Parish Council Minutes – 8th October 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford. Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully.
There were six members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public – Remembrance Sunday: Hot drinks will be available in the Church Room after the Remembrance Service. Muffled Church Bells will ring in the evening.
Road Signs: The possibility of Pensford having new road signs was suggested. New ones have been promised by BANES. Pictorial Signs were suggested.

2. Apologies for Absence: There were none received.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To Agree the minutes of Monday 10th September 2018 and sign as a true and accurate record: After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

5. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

An update was given on Air quality Monitoring. The new Clean Air Zone proposals for Bath which may see Car charges at £9 in designated zones for non-compliant cars. For more information you can visit A question raised regarding this proposal which Cllr May will take forward is If the A36 and A46 traffic are at risk of charges then the through heavy traffic are likely to use the A37 as a diversion causing even more pollution in the five villages on the route.

An update was given on the consultation for the further 2,500 homes for Whitchurch and the Park & Ride proposal for Hursley Hill. The Council are still working on the plans to fit in with the JSP. An enquiry will be held after the May elections.
Cllr May will progress a meeting to discuss the Pensford Hill Works with interested Members of the Public.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Fingerposts Fundraiser Update 2018: The Fundraising event had raised £450.00. A successful bid for £1,000 to the Bristol Airport Diamond Fund had been made. The next Fingerpost to be refurbished will be the one at the bottom of Priestdown followed by the one at the top. Both posts may be removed as one is sinking and one is leaning.

b) Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018: A PA System will again be in place on the day. The School will be asked to make Poppies this year. Road Closures have been confirmed and all necessary paperwork has been submitted to BANES.

f) Affordable Housing: The Housing Need is for 8 1-bed properties, the costs involved would not make it viable for Affordable Homes on the Allotment site. A discussion took place regarding encouraging infill in the Parish for smaller properties. It was suggested that maybe the Housing Development Boundary could be extended. Cllr May will discuss Planning Policy along with the Neighbourhood Plan with BANES.

g) Chairman’s Community Awards: Four nominations will be put forward by the Parish Council.

h) Travellers Rest: A meeting had taken place with a representative from the Asset Management Company to discuss the possibility of siting a convenience store at this location. This was not thought to be a viable option. Housing was then suggested. The Parish Council await further details from the architect to bring to a meeting.

7. Reports:

a) PCAA Meeting Report: A long meeting attended. Bristol Airport representatives attended to explain the development proposals. Objections from the PCAA will be submitted when the planning application is submitted. Flights will increase but the road infrastructure will not be improved. Potentially villages will be heavily disrupted. PCAA have submitted a detailed objection to the Noise Consultation.

b) BANES ALCA Meeting 19th September 2018: Not attended.

c) ALCA AGM: Chairman attended the AGM. Next year’s fee will raise by 2.5%. Speakers were the Youth Conservation Volunteers and the Bristol City Youth Service Council.

d) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk had circulated the notes from the meeting. The theme of the meeting was Young People. A presentation was given by Hidden Valley Bushcraft.
A new Beat Manager has been appointed for the area but the start date is unclear at present.
Air quality in the Chew Valley was discussed and the proposed Clean Air Zone for Bath.

e) Clerks Progress Report:

Stones for Parish: Clerk followed up the proposal for Stones in the Parish. It was confirmed that any new installation on the highway requires approval from the highways department and this will been done by assessing any location on any classification of road, to see if it is suitable and safe. Clerk awaiting further contact from George Bottin, Highways.

Bristol Airport Summer Review: Not attended.

Bristol Airport Noise Consultation: Consultation closed on 2nd October 2018

Culvery Wood: A Nameplate sign has been requested for Culvery Lane. Clerk has actioned.

Back Lane; A nameplate sign has been requested for this Lane. Clerk has actioned.
The contact at BANES for new Street Names is now Sheila Cottrell Highways Maintenance.

Overhanging Trees High Street/Old Road: Waste & Recycling was recently not collected from Salters Brook due to overgrown bushes. It was suggested by a PC member that a reminder should be sent to properties who have not cut overgrowth back.

Guardianship of Defibrillator Hillcrest: No further progress

Quarry Lodge (Log Cabin) Woollard Lane: The update on Quarry Lodge was received and circulated. The enforcement notice still stands and no planning permission has been granted.

Clerks Training: Clerk attended the Local Council Administration 1. A very full on three hours covering Roles of Clerk and Councillors, Policies, Duties and Powers, Finance, Risk assessments, Discipline & Grievance, Meetings, Standing Orders, Law & Procedures, Preparing for Meetings, Model Code of Conduct and quite a bit more. A very useful Training Programme.
The next Clerks Training takes place on Friday 19th October. The course is Administration 2 and includes Finance for Local Councils. Budgets, Bank Reconciliations, Risk Management, Grant Funding, Financial Procedures, VAT Legislation and the Annual Audit.

Polling District Review following Ward Boundary Review: On 7 August 2018 the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) published its final recommendations on the review of ward boundaries for Bath & North East Somerset Council. Publow with Pensford Parish Council remains in the same Ward Publow & Whitchurch; the Parish Boundary has not been affected. The Polling Station remains as The Memorial Hall Publow Lane.
Flood Reporting/Updates: A Newsletter and Poster has been received from the Drainage & Flooding Team. Details have been circulated and will be added to the Web Site. A copy of the posters will be printed and added to the noticeboards.

8. Planning:

Appeal to Consult and Comment if necessary:

18/00065/RF Mr Leon King Site: Nickel Scaffolding Ltd, Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 6no. semi-detached four bedroom dwelling houses, including access on to New Road, 12no off-street parking spaces and an additional 6no parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping. Clerk to re-iterate original comments that this site is outside of the Housing Development Boundary and there is no Affordable Housing element included in the proposal. Cllr May will also respond in support of the Parish Councils decision.


18/02076/LBA Mr & Mrs Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane. Woollard. Internal and External alterations for the erection of a single storey extension, demolition of garage and alterations to access. CONSENT

18/02075/FUL Mr & Mrs Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Erection of single storey extension, demolition of garage and alterations to access. PERMIT

18/03343/FUL Mr Halliday The Laurels High Street Pensford. Erection of extensions, rear first floor balcony and relocation and design change of a dormer window.

18/03290/FUL Mr P Hunt Mill Corner Church Street Pensford. Erection of a single storey extension and change of use from workshop and storage to MOT testing facility/vehicle repair shop. PERMIT

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £757.92

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Imprest, Ink Cartridge, £42.00
G Wookey Bulbs for Belluton (Out of Brenda Stone donation) £12.99
ALCA Administration 1 Clerks Training £40.00
ALCA Administration 2 Clerks Training £40.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Officer 10 hours @ £8 £80.00

Receipts to note:

BANES 2nd Part Precept £6890.00
BANES Parish Grant £65.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Mr Daniels gave apologies for the November Meeting and Mr Heaford gave apologies for the Litter Pick Day.

11. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 12th November 2018 AT 7.15 pm

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