garage New Road. Redevelopment of car sales site to include erection of 6no. 3 bedroom houses and conversion of garage workshop to provide 2no. 3 bedroom cottages (Resubmission). PERMIT. (Conditions circulated).

15/04602/FUL Mr S James Hillside House Pensford Hill. Raised roof structure to allow new second floor accommodation. New window to northeast elevation. REFUSE

16/01502/FUL Mr & Mrs Anstey 24 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of two storey side and first floor rear extension. REFUSE

11. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 £640.12
ALCA Annual Subscription £209.12

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £26.00
Mr C Bishop Neighbourhood Planning Expenses £15.39
Mr C James Neighbourhood Watch Signs (Donation) £58.94
Memorial Hall Hall Hire A37 Meeting 25th May 2016 £30.00
PCAA Membership Renewal £50.00
Bristol Water Allotment Water 26/11/15 – 31/3/2016 £79.77

Clerk reported that the usage of water was higher at the Allotment Site. This will be looked into and the necessary Leakage Allowance form completed.

Receipts to note:

Allotment Rental Mrs Cox & Mr Littler £60.00
Allotment Rental Mrs D Custance £20.00
Finger Post Fundraising Event £1188.00

12. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Footpaths: Some are reported to be very overgrown. Old Road to Birchwood Lane Footpath is very overgrown.

Defibrillator: Batteries need checking at the Post Office.

Weight Limit for Woollard Lane, Publow Lane – recently a lorry became stuck delivering to Priestdown Farm.

13. To Note Future Meetings: Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 22nd June 2016.



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