Parish Council Minutes – 13th November 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson. Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Gully. Mr M Daniels, Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were six members of the public present.

1. Welcome Will Jones Truespeed: Will Jones gave an informative presentation to the Parish Council regarding the opportunity Truespeed are offering for parishioners to have High Speed Broadband to their property. If there is a 30% take up in the Parish Truespeed will provide the Primary School and the Memorial Hall with Broadband for life. A basic 200mgb package will cost £47.50. Further information on different packages available can be found on the Truespeed Web Site. Public Meetings are being held in the area and Truespeed continue to promote themselves via Facebook.

2. Welcome Gary Ward BANES & Winsley White Developers: Previous Affordable Housing proposals were summarised by Gary Ward, who then introduced Winsely White Developers and an Architect from CJR Architects who together have worked on many Rural Affordable Housing Sites. Winsley White have been offered a piece of land for Affordable Housing Development and were seeking the support of the Parish Council. With no scheme as yet put together or drawings to table, the Parish Council agreed that they could not comment on the scheme. Gary Ward informed the Parish Council that this would be their “only” option for Affordable Housing for the Parish, however after a lengthy discussion this statement was considered incorrect. The Parish Council would like to see homes for local people and any new homes proposed should go to those with a strong local connection. After a lengthy discussion the Architect suggested that a future meeting should take place to discuss the site further and finalise a plan. The Parish Council will get back to Gary Ward.

3. Members of the Public: Members of the Public raised concerns regarding a planning application for no.40 Hillcrest. In their opinion the proposal is far too large and will overpower the neighbouring property. The proposal of slate tiles are not in keeping with the surrounding houses. Although the Parish Council had submitted their reply supporting the application they agreed that a supplementary comment would be sent in light of the publics concerns.
Member of the Public reported that she had difficulty finding the Agenda on the Web Site.
Member of the Public reported that the Fire Brigade tending a recent Barn Fire had difficulty accessing Stanton Lane due to parked cars.
Member of the Public reminded the Parish Council that next year celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Floods.. Chairman reported that this is in hand with the West of England Rural Network.
a) Query re: New Access near Hursley Hill Layby: It was reported that a new access had been created into a field off of Ringspit Lane. Clerk had raised this with the Public Rights of Way and was awaiting a reply.

4. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr T Heaford

5. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. None Received

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 9th October 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record. After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record. Clerk amended the Minutes to show Mr Daniels in attendance.
b) Co-option of Mr T Jones: Following a unanimous show of hands Mr T Jones was successfully co-opted onto the Parish Council.
c) Christmas Tree: Parish Council agreed to ask Umang at the Post Office to provide
d) Heritage Trail: A Heritage Trail/Map is being progressed by Charlie Bishop following interest raised whilst producing the Neighbourhood Plan. Funding is to be sought from the Community Trust. A cost which will be in the region of £700. It was suggested that local businesses would like to donate towards the fund.

7. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:
Ward Councillors Allowance: The applications had been progressed, Pensford Primary School and the Memorial Hall will be receiving £1,250.00 each.
At the Liaison Meeting there was a presentation from Highways and closer working partnerships with Parishes.
Joint Spatial Plan has now been published and still requires 2,500 houses for Whitchurch and a Park & Ride. Proposed development will stretch as far as Hursley Hill Garage. Cllr May voted against these proposals. Response to the JSP can be sent via the BANES web site. Cllr May to circulate a bullet point reply.
Pensford: Two recent incidents on Pensford Hill being blocked by Lorries was brought to the attention of Kelvin Packer who assures Cllr May that the proposals for the A37 will go ahead. It is still proposed to remove the centre line and cats eyes at the narrow part of Pensford Hill.

