Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly, Mr M Daniels, Mr Tony Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer.
There were 6 Members of the Public present.
1. Public Participation: There were no issues raised by members of the public.
2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Tracy Jones and Mr P Baxter.
3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda:
No interests received.
4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 11th March 2019 after being circulated and read were signed as a true record.
To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Because of the Purdah rules Cllr May attended the meeting as a Candidate not as a Councillor presenting information. The Purdah rules were explained.
Bristol Wrong Road Group continue to have an impact on the proposals at Whitchurch.
Clean Air Zone Bath: Cars have now been removed from the proposal.
Old Road: Reports of speeding are still being received even though the Vehicle Activated Sign is now in place. It was suggested that the Parish Council speak to BANES with reference to the Mobile Speed Motorbike attending Old Road. The Neighbourhood Watch Group will also be contacted with regards to a Community Speedwatch Group.
It was reported that the new Parking Zones in Church Street appear to be working well.
5. To receive any updates on current matters
i) PCAA Meeting: The meeting took place on 28th March 2019. The Planning application for the increase of passenger numbers will go to the committee at North Somerset Council on 14th May unless it is called in for review. BANES have raised objections in relation to Climate Change and the Environment. The Chairman of the PCAA Hilary Burn will be retiring at the AGM in July.
ii) A37 Works TRO Pensford Hill: Details had been received confirming the extension of the30mph speed limit on the A37 Pensford Hill to just below the Travellers Rest Pub. The Parish Council were happy to support this however many asked if the speed limit could be extended beyond the turning to the B3130 junction.
b) Fingerposts: Await a visit from the Foundry.
c) Allotments: Some clearing up work has been undertaken but there is lots more to do. Volunteers are needed.
It was reported that some felling work has begun on the Ash Tree. There are at least 12 more limbs to cut down. One trunk will be left standing.
Clerk had circulated the Username and Password to the National Allotment Society Web Site to all Allotment Tenants.
6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) Defibrillators: Chairman reported that the NHS are now providing a free service for Defibrillator monitoring which will be reviewed after two years. However compared to AED they would only require a monthly report from the guardian, AED require a fortnightly report. AED currently charge £49.00 per defibrillator. A unanimous decision was agreed to stay with AED.
b) Recording of future Meetings: The Clerk will look into different recording equipment for future meetings. Standing Orders for the Parish Council would have to be changed should the recording of meetings take place. Present Parish Council were in agreement for the meetings to be recorded.
c) Litter Pick: The proposed date clashed with the Great Spring Clean in Bath therefore equipment was not available. The next proposed date for the Litter Pick is Sunday 12th May. Meet at the Memorial Hall at 9.30am.
Members of the public picked Hillcrest and it was reported that 6 bags of rubbish were collected from Priestdown.
7. Reports:
a) Clerks Progress Report:
Priestdown Lane: Residents have asked if Priestdown Lane can have a nameplate. Clerk to follow up.
Vehicle Activated Sign: The sign has now been installed on Old Road. .
Pensford Playground: New mushrooms, The PPSCT have agreed to fund play mushrooms at the Memorial Hall playground. They have been ordered and due to be installed in April, although there is no firm date yet for installation. The contractor will be asking for a 30% deposit. The Memorial Hall have asked that the invoice be addressed to the Parish Council, and have asked if the Parish Council can raise a cheque for the total, the Memorial Hall will send a cheque to the PC for the net amount.
Parish Liaison: The notes from the meeting attended by the Clerk & Chair were circulated to all PC.
Community Empowerment Fund: All Parish Councils have been asked to complete a monitoring form in relation to funds received from the Community Empowerment Fund. We received the grant of £560.00 for the fingerposts. Clerk has given all details to the Chair who will complete the form and return. BANES are hoping to run the fund again in 2019-20.
Bristol Airport: A Parish Councillor from Butcombe PC who are also members of the PCAA circulated an email asking for PC’s to add links to their web site in relation to Stop Bristol Airport Expansion. Details as follows have been added to our PC Website. https://www.publow-with-pensford-pc.gov.uk/pc/8801-2/ The following link has been added to the Home Page https://www.publow-with-pensford-pc.gov.uk/pc/
Public Rights of Way …..PROW officer Sheila Petherbridge reported back to the clerk that she has contacted the landowners about the path over the railway line behind Nursery Farm. They are all in favour of the proposals and they will get to work in April. They will install one kissing gate and one pedestrian gate either side of the railway line. They will also be replacing the stile beside the main gate to The Winding House on Wick Lane. This will be a wooden kissing gate. They will be looking at the footpath at Priestdown Farm in due course too, and will report back regarding the work that they will be undertaking.
Bin for Hillcrest: No reply again from BANES… Clerk will now log on fix my street.
Hursley Hill Layby: The bin reported here in need of repair. This has been logged on fix my street.
Acker Bilk Bench: Concerns were raised by a Member of the Public regarding overhanging vegetation above the bench and also that the bench was in need of a clean. The bench has been cleaned and the Footpaths Officer will be asked to look at the overhanging vegetation.
Elections: The Statement of Persons Nominated for the Elections have been posted on the Web Site and on the noticeboards. Publow with Pensford has a Contested Election.
Reports of Crime:
Pensford: A van was broken into while it was parked on Publow Lane, Pensford, between 11.15 am and 1.15 pm on Thursday 27 March. A screwdriver-type object had been used to force the front and rear doors, although no search of the vehicle is thought to have been made and nothing appears to have been stolen.
Parsonage Lane: A road closure will take place in Parsonage Lane from outside Parsonage Farm for a distance of approx. 40 metres either side. Works are being undertaken by Bristol Water from 7th May 2019 for a maximum period of 7 days. All details will be placed on the noticeboards. Details have been sent to the Web Site.
Parish Councils comments in respect of application number 19/00689/FUL The Wickets Blackrock Lane were submitted back to BANES.
8. Planning:
Applications received:
There were no applications to discuss.
Planning Decisions to Note: There were no decisions to note.
9. Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £770.16
Payments to be authorised:
Mr D Lowe Footpaths March 2019 + £18.22 for fuel £98.22
Mrs J Bragg Clerks Imprest £38.40
CPRE Membership Renewal 2019/20 £36.00
D Lucas Cutting Village Green 13/4 & 29/3 £40.00
DM Payroll Services Administration of Payroll Services 2019/20 £63.00
BANES 1st Part Precept £7100.00
10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
11. To Note Future Meetings: Everyone was reminded about the Elections and asked to give some thought about producing an election leaflet.