Minutes – 08-12-14


Present: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly,
Cllr P Edwards, Mr S Filer Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
Also present were Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr P May, Mr L Coomber.
Mr P Breach, Robin Gray from Alec French Architect, Craig O’Brian from Savills and Phillipa (Breach)

1) Welcome Peter Breach: Mr Breach and his colleagues were welcomed to the meeting to give an updated presentation further to that given in September. The proposal still consists of nine homes hoping to be affordable for the First Time Buyer Market. To enhance the affordability two units have been made larger in length. New Parking Bays have been created for the 4 unit block of homes to address the concerns raised regarding on-site parking.
Changes had been made to the proposal of the 4 unit block, two proposed views were shown one with a finish in stone and the other with a cream render finish. Local properties were taken into consideration whilst creating these finishes. Windows have been made more interesting with the introduction of stone lintels and a change of colour of frames. Garage doors have now been pulled forward to be flush with the frontage of the unit.
The Parish Council were happy with the designs however it was pointed out that there appeared to be no consideration for Dustbins or Recycling Bins.
Access into the site remains a concern, however the Parish Council are assured that the Highways Team have been consulted
It was agreed that the best way forward now would be to take the proposals to a Public Consultation. The Agent will liaise with Clerk regarding meeting dates and availability of the Memorial Hall.

2) Members of the Public had nothing to bring to the meeting.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Seymour.

4) Minutes of Monday 10th NOVEMBER 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Footpaths Officer: Now has all equipment and maps. The seats by the Lock Up and on Pensford Hill had been cleared of brambles.

M & M Contractors: The cable works are reported to be on schedule. It is anticipated that works will start in Chew Magna in February.
Clerk reported that a complaint had been received from a resident in Belluton Villas regarding the mud left behind in the lay-by by his property. M & M were contacted and reported that they would be clearing this up and would apologise to the person concerned.

Allotments: Vacant plots will be advertised in the Parish Magazine.

Planning: No reply had been received from Planning regarding the Parish Councils comments in reply to garage proposal.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) Lock Up – Christmas Nativity: The Parish Council had been approached by a Member of the Public who proposed to put this years Nativity Scene inside the Lock Up. Clerk contacted English Heritage and the Insurance Company to be advised of the correct procedures. The Insurance Company requested a Risk Assessment. This was duly completed and returned to the Insurance Company allowing the Nativity to go ahead. The Three Kings were placed in the Lock Up and the Nativity was put in the Church Tower.

Mrs Stephenson confirmed that the copy Key had now been completed by Chapel Forge. The original key will stay with the Clerk and the copy Key is with Mr Newey at Popham Cottage.

Christmas Tree for Village Green: The Parish Council had been contacted by the George & Dragon in relation to putting a Christmas Tree on the Village Green, this was to enable the school children to add Christmas wishes to the tree. A donation was being sought from the Parish Council.
In past years the Parish Council made a financial contribution towards the cost of the tree and the electricity. When the electric cabling became dangerous being placed across the road the Christmas Tree project on the green ceased. Parish Council to suggest that maybe the tree could be located next to the Lock Up in future years. It was suggested that the cost of providing a Power Supply to the Lock Up could be looked into. Mrs Gully to speak with Mr Newey and Mr Heaford will speak to the owners of the George & Dragon.

b) Proposed Changes to the Rights of Way Network – Church Farm Publow: Mrs Stephenson will look at these proposals further but initially the Parish Council could not see a problem.

c) Placemaking Plan Consultation: This is a long document available online (113 pages), there is no reference to Pensford.

d) Clerk Scale Point Rise from SCP 26 to SCP 27 – new rates from NALC: Parish Council agreed the clerks SCP rise.

e) Neighbourhood Plan Update: Mrs Grimes gave an update from the recent Neighbourhood Planning Meetings. All minutes will be placed on the web site.
A meeting was held with two members of the Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Planning Committee which was very useful. Joint issues such as the A37 were discussed.
The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 7th January 2015.
The Parish Council were asked if they would fund the cost of the Church Room Hire and further small amounts. The Parish Council agreed at the moment to fund Room Rental & Printing costs. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would fund the Clerks hours in relation to Neighbourhood Planning. Clerk to submit a timesheet to the Parish Council.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: BANES Planning have confirmed that based on the information provided to them the proposal to turn the bus shelter into a planter would not be considered development therefore permission would not be required. Builders are being asked provide quotations.
Remembrance Sunday Parade: An email of thanks has been sent to PC Gemma Hill thanking her PCSO’s Martyn Bragg and Teresa Bailey for their attendance at the Remembrance Sunday Service. The donations have been sent to the British Legion and the Bugler this year Alistair Clements from Bath.