8. To receive any updates on current matters:
a) Feedback from Remembrance Sunday: Chairman reported that the service this year went extremely well. PCSO Martyn Bragg and his colleague Dave Holmes arranged a change in shift so that they could attend the service and ensure the safety of the members of public attending and standing by the War Memorial. The Closure of Church Street had been arranged and signage put up. Steve Haines kindly provided the Public Address System. It was the first year we have had this and it worked well. The Bugler played really well. The Guides marched down from the Memorial Hall. It was asked that in future can the Guides be included in correspondence and organising prior to the event. It was commented that no other poppies than the Poppy Wreath were laid, maybe the Guides could be asked to make them next year
Missing Name: Member of the public reported that there is a name missing from the War Memorial from someone who served in the First World War. Further details will be given to the Clerk to follow up.
b) Tennis Club: Subscriptions are up on last year’s figures. A finals day was held. A Bavarian Evening to fundraise is planned. Additional signage has been asked for to signpost to the Tennis Courts.
c) Fingerposts & additional requests for signage: Two requests for additional signage have been made to add signs to the Fingerpost by the A37. There is a possibility that signs could be added to the existing post not the Fingerpost. Clerk to contact BANES.
d) Defibrillator Awareness Evening: This will be held on Monday 27th November at 7 pm at the Memorial Hall. It will be necessary to purchase a mannequin for the demonstration purposes.
e) Memorial Hall: Chairman had attended a meeting to discuss the Play Area. Further funding is required and a grant from the Community Trust will be applied for. It was confirmed that the Primary School will be taking over the Shed at the Memorial Hall.

9. Reports:

a) Joint Spatial Plan: Covered under item 7.
b) Parish Liaison Meeting: No-one from the Parish Council in attendance.
c) Clerks Progress Report: Report Attached. It was asked if maybe the Parish Could have the Mobile Speed Camera or Hand Held Camera for Old Road.

10. Planning:

Applications Consulted:
17/04853/FUL Mr M Sivier Woodcroft Barn Woollard Lane Publow. Conversion of outbuildings for ancillary residential use and alterations to driveway. Parish Council Support
17/04840/FUL Mr P Walsh 40 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of double and single storey side and rear extension. Parish Council Support.
17/04730/ADCOU J & R Padfield Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane. Prior approval request for change of use of Agricultural Building to dwelling (C3) and associated operational development.
17/05144/TCA Mr N Powell Waterside Cottage Church Street Pensford. T1 Horse Chestnut – Prune away from building. Parish Council Support.

Application to Consult:
17/04875/FUL Mr G Cole Mainstay Woollard Lane Publow. Levelling of site for working area with associated drainage. Parish Council agreed to Support this application.

17/03493/FUL Memorial Hall Publow Lane Publow. Installation of an activity Trim Trail in an existing play area, removal of a 4 way springer and extension of the fence to include a wooded area. PERMIT

11. Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14
Groundworks UK Repayment of Unused Grant Money £624.06
Grant Thornton External Audit Fee 2016/17 Accounts £240.00

Payments to be authorised
Mrs J Bragg Imprest £32.00
Mr D Lucas Village Green Grass Cutting x 1 Cut £20.00

Receipts to note: None to Note

12. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Problems of Dog Fouling were reported in the Hillcrest area again.
Hedge by the Primary School – still requires attention.
The Batch, Priestdown – the gully is blocked and there is a pothole in the road.
Parsonage Lane – A van is continually parking in the vision splay as you come out of the top of Parsonage Lane to meet the A37. Can this be policed?
Parking on Double Yellow Lines – Drivers are continuing to ignore the double yellow lines and park on them. Photos have been sent to Parking Services in the past. It is a problem which has been reported to BANES Highways. The Police will be asked if they can help.
RSPCA: Chairman reported that she had contacted the RSPCA recently when Sea Gulls with damaged wings were found at her property. The birds had to be destroyed. They are reported as a Pest but are also protected. If anyone needs to contact the RSPCA their number is 0300 1234 999
New Rubbish Collections: It was reported that the new vans are too big to collect the rubbish from Mill Lane in Woollard. Therefore the wheelie bins have to be wheeled up the lane to the road.

13. To Note Future Meetings:


Parish Online Event Bath Spa University 28th November 2017
PCAA 25th January 2018

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