Parish Council Minutes – 14th August 2017


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford. Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mr S Filer, Mr P Baxter, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were seven members of the public present.

1. Welcome Cllr P Myers & Mr David Dixon BANES: Cllr Myers Cabinet Member Policy, Localism and Partnerships attended the meeting with David Dixon. Cllr Myers summarised the Community Empowerment Fund details and gave out a guide for applicants along with an application form. This is a Parish Council initiative and not for other Community Groups. It was agreed that the money could be used for the Fingerpost Project on a match-funding basis. Publow with Pensford Parish Council will receive £560.00 from the fund. Money has to be applied for before the end of the financial year. Fundraising for the Fingerposts has already been undertaken. Photos of the projects are encouraged.
Parish Charter: Cllr Myers encouraged the Parish Council to get involved with the consultation in relation to the Parish Charter. The Charter will develop the way the Councils work.
“Fix my Street” is a way of reporting everyday problems. Clerk encouraged to look at this along with the Parish Council.
BANES Together Magazine has much more content now and items of interest. A calendar of events helps to promote Parishes. Any submissions can be sent to Sara Dixon Locality Manager.
ALCA & Parish Liaison Meeting groups are hoping to have a Conference once a year for Towns and Parishes to help them share ideas.
Himalayan Balsam: Chairman reported to Cllr Myers a problem with Himalayan Balsam growing on River Banks. It was thought that this should be reported to Bristol & Avon Rivers Trust to gain some advice.
Publow Bridge: An abandoned car had remained by the bridge for two weeks. It had been reported to the Police & BANES but so far no one had responded.

2. Members of the Public: Member of the Public addressed the Parish Council to confirm that he had spoken to Mrs Jean Bilk regarding the unveiling of the Acker Bilk Bench and confirmed all arrangements for the day with her.
Old Road Wall: Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the growth of trees through the Wall and how overgrown the wall is. It was asked if the Wall which used to be an iconic landmark travelling into Pensford from Chelwood could be cleared by BANES. Clerk confirmed that a request for the clearing of the Wall had been made to BANES for consideration when the road was closed for re-surfacing works. Clerk will follow up again.
Short Lane: Concern was raised over the condition of the Wall at the bottom of Short Lane. The wall now has a large gap in it. Clerk to report.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully & Mrs D Custance.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 10th July 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record: All agreed and signed by Chairman.

b) Staffing Panel: Following a discussion regarding how and when the Staffing Panel was formed it was agreed that a vote should be undertaken in relation to Cllr Baxter joining the Staffing Panel. Votes were undertaken around the table: Cllr Filer – No, Cllr Jones – No, Cllr Grimes – No, Cllr Kelly – No, Chairman – No, Vice Chairman – No. There were two absent Councillors from this meeting.

c) Summer Fete 2nd September – Memorial Hall: An update from the recent Memorial Hall Committee Meeting was given. Volunteers are needed to help with the Summer Fete. The Rotary are helping with the Car Parking. If anyone can help please contact Chris Lawrence.

d) Tree Charter Legacy Tree: Mr Heaford to consult this further.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Cllr May thanked the Parish Council for the support at the recent Public Meeting to discuss the A37. A further meeting is due to take place with Highways to discuss reports of further incidents on the A37 and to follow up what came out of the Public Meeting.
Belluton Commitment: Residents will be consulted with plans prior to any alterations at this junction. It is unlikely that funds are in place for this scheme.
Horseworld Development: Progressing. More traffic is being generated by the builders. A big concern are the threat of proposals for the JSP which will now be made public in November. The proposal for a Park & Ride and a further 3,500 houses is being argued by Cllr May.
Affordable Housing: BANES had contacted Cllr May with regard to a potential Low Cost Housing development in the Village. They were advised to contact the Parish Council. Chairman reported that this was to be discussed after the main Parish Council meeting. Chairman explained when questioned that it had been too late to add as an agenda item.
Garage Development: This is ongoing and still causing concern. Members of the Public are still questioning where the asbestos from the site is being taken. It was suggested that there should be an Audit trail if Asbestos is removed from site.
Resourceful Earth: Will be submitting a new application for both sites. The height of the soil piles is a concern. Parish Council agreed that historically the whole site needs to be tidied up as part of an agreed planning application. Any Enforcement process needs to be followed properly.
Ward Councillor Initiative Money: Cllr May asked for suggestions as to what he can dedicate this money for.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Accounts: Clerk reported that the Internal Audit by Underwood Lamb was complete with no queries being raised. The Annual Return had now been returned to Grant Thornton for the External Audit.

b) Tennis Club: Memberships are up. A fundraising Duck Race will take part at the Rising Sun Regatta on Sunday 27th August. It was asked if any posters advertising the Tennis Club events could be made smaller for the Noticeboards.

c) Update following Public Meeting re A37 Works: Many felt that it was a positive meeting and look forward to the future when the Belluton Junction can be made safer.
It was reported at the meeting that a Bollard had been knocked down on Pensford Hill.
Cllr May is having a meeting with Kelvin Packer on 21st August 2017 where he will ask about the Bollard and also if a review of speed limit can be undertaken through Publow.

d) Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling: The date of 22nd September 2017 has been confirmed. The unveiling will take place at 3pm carried out by Cllr T Warren, Cllr P May will also attend. A light Buffet will follow after.

e) Fingerposts Update: The first Fingerpost has now been removed and is currently being worked on.
Tesco Supermarket are supporting the Compton Dando Fingerpost Refurbishment.

8. Reports:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Not attended however Vice-Chairman Mr Heaford gave an update on the Councils Transport Policy – the new Railway Route which may happen.
The Parish Charter Consultation ended on the 31st July 2017. Parish Council had submitted comments.
Parishes Conference mentioned by Cllr Myers. The next Meeting takes place on 26th October 2017.

b) Clerks Progress Report: Clerk added to her progress report that the comments on the Parish Charter had been emailed back to BANES.

Remembrance Sunday: Clerk is in the process of applying for the Road Closure for Sunday 12th November 2017.

9. Planning:

Applications Consulted:

17/03067/ADCOU Mr J Wookey Old Steading Belluton Farm Stanton road. Prior approval request for change of use from agricultural barn to dwelling house (use Class C3) and associated operational development. Parish Council Support.

Application to Consult:

17/03493/FUL Unincorporated Charity Pensford Memorial Hall. Installation of an activity trim trail in an existing play area, removal of a 4 way springer and extension of the fence to include a wooded area. Parish Council Support.


None to report.

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £39.00
Memorial Hall Public Meeting £15.00
Mrs J Stephenson Church Room Hire for BANES Meeting £10.00

Receipts to note:

PPS Community Trust Donation towards Lock Up Works £528.25

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: PCAA – Bristol Airport Expansion to be added to the September Agenda.
Police Lane: Overgrown vegetation to report.
Parsonage Lane: From Parsonage Lane junction down overhanging vegetation.
Pensford Bridge: Nut bushes need cutting back.
High Street: Vegetation growing out of the pavement by Schumack House. Clerk to report.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 11th September 2017 AT 7.15 pm
Joint Spatial Plan, New Local Plan & HELAA Briefing 11th September 2017, 6 pm- 8 pm Chandos Room Somervale Pavilion Keynsham. This meeting will clash with the next Parish Council Meeting. Clerk to send apologies.
Cllr P May gave his apologies for the September Meeting.



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