Present: Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford. Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
Members of the Public Present: Mr C James, Mr L Comber, Mrs J Drury
1. Members of the Public:
16/05653/FUL Midas Recycling: Mr James attended the meeting in his capacity of Chairman of the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group seeking support for a way in which the Pensford Garage Site can be developed in a way which supports and respects the main aims and policies contained in the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan has yet to be agreed therefore it may require major amendments and we may see a re-submission. The Parish Council had already submitted their comments to the application and suggested that although responses have now been published a late response should be made. It was agreed that the Parish Council would submit a letter in support of Mr James’s comments.
Clerk to respond to Planning.
Old Mill Site – Rising Sun: Jo Drury addressed the Parish Council in relation to proposals to regenerate the Old Mill Site. An Architect has drawn up a plan on how to make the best use of this site and put the historical use back with a waterwheel etc. Initial feedback from the pre-panning advice sought is that BANES do not like the proposal. Parish Council said they would be in agreement for further consultation in the form of a scale model and/or drawings showing the proposal.
2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Stephenson.
3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: No Interests Declared.
4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 12th December 2016 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read were signed as a true record.
5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:
Joint Spatial Plan: Many objections had been submitted. Comments will be considered in March. A Draft Plan will be prepared during the Summer for submission in 2018.
A37: Since the year 2000 vehicle movements have risen from 12,000 – 18,000 vehicles per day. Mr Packer from BANES has agreed to a meeting with Cllr May who is continuing to push for the different solutions offered by BANES at the Public Meeting.
20 mph Signs: Were put up. However they had to be located where there is power and they were not necessarily in the best place.
6. To receive any updates on current matters:
a) Lock Up: An application had been prepared to submit to the PPSCT for a grant for the Lock Up works. The amount being asked for is £2,000 which would include the repairs to the coping as well as the pointing.
b) Tennis Club: Although in a poor condition the Tennis Courts are still being used. LTA are funding ages up to 8 years and Adult Coaching funding is available.
c) Fingerposts: No update – no further progress made.
d) Stanton Road Pensford Closure Update: It is understood that the works are progressing as per schedule. Mr Heaford reminded everyone of the web site www.roadworks.org for updates on current road closures/works. Clerk circulates these details on a weekly basis.
e) Neighbourhood Plan: The Consultant had been appointed. No further update available at present.
7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) 16/05653/FUL Midas Recycling. Land to South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 10 no. semi-detached three-bedroom dwelling houses with integral garages, including access on to New Road. 10no off street parking spaces, 6 no visitor parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping: Parish Council to submit a letter supporting Mr James’s response. BANES will be directed to the Neighbourhood Plan however it has not been agreed yet and the Parish Council have more legal status than a Neighbourhood Plan.
b) Clerk Pension: Clerk to find out more about the Pension options available.
8. Reports:
a) Clerks Progress Report:
Update on Stanton Road Works: Questions were raised with BANES as to why work and equipment were idle for lengths of time especially on a Friday afternoon.
BANES report that the contractors are Northern based and travel home on Friday afternoons, however they start earlier to compensate for this. The Principal Contractor can then progress with necessary drainage improvement works whilst the Soil nailing plant is not in operation.
The Principal contractor has reported that the soil nailing subcontractor has made good progress and works to date are within the programme. The Principal Contractor had also gone to great efforts in preparation to have the road reopened over the Christmas Break under temporary traffic signals to help minimise disruption to the public.
BANES further report that where practical works will be carried out on a Saturday however they need to be quiet as to not disturb immediate local residents. Great effort has been taken to complete the works before the anticipated duration and to give consideration to those directly affected by the work in terms of noise and access.
Play Area Inspections: I have received an email from an independent qualified person who carries out inspections of Play Areas. An inspection would cost £85 which includes minor repairs and overall servicing. All details have been sent to Memorial Hall Treasurer.
Training: Details for the next Training Courses are: Community Engagement Training 21st January 2017 – essential for all councillors, but especially helpful for Clerks doing / thinking of doing CiLCA and Councils going for the Quality Award. The next Being a Good Councillor session is 28th January 2017 great for new councillors and long-term councillors needing a refresh!
Vacancies Maternity Cover Clerk / RFO at Pucklechurch PC from Mid-April onwards Holiday Cover Locum Clerk RFO at Saltford PC.
Workshop on Assets of Community Value will be on Tuesday 24th January 2017 at 6 pm until 8 pm in the Library Chew Valley Secondary School. Assets of Community Value is a new Community Right (sometimes called the “Community Right to Buy” or “Community Right to Bid”) which allows defined community groups, including Parish Councils, to ask the Council to list certain assets as being of “community value”. This is designed to give communities more opportunities to take control of the assets and facilities important to them. If an asset is listed and then comes up for sale, the new right could give communities that want it a total of 6 months – Can anyone attend? If not Clerk will attend.
