The Pensford Climate Emergency Group is on Facebook. The group’s Facebook page provides a space to connect, share ideas and create action.
It is increasingly clear that the world is running out of time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
The 2018 IPCC report (summarised on Wikipedia) outlined the alarming impacts of a rise in global temperatures of just 1.5°C.
In parallel, the world has lost 60% of its biodiversity since 1970, largely as a result of human activity.
In response to these threats, many companies and organisations around the world have declared a Climate Emergency; including the UK Government in May 2019, Bath and North East Somerset in March 2019, and our parish council in February 2020. These recognise that the scale of the problem is far greater than any individual action, and that we need systematic change.
Parish Council Emergency Resolution
Climate Emergency Working Group Terms of Reference
It might seem that a parish council can’t really do much, but in fact environmental issues are relevant to a lot of our activities. For example:
- Acting as a source of information (see below)
- Facilitating local projects including renewable energy and tree-planting
- Considering the environmental impact in all decision-making and spending
- Supporting BANES council in the local delivery of their climate activities
- Consulting local parishioners to understand local priorities and generate ideas
Low and No Cost ideas to cut emissions in your home or business – see the ideas at the bottom of this page <>
For information on installing energy efficiency measures such as insulation, see this page which has been commissioned by BANES council
Do you have land for tree-planting? Please contact
Did you know you can get funding to replace an oil or gas heating system? See here
Interested in electric bikes? BANES council has a scheme where you can loan a bike for a free trial for up to four weeks
Chew Valley School Climate Action Team produce a regular newsletter on climate issues specifically aimed at those of school age. If you want to subscribe to the newsletter please contact