1) Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford. Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Mr L Seymour. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were two members of the public present.
2) Members of the Public attended the meeting to report on Planning Application 14/02948/FUL Detached Dwelling. This is a re-submission of an already permitted application which has no changes to it. Planning procedure now requires a full application in relation to applications which have/or are about to expire and not a Planning Renewal.
3) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer, Mrs J Gully, Mrs J Jones, Mrs J Stephenson & Cllr P Edwards.
4) Minutes of Monday 8TH SEPTEMBER 2014 after being circulated were signed as a correct record.
5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:
Meeting: A further meeting needs to be convened with Mr Breach and his Architect. Clerk to arrange.
Ringspit Lane: Clerk had spoken to a member of public regarding issues at Ringspit Lane. Parish Council support has been offered. All in hand at present.
Allotment Site: Clerk has arranged a site meeting for Wednesday 22nd October to look at clearing work needed.
6) Items for Discussion:
a) ALCA AGM Sat 4th October 2014: Mrs Grimes attended to represent the Parish Council. The meeting was well attended by BANES, North Somerset & ALCA representatives. A new Constitution had been circulated and was adopted. The AVON title is also to be retained. Sue was thanked for attending.
b) Appointment of Footpaths Officer/Allotment Site: All applicants had been considered and a decision made. Chairman and Vice-Chair to complete process.
c) BANES Community Infrastructure Levy: Known as CIL relates to a Levy placed on large building projects. It is thought that this would not affect Publow with Pensford Parish at present.
d) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk attended the first meeting of the Forum held at The Wellsway, Harptree Hill on Thursday 9th October. The meeting was led by Chairman Mr Richard Curry and assisted by Sara Dixon who explained that the CVAF aims to be realistic and focus on common issues amongst Parishes to help and improve collaboration and involvement. There will be four meetings per year. The Forum area covers 14 villages and four council wards. There will be representatives from the Fire Service, Police and other interested parties on a regular basis. Parish & Community Issues were discussed where issues of common interest were raised. Not individual parish issues. Prior to future meetings submissions will be requested from each Parish the most common issues will then form the Agenda for the next meeting.
A presentation was given by Richard Daone on the recently adopted Core Strategy. The Placemaking Plan was discussed and the Community Infrastructure Levy explained. A group discussion looked at priorities for the next Forum meeting. A Community Safety Update was given by Beat Manager PC Stu Peard and
PC Gemma Hill.
It was reported that there is now a Clinical Commission Group which meets every two months on a Thursday evening. The Chairman from each Forum Group will attend this meeting.
Mark Hayward gave a brief report on the forthcoming Budget Fairs being hosted by BANES in Bath Keynsham & Radstock.
Members of the Public will be encouraged to attend open sessions at the beginning of each Forum Meeting.
e) Neighbourhood Planning Meeting: Mrs Grimes and Clerk attended the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the Neighbourhood Plan, five others attended. The need for a Plan for the Parish was agreed. The Parish includes Pensford, Publow and part of Woollard villages. More Volunteers will be needed. It was agreed that a member from BANES Council should be invited to a future meeting to give advice. Maps were distributed of the Housing Development Boundary. Examples of Surveys from other Parishes were discussed and a plan for the way forward made. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th October 2014.
f) Chairman’s Awards Nomination: Further nominations were discussed. Clerk to circulate the nomination forms once more. Nominations to be in by 28th Nov 2014
g) School Grant Request: The Primary School had written to Parish Council via Cllr L Cains to seek a donation towards the cost of a Number square for the school playground. The total cost of the square is £615.00 plus VAT. It was agreed that the Parish Council would donate £300.00
h) Accounts – Quarter to 30/6/2014 & 30/9/2014: The Responsible Financial Officer Mr Kelly circulated the accounts and reported that the 6 months are all in line with budget. The Income and Expenditure Sheet showed that the Allotment Rents are lower this year. 6 months of Footpaths Officers income has been accrued to date. The annual Insurance is cheaper this year due to a change to Zurich Insurance Company. All Annual Subscriptions are in line. Administration costs included repairs to Notice boards, Councillor Training and Computer Services Renewal. The Balance Sheet was circulated which gave a snapshot of assets and liabilities. There were no questions raised. Mr Kelly was thanked for his presentation. Monies had been accrued in relation to the purchase of Planning Equipment Software and an accrual had been made in relation to the Ward Councillors Initiative Grant for £250.00 for flowers and planters for the village. Chairman & Mr Kelly to hold a meeting in relation to the accounts.
i) Remembrance Sunday 9th November 2014: Clerk reported that this was all in hand. The Police had been contacted and confirmed their assistance on the day. BANES have been asked about putting traffic cones around the War Memorial to deter parking.
7) Clerks Progress Report:
Overhanging Trees: Large trees in close proximity to a property called Orchard Leigh, New road Pensford have been reported to Council Connect. They are causing concern to the occupier as they are close to electricity cables. The condition of the lane which runs next to this property was also questioned by the resident as he is not sure who owns it and his wife had recently had a fall in the lane.
Wall on Pensford Hill: Following concerns raised with Development Control regarding the wall bowing belonging to Hill House. Development Control have made a site visit and taken photographs of the wall to enable them to compare any deterioration. An engineer has reviewed them and little has changed in the last 5 Months. The owners of Hill House have been advised to seek professional advice of an engineer themselves regarding surveying the condition of their wall. An update on this has been requested by Development Control.
