Parish Council Minutes – 14th September 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chair: Mr T Heaford
Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance,
Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May, Mrs J Gully. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were 7 Members of the public present.

Public Session: Sally Jenkins from Wild Things Farm attended the meeting to address the Parish Council. Sally read from a statement which she had prepared following some complaints which had been passed to the council regarding the barn frame recently being erected on the farm. It was confirmed that the plans for the Barn had been shared at open meetings held by Green Feasts Farm in May 2015. Residents of both Stanton Drew and Pensford were encouraged to ask questions make comments or raise concerns. It was confirmed that the Barn is not a house and is never intended to be used for residential purposes. Its design was chosen to age better in the landscape. The Barn is reported to be in its best location to suit its function. The only other practical location would be further up the track on The Downs but given the SNCI status thought to be unacceptable. The Barn is in size only 7.5 metres in height at the ridge. Permitted development allows 12m in height.
Following discussion on Wild Things Farm it was confirmed that the options for opening up The Downs to the public once more will be looked into. A Parish Councillor suggested a tree planting scheme to soften the appearance of the barn on the hillside.
St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: It was confirmed that the Churchyard had been strimmed by a Parishioner. Parish Council confirmed that he will be reimbursed. A meeting will be held in October with Tracey Mock, Bereavement Services Manager in relation to the Authority taking over the responsibility of the Churchyard.

1. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones.

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 10th August 2015: The Minutes were altered and then signed by the Chairman as a true and fair record.

4. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May. Cllr May thanked everyone who had been involved at the meeting regarding the A37. The Transportation Review has been agreed in principle and consultants appointed.
Cllr May had attended the meeting with Stefan Chiffers and the PC to discuss the Yellow Lines proposal on Monday morning. Pedestrian safety was highlighted.
Cllr May had attended a meeting regarding the Budgetary review for the council.
The CC Group are looking into trying to get a GP Facility in Whitchurch. The 200 houses proposed for the Horseworld site will add pressure on health provision and the NHS need to respond positively.
Neighbourhood Plan – Whitchurch: Now have their grant through.
It was confirmed that Clutton have now submitted their plan and Stowey have had their plan agreed.

5. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Acker Bilk Seat: No further progress to note apart from a conversation has taken place with Mrs Bilk who is thrilled with the idea of the Seat.
Further comments are that would others like to donate towards it. A note will be added to the Parish Magazine.

ii) Accounts Update: The Accounts had been signed off by Underwood Lamb and were now with the External Auditors. Two queries had been raised by Underwood Lamb and dealt with by Mr Kelly & the Clerk.

iii) Village Signs: It was reported that S Chiffers no longer has budgetary control over this. Another contact at BANES has been suggested.
Cllr P May offered to take this up.

iiii) Play Area: Lisa Cains is progressing this. Contact has been made with the Play & Community Officer. The responsibility of play areas in other parishes is being looked into along with the responsibilities of checking equipment and how often.

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) 20mph Scheme Proposal: It was suggested that BANES should be challenged in relation to their reasons for not allowing the 20mph limit to extend along Publow Lane past the Memorial Hall. Clerk to follow up.

b) Village Clean Up Day: Although BANES have recently responded to an email from the Clerk and cleared the village more work is needed. Chairman suggested a Clean Up Day. BANES have been contacted to see if they can help with equipment.
A Member of the Public attending the meeting offered to cut back the overhanging vegetation over the small pavement from the Car Sales down to the village.
The Parish Council were all happy to support a Clean Up Day.

c) A37 Meeting held on 17th August 2015: Covered under item 4.

d) Notice of Prohibition of Parking High Street/Church Street: Further discussions ensued regarding the proposed Parking Restrictions for Church Street. A meeting had been held on the morning of the Parish Council Meeting with Traffic & Safety Representative Mr S Chiffers, Cllr P May and a representation of Parish Council members. It was reported by Cllr May as a good meeting with a fair amount of agreement. 4 – 5 Time restricted bays were also discussed and agreed. The consultation on the Parking Restrictions Is now open to Public Consultation and replies have to be submitted by 1st October 2015. The Parish Council will submit a second reply regarding the restrictions and this will also include support for the timed parking bays and a request to have the White Keep Clear Lines outside of the Church Room re-emphasised rather than the proposed Yellow Line.

e) Barn, The Downs – Covered under Public Session

f) Old Bus Shelter/Planter: The Bus shelter has now been converted into a Planter and is ready for planting up. Mrs Gully & Mrs Stephenson to buy plants Mrs Cains will help with planting and future care.

g) Bike Storage in Pensford: A suggestion made because possibly a number of people would ride their bikes to the bus stop instead of their car if they had somewhere secure to locate their bikes. The location of a bike rack would be difficult as there is nowhere close to a bus stop in the village. BANES have offered funding for this initiative in the past.

h) Remembrance Sunday Parade: Chairman reported that Canon John Simpson will be leaving at the end of September. The new Minister will not be in place for three months but Church Services will continue. It was confirmed that Andrew Hillman will get a Minister to take the service on 8th November 2015. Clerk has sent the usual emails to the Police & the Buglar.

i) Minutes: A Parish Councillor raised the question that he would like the meetings recorded. On discussion the majority of the Parish Council appeared against the idea.

