Present: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr T Jones, Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes.
There were 8 members of the public present.
AGM Agenda:
a) Chairman’s Report: The Chairman gave a summary of the last year.
b) Financial Report: Vice-Chairman gave a summary of the current finances of the Parish Council as at 31st March 2019. The Annual Governance Statement from the Annual Return was read out by the Vice-Chairman and no objections raised to signing it off as a positive statement.
1. Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson was re-elected as Chairman, being proposed by Mrs Gully and seconded by Mr Filer. Mr Heaford was re-elected as Vice-Chairman, proposed by Mrs Grimes and seconded by Mrs Jones.
2) Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book: All elected members signed the Declaration and Acceptance of Office Book.
3. Register of Members interests & Declaration of Acceptance of Office Forms: All elected members completed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms and completed the Register of Interest forms.
4. Members of the Public: There were no items raised by Members of the Public.
5. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Flower & Cllr P May.
6. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: Mr Baxter declared an interest in relation to a planning application to be discussed.
7. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 8th April 2019 as a true and fair record. After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and fair record.
8. Appointment of Representative for: Memorial Hall – Mr Baxter, Parish Councils Airport Association – Mr Heaford, Parish Liaison – Mr Heaford, Mrs Grimes, ALCA Various – Mr Heaford (Clerk & Mrs Stephenson if required), Chew Valley Forum – Mr Heaford, Mrs Stephenson & Clerk, Flood Representative – Mrs Gully, Defibrillator Guardians: Hillcrest: Mr Daniels, Post Office: Mrs Jones & Woollard: Mrs Stephenson. Staffing Panel: Will remain with Mr Filer, Mrs Grimes & Mrs Jones. War Memorial: Mrs Gully – Clerk to progress a Grant for the cleaning of the War Memorial. Acker Bilk Bench: Mrs Custance. Once the nesting season is finished the Footpaths Officer will be asked to cut back the vegetation around and behind the bench.
9. To receive an update on District Matters: Cllr May was re-elected, the control moved away from the Conservatives to the Lib Dem’s. The closing date for people wishing to attend the planning inspector’s enquiry has now past. Parish Council to confirm to Inspector that Cllr May is representing the community. Issues remain regarding Pensford Hill, the discharge onto local roads from the 2,500 homes, the impact of South Coast traffic increases and the proposed park and ride will attract traffic through the village.
10. To receive updates on matters from the last meeting:
a) Fingerposts: Await the help of BANES to remove the posts.
b) Tennis Club: A very successful open day was held on 12th May 2019. The Tennis Club are looking to refurbish part of the Memorial Hall which is currently unused to provide them with changing facilities, showers and a Club House. Plans have been drawn up and were circulated amongst the Parish Council with no objections being raised. It was noted that no provision had been added to the plans for heating. An offer of help with the removal of the old oil boiler from the Memorial Hall was made.
c) Pensford 10K