Chapel House: The owners were asked to remove the loose stones from the top of the wall.
Footpaths: A footpath blocked by a field of Maize to the right of Mill House was reported to Sheila Petherbridge. A letter will be sent to the landowner regarding this.
Seat on Pensford Hill: Will be cut back by the new Footpaths Officer when in place.
Lay-By Hursley Hill: Clerk has had further conversations with a landowner experiencing problems with 4 x 4 owners entering land without permission and causing damage to fencing and the land. Support from Parish Council has been reported to BANES & Police by the Clerk.
Land at Wick Lane: Mr Breach has contacted the Clerk to ask for a further meeting with himself and his Architect. Mr Breach has suggested Monday 17th November, or any day of the same week.
Rural Speed Limit Programme: Clerk has written in response to the outcome of the programme and the decision not to implement the 20mph limit on Old Road or Publow Lane.
Housing Development Boundary Maps: Still awaited from BANES.
Verges & Overhanging Vegetation: The reply from Highways is as follows:-
The Overhanging Vegetation along the car Sales needs cutting back, I need to find out who owns the land. (Do you know??). The tarmac in places is showing signs of deterioration, I will monitor it.
Hursley Hill: The footpath along Hursley Hill is very overgrown. It looks like it hasn’t been maintained for years. Clerk has followed up to see if BANES have identified landowner and awaits a reply.
Church Street: On 8th September BANES reported that they would be sending the Cleansing Team out to clean Church Street. Any further problems should be reported to Wayne Honey.
Hall Bookings: Clerk has received notification that temporarily Laura Baxter is undertaking the role of bookings clerk for regular hirers of the Memorial Hall.
It is reported that hire charges have been reviewed. From January 2015 the Parish Council will be charged £8.50 per hour, which will equate to £21.25 not £9 per session as we pay at present.
Back Lane: Still awaits attention although it has been reported many times to BANES.
Woollard Bridge: A further email has been sent requesting for the bridge to be painted. No response back.
Planning/Enforcement: A letter has been sent to BANES Planning in relation to the Chapel Woollard and the issues raised at the last meeting regarding the lack of an Emergency Escape and the proximity of a Septic Tank to the river.
Bus Stop: At a recent Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Clerk suggested that maybe alterations to the Bus Stop on the Bridge could be put into the plan.
Lock Up Key: Clerk reported that the Old forge were not responding to telephone messages left enquiring as to when the Lock Up Key will be ready for collection. Clerk to pursue with Mrs Stephenson.
Training: 10th November 2014: Finance Statutory Requirements & Proper Practices takes place at Saltford Village Hall. Clerk to book Mr Kelly on to this course.
Emails & Correspondence:
CPRE ‘Countryside or Concrete’ – Special Event on October 2014. All Parish Council members have had an email regarding this event.
8) Planning:
Applications to Discuss:
14/03999/FUL Mr J Rigby Bramley House Hillcrest Pensford. Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of a boundary fence, Retrospective. Resurfacing of drive. Parish Council Strongly object to this retrospective application. Clerk to write to BANES Planning.
14/04240/OUT Mr C Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow. Erection of 1no. New dwelling at land at Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow Hill (Outline application with all matters reserved). Parish Council strongly objected to this application due to the location in the Green Belt and the objections that Parish Council had made to other applications in the same area. Also there was no supporting evidence from Police Authority regarding theft and vandalism which was reported to have occurred on site. There is no sustainable agricultural business which would justify the need for a dwelling on site.
14/04438/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane Publow. Rear Extension and Conservatory. Parish Council Support.
14/02948/FUL Mr & Mrs G Hunt 39 Hillcrest Pensford. Detached Dwelling.
Parish Council Support.
Planning Outcomes:
14/00931/FUL Mr J Beacham Chapel Mill Lane Woollard. Change of use from building to use as office/business. PERMITTED
14/03492/ADCOU Amp Electrical Belluton Farm Stanton Road Pensford. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) REFUSED
Appeal Decision:
14/01844/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford. 3 Bed Dwelling. Appeal Dismissed.
9) Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary September 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 23.70
Underwood Lamb Internal Audit 240.00
Grant Thornton External Audit 2013 – 2014 210.00
Payments Received:
BANES Precept 2nd Part Payment 5500.00
BANES Parish Grant Oct 14 345.00
10. Any Other Business:
Tennis Club: The Tennis Coach has not been attending Classes.
Defibrillator: Problems have been experienced with the Electricity Tripping out. This has an adverse affect on the lights and the heater to the Defibrillator. The Defibrillator has now been temporarily taken out of service. Repairs have been carried out but further repairs are likely to be necessary. The Emergency Services are aware that the Defibrillator is out of action.
Bungalow Publow Lane: Concerns were raised regarding the colour of UPVC Fascia and Windows.
Banners on the Bridge: Banners are appearing on the bridge again. Those advertising should be made aware of the need for a license.
Signs: Signs around the village have been reduced.
November Meeting: Cllr Edwards will be retiring in May 2015. The Conservative Candidate Mr Paul May would like to attend the November meeting.
11. Notice of Future Meetings: Annual Parish Online Meeting Bath Spa University Campus Wednesday 10th December
Parishes Liaison Meeting Wednesday 22nd October6.30p.m.Council Chamber Keynsham