7. Reports:

a) Neighbourhood Plan: A meeting was held on the 2nd September 2015 where the questionnaire details were finalised. The next meeting takes place on 30th September. The final questionnaire will be put into envelopes along with a covering letter and details HDB Maps. The Neighbourhood Planning Group will hand deliver the questionnaires. A Prize Draw incentive will be offered for the early return of questionnaires. More Publicity will be carried out along with Posters and Banners. A meeting had been held with the Primary School who reported they were unaware of the Neighbourhood Plan.

d) Clerks Progress Report:

Woollard Bridge: Painting works are being carried out.

Old Bus Shelter: Works have now been completed. Planter is in place. Planting is now needed. Clerk has telephoned Jane Robson, Parks Department at BANES who has confirmed that BANES do not have any plants or funding they can offer to initially help with the planting. Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Gully propose to visit the garden centre on Tuesday 15th September to buy plants. There is the £250.00 awarded from the Ward Councillors Initiative Fund to spend on planting.

Station Approach: A resident has raised concerns in respect of increased instances of non residence parking at the end of Station Approach, which on a number of occasions poor parking has resulted in difficulty entering/exiting Station Approach and there are concerns that an emergency vehicle may not be able to attend if required. Clerk has made contact with the Police and they will monitor the situation. If necessary advisory notes will be issued. Mrs Grimes reported that parking has been ok at present. Clerk re-iterated that the Police will monitor the parking.

Smell in Pensford: During the weekend of 22nd August there was an awful stench in the air. It was reported to the Environment Agency (not in a PC Capacity). Initial thoughts were it may be from Hinton Organics, but believed in the end to be a job lot of chicken manure being spread.

Footpaths: Sheila Petherbridge had received complaints regarding a path on Pensford Hill. A neighbouring resident in Hillside View had been moving earth on his land and caused some slippage onto the steps of the footpath below it. A letter has been sent to the resident asking him to sort out the situation and to ensure that it does not happen again. A further visit will be made by Sheila to check on the situation.

Pensford Village: An email from a resident in Pensford prompted a call to Council Connect to get Highways and the Cleansing Team out to clean up the Village.
The bin by the bus stop was full to the brim and smelling awful. Two emails later and the bin remains full.
The Pavements around the school and pavements in Church Street are full of weeds. The pavements are in desperate need of a sweep as they are littered with cigarette butts and general litter.
The person making the complaint often personally reports fly tipping and dead animals to BANES but felt on this occasion all issues needed to be tacked as a whole and hoped the Parish Council can get these issues sorted on a regular basis rather than just one offs when reported. Subsequently the weeds were then removed by BANES. But there is still a lot of tidying to do.

High Street & Old Road: The hedges on the edge of the road between High Street and Hillcrest/Old Road (just past The Orchard) are very overgrown too. A problem as it forces pedestrians to walk even further out into the road (no pavement at all here). This has been reported to Council Connect.

Short/Shorts Lane? Clerk has circulated an email to all Parish Councillors regarding an enquiry from Lyn Parfitt BANES as to the correct name for either Short or Shorts Lane. As Clerk I hold no record of the definitive name. A local resident believes the correct name to be “Short Lane”.
A Parish Councillor reports that it is known as Shorts Lane but no documentation to support it. Another Parish Councillor has reported to Clerk that it is Short Lane as per an article referring to it as such in the London gazette from the Seventies. This information has been emailed back to Lyn Parfitt at BANES.

Hillcrest: Parking on corner of 13 Hillcrest – A Parish Councillor has been asked by a member of the public to raise a concern that there is constantly a van parked on the corner which is making it difficult to drive down the side lane. This matter has been reported to the Police.
Pavements: Pavement going from South Bristol Service Centre down to the village. A member of the public has mentioned that this footpath is so overgrown that you have to walk on the A37 to avoid the bushes.

