Parish Council Minutes – 8th July 2019


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mr T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter & Mrs H Richardson (clerk). Ms J Flower attended the meeting but was unable to take part due to inadequate election paperwork. There were 11 Members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: – A resident spoke in opposition to planning application 19/02873/REM: Nursery Farm New Road (To be discussed in Item 9). The delegated report from associated application 06/01454/FUL was read out. The resident reported that the condition to retain the hedge had not been adhered to and insufficient measures had been taken to retain or replace the hedge. He stated that there was no new justification for not having the hedge and so the condition should not be removed.
– The Applicant responded to say that they had tried many times to replant the hedge, and that it was a dangerous corner on which to maintain the hedge and that the wall had been in place for 12 years.
-A resident asked for an update on the missing road signs at Culvery Lane, Chapel Barton and Back Lane. New signs had been requested and would be followed up.
-A resident stated that the overgrown footpaths reported last month had not been cut back. These footpaths were around Church Farm, Birchwood Lane & in Woollard. The Chairman would speak to the Footpath Officer.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mrs J Gully & Cllr P May

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. Mrs T Jones declared an interest in planning application 19/02873/REM: Nursery Farm (Item 9). Two councillors reported that they would be recording the meeting.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 10th June 2019 as a true and fair record. The wording of Item 12 was challenged, and it was agreed to amend that item. It was also agreed to record the Clerks resignation within public submissions along with arrangements for providing cover for the Clerk & RFO until a new Clerk is appointed. With these amendments the minutes were signed as a true record.

A report from the Staffing Panel had been distributed, there followed a discussion which included a request that Paul Baxter wished to be included in the interviewing team. This was voted on but not carried.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters. Cllr Paul May submitted a written report to say that he had met with Kelvin Packer regarding the Belluton Junction. There was no update on Affordable Housing

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Noticeboard – The noticeboard by the Miners Café has been refurbished and replaced

b) Fingerposts – No progress, waiting for BANES to remove them as they are in a dangerous roadside position. Cllr Paul May would be requested to chase BANES on this.

7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:

a) August Meeting: It was agreed that there would be no meeting in August. Planning Consultations would be circulated by the Chairman and the response agreed by email and submitted as a delegated response.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report: There was no report from the Clerk

9. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

19/02499/FUL Unregistered Dwelling Old Steading Belluton Farm Stanton Road Pensford. Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling following previous application granting prior approval for change of use. The Parish Council resolved that they had NO OBJECTION.

19/02756/ADCOU Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane Publow. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and for associated operation development. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT this application.

19/02873/REM Nursery Farm New Road Pensford. Removal of condition 2 of application 06/01454/FUL) (Erection of 1800mm high stone facing wall behind the existing hedge on the garden perimeter with side access gate as amended by revised plans received 17th July 2006)
Although it was agreed that planning conditions should be adhered to, it was understood that the applicant had attempted to reinstate the hedge and so the Parish Council resolved that they had NO OBJECTION to the removal of this condition (with one abstention).

Planning Outcomes:

19/02500/LBA The Grange Stanton Road Belluton. Internal & External Alterations for the installation of new flooring, kitchen door, cornices and ceiling roses alongside various repairs. WITHDRAWN

19/01932/FUL 141 High Street Pensford. Erection of a rear infill extension with alterations to roof. Replacement of window at rear with French doors. PERMIT

10. Financial Matters:

Payments Authorised prior to July Meeting:

Mr D Lowe Footpaths May hours 10 hrs @ £8 £80.00
Action Play & Leisure Mushrooms Pensford Playground £1243.20

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Final Salary £859.97
HMRC Clerk NI & Tax £119.95

Payments to be authorised:

Action Play & Leisure Mushrooms in Pensford Playground £532.80
DPM Lucas Village Green cutting 3/6, 17/6, 28/6 £60.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths June Hours 10 hours @ £8 £80.00

Receipts to note:

Memorial Hall Donation for Mushrooms for Playground £1036.00

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Overgrown Hedges at the top of Police Lane encroaching on the highway, 30 mph sign on Hursley Hill obscured by vegetation and vegetation growing up from the verge at the bottom of Police Lane.

12. To Note Future Meetings: Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Monday 15th July 2019
PCAA Meeting 18th July 2019. Vice Chairman to attend both.


Meeting closed at 8.05 pm

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