Wild Things Farm: Clerk has received a reply from Wild Things Farm via Stanton Drew Parish Council in response to concerns raised about the Farm and Barn being boarded up at present. Owners confirmed they have moved offsite and taken down their Yurts for a few months until early Feb. Owners are in Australia visiting family and have been doing other work over the winter to finance their future projects for the Farm. They plan to plant trees & crops and increase livestock. The Planning Enforcement are aware of their plans and seem satisfied with current and projected progress.
Rural Facilities Audit: The planning policy team are updating the information they hold on rural facilities, as part of the evidence base for the Core Strategy Review. Facilities identified in 2015 are currently held. Clerk in process of updating this list with any changes and forwarding completed form back to the Planning Policy Team. Return Date 3rd March 2017.
Snack Van Health Concerns: A Parish Council member has been approached by a couple of members of the public about various health concerns of the snack van’s location. They’ve reported that human faeces has been discovered at the site on a number of occasions. Not only are they concerned with the human faeces but they are also concerned about the rubbish and the rats which are encouraged as a result of the rubbish.
Clerk has sent all details to Council Connect who in turn will pass to the correct Environmental Department to investigate. An update will be given when available.
20 mph Signs Old Road: Cllr May has emailed Stefan Chiffers to ask for the Mobile Speed Signs to be brought in now the speed limit has been implemented.
Speeding – Old Road: An email has been received from a concerned resident of Old Road who could not make the meeting tonight but wanted to make a few points on speeding through the village “it seems a waste of time to have a flashing 20 sign half way down the road and for a week or so the only way to solve this problem in my view is to install speed humps from top of old road to the rec I know everyone won’t like it but really can’t see any other option also put access only signs on top of Old Road. Clerk has copied Cllr May on the email who has been asked to respond also.
Ward Councillors Initiative Money: Cllr May has sent Clerk a copy of his reply to the Primary School in response to their application for Money for new IT equipment. Cllr May confirms that the sum of money he has is small and he is not sure it could be spent on equipment for school which is covered by other budgets. It is therefore unlikely that they can benefit from a Ward Councillor Initiative donation.
Yellow Lines – Church Street: Kris Gardom from BANES has responded to Cllr Mays request on behalf of a Member of Public to have Yellow Lines put down outside of the Rising Sun Public house and on the opposite side of the road outside of Nelson House to say that if Cllr May completes a request form he can have a proposal plan drafted to add these restrictions to the next area TRO for consultation. However at the initial consultation Parish Council and Cllr May only requested a portion of restrictions to be implemented.
16/05952/FUL Mr B Toase Viaduct House Culvery Lane. Replacement of existing boundary hedge with new boundary hedge. Replacement of existing post and rail fence with new post and rail fence. Addition of dry stone wall 1 – ft. high. Parish Council Support reply sent.
9. Planning:
Applications Consulted:
16/05952/FUL Mr B Toase Viaduct House Culvery Lane Pensford. Replacement of existing boundary hedge with new boundary hedge. Replacement of existing post and rail fence with new post and rail fence. Addition of dry stone wall 1 – ft. high.
16/06194/FUL Clare Crossman The Wickets Blackrock Lane Publow. Provision of three front dormers. Parish Council Support.
Planning Outcomes:
16/05386/FUL Mr & Mrs B Coles Hill Cottage Woollard Lane. Construction of a hipped roof over existing garage flat roof and erection of rear garden lobby including fenestration changes to rear elevation. BANES REFUSE
16/04060/LBA Mr A Smith Newbridge House 198 Hunstrete Lane. External alterations to remove existing pan tiles, flashing, battens and roof felt and replace with new battens, flashing and roof felt whilst re-fitting existing pan tiles. CONSENT
16/04058/LBA Mr Andy Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. External alterations to remove existing pan tiles, flashing battens and roof felt and replace with new battens, flashing and roof felt whilst re-fitting existing pan tiles. Removal of existing upvc guttering and replacement with new upvc guttering. CONSENT
16/04932/FUL Mr Kittel Old Stables Stanton Road. Conversion of existing garage to provide living room for applicant and conversion of existing outbuilding and conversion and extension of existing stable to provide 5 no bedrooms for B&B clients, to include 9 no additional parking spaces and installation of septic tank. PERMIT
10. Financial Matters:
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 744.37
Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest + Computer Ink @ £9.00 33.00
Receipts to note:
11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
Broadband: It was reported that Compton Dando now have Fibre Broadband for more information log onto www.homeandwork.openreach.co.uk/when:can:i:get:fibre.aspx
Ward Councillors Initiative:
Applications have been received from the Tennis Club, Pensford Primary School for Sports Equipment & the Memorial Hall for the Play Area.
It was suggested to invite the Headmaster to a future Parish Council Meeting.
Log Cabin Woollard Lane: Clerk to chase up and see if there is any update on this.
12. To Note Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Forum Meeting Monday 27th February 2017 at 6 pm
Parish Liaison Meeting 15th February 2017.