Parish Council Web Site: The Web Site has experienced some problems and Steve Grimes has worked really hard in rectifying everything. He reports that the issue is now resolved after much difficulty, and he has now managed to repair the damage

Hillside House – Wall: Clerk sent an email to Building Control again regarding concerns about the condition of the Wall on Pensford Hill. Building control confirmed that they have not received a copy of any Engineers report so couldn’t confirm it was ever undertaken. The last correspondence to building control from the resident informed them they were talking with their Solicitor to try to dispute/confirm ownership, but that was some time ago, Building Control then asked for an update which is as follows:-
The owners confirmed that they have had the wall surveyed and this confirmed that the wall is not imminently dangerous, but that repair works are necessary to stop it deteriorating. Building Control have provided them with contact details of some colleagues within the Highways department (as they requested) so they can contact them to discuss the procedures regarding traffic lights etc which will be required whilst such works are being carried out. The owners are reported to have also emailed Councillor Paul May regarding the survey being carried out on the A37.
Clerk has asked Building Control to obtain a copy of the report.

Flood Risk Management: A copy of the draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy can be viewed and feedback given on the following website:
The consultation period runs until 26th October 2015.
Printed copies of the Strategy will also be available in One-Stop-Shops and Libraries in the Bath & North East Somerset area.


Training Events: Training covering various aspects of Planning has been arranged for BANES Councillors and particularly those Members who sit on the Development Management Committee, it has also been decided to extend this training to Parish and Town Councils. Because of numbers only 1 delegate can attend.
It has been arranged for Chairman Mrs Janette Stephenson to attend on:

Wednesday 21st October 12 Noon-1pm Enforcement – Brunswick Room
Wednesday 18th November 12 Noon-1pm Planning Policy – Brunswick Room

Correspondence: Transparency: Details have been received from ALCA of the Grant Fund to assist Councils in meeting the demands of the new Transparency Code (smaller councils (income below £25,000). There is also a FAQ sheet to read before seeking advice.

ALCA Training: There is training as follows: Chairing Effective Meetings on Wednesday 14th October 19:00 – 21:00 Long Ashton.
Summer Play Scheme – Playbus: A thank you for the grant of £500 towards the summer holiday play schemes held at the Memorial Hall and grounds has been received from the organisers of the playbus. (Details circulated to all Parish Council Members).The administrators report that their bid to the Big Lottery for continuation funding was successful and as part of that project they will be coming to Pensford on Thursdays 10-12 noon during term times for families with preschool children and in the Easter and summer holidays for play schemes for 5-12 year olds. This work will run for 3 years. Clerk has sent an email back to thank all involved for the update.

8. Planning:

Applications considered by Planning Sub-Group:

To receive comments and decision made by sub group on: 15/03671/LBA Mr A Ringer Cottles Farm House Blackrock Lane. Internal works for the installation of ground source heat pump and central heating, improvements to existing store to change to utility, improvements to existing bathroom/kitchenette returning to single bathroom, replacement of existing ceiling in 2no.rooms and fireplace and surround. Parish Council comments were that this is a well put together application and were happy to support it.

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

None to date

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/02258/LBA Mr P Baxter The Former St Thomas a Becket’s Church, Church Street External alterations to facilitate the change of use of land from graveyard to garden and erection of boundary fence. (Regularisation) CONSENT

15/02257/FUL Mr P Baxter The Former St Thomas A Becket’s Church, Church Street Change of use of land from graveyard to a garden and erection of boundary fence (Retrospective) PERMIT

14/05884/FUL Summerhouse The Old Stables Stanton Road Pensford Change of use of three existing bedrooms and a reception room in the Old Stables from residential (Use Class C3) to bed and breakfast (Use Class C1), use of sun/garden room as lounge in The Old Stables for guests and as a breakfast room. Use of swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and fitness equipment in The Granary as ancillary to bed and breakfast PERMIT

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk August Salary 637.52
Underwood Lamb Internal Audit to 31st March 2015 240.00
TC’s Building Services Alterations to Bus Stop to form Planter 900.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 34.47
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink Cartridges x 2 22.99
DCM Computers Remote Support Service Clerks Computer 72.00
Memorial Hall Hire on 17th August 2015 – A37 Meeting (1 hour) 8.50
Memorial Hall Hire 2nd Sept Neighbourhood Planning Meeting (1.5 hours)12.75
To note Payments Received: No Receipts

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Ackers Seat, Parish Sweeper, Village Clean Up Day, Christmas Tree.

Tennis Courts: It was reported that the Surface of the Courts remains unsatisfactory.

11. To Note Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting 1st October 2015 at 6 pm The date has now changed to the 15th October. Clerk to attend.

ALCA AGM Saturday 3rd October 2015 10.30 – 12.00 The Jubilee Pavilion Long Ashton.
Janette Stephenson to attend Clerk to forward agenda


Apologies were given in advance by Mrs Gully, Cllr P May & Mr Heaford.

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