Chairman’s Awards: Forms have been completed and sent to BANES for both nominations for Volunteer of the Year.

Acker Bilk Plaque: BANES Planning have confirmed that planning permission would only be needed to put up a plaque if the building it is going on to is a Listed Building. It was agreed at the meeting that someone could ask Jean for some suggestions.

Birchwood Lane: Overhanging Vegetation has been reported to BANES.

Council Connect: No update on overhanging trees at Orchard Leigh, New Road and the lane to the side of this property.

A further email has been sent to Highways regarding Overhanging vegetation from the centre of the village towards Chelwood on the Car Sales Side.

Clerk has again asked BANES if they can maintain the path which was uncovered along Hursley Hill and cut back a couple of years ago.

Hillcrest: Complaints have been made to the Clerk regarding a car parking on the pavement in front of the Grit Bin by the Old Peoples Bungalows at Hillcrest. Clerk has informed Parking Services at BANES and the Police Beat Team have been informed. BANES Council Connect have also been informed that the Grit Bin needs replenishing and maybe this would be a good time to review all of the grit bins in the Parish and top up as necessary.

Bristol Airport: An invitation was received from Bristol Airport to join them for their Annual Community Review on Monday 8th December, as this clashes with the next Parish Council meeting apologies were sent.

Pensford Primary School: A letter of application was received from the Primary School re-iterating their request made via Lisa Cains seeking a donation towards their numeracy square for the playground. An email has been sent back to the Finance Officer confirming that the Parish Council agreed at the November meeting to donate half of the cost of the square (less the VAT), a total of £300.00. A cheque will be raised for this amount.

Gritting of High Street: Council Connect have been emailed to make sure that the High Street is still on the main gritting list

8) Planning:

Planning Application considered by Sub-Committee:

1404892/CLEU Mr G Knight Whitley Mews Wells Road Pensford Use of Whitley Mews as a single dwelling (Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use) Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes:

14/04240/OUT Mr C Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow Erection of 1.no.dwelling at Land at Knights Folly Farm REFUSED

14/03999/FUL Mr J Rigby Bramley House Hillcrest Pensford Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of boundary fence (Retrospective) Resurfacing of drive Installation of an air source heat pump PERMITTED

Tree Works Notification: 14/05345/TCA Assured Trees Ltd Pensford Primary School Pensford. 1 x crown removal Parish Council Support

9) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary November 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 17.42
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink 26.98
Bristol Water Allotment Water 28.99
Primary School Donation to Playground Number Square 300.00

Payments Received:

None to report

10. Any Other Business:

Elections 2015: Mr Heaford informed the Parish Council that he is retiring from his position as Chairman with effect from the end of the December Meeting. He will be standing for re-election on the Parish Council. Mr Heaford has been Vice-Chairman from 1986 to 2002, and Chairman from 2002 to the present date. Mr Heaford proposed Janette Stephenson to take over as Chairman which was unanimously supported. An Election of Vice-Chairman will take place in January.

Parish Council Vacancy: Mrs Stephenson has a mum from the School who is interested in joining the Parish Council. She will be invited to attend the January meeting.

Tennis Club: Mrs Grimes reported that funds are good at present and members’ numbers are good. The recent quiz raised £763. The Club are still saving the Bristol Evening Post Vouchers should anyone have any they wish to donate. Contractors have been approached regarding the re-surfacing of the court.

Bridleway on Common: It was reported that the gate leading to the Bridleway on the Common was tied up. Clerk to try and find out why, and who currently owns the land.

Dog Fouling: Reports of Dog Fouling has been reported on the pavements outside of the school. Mrs Jones will contact the Dog Warden and ask for extra signage.

Councillors Retirement: Peter Edwards also reported that he will be retiring in April 2015. Mr Edwards gave a personal thank you to Mr Heaford for the way in which he had conducted and promoted the Parish Council over the years as Chairman.

11. Notice of Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Forum Meeting Thursday 12th February 2014 at the Wellsway, Harptree Hill at 6.30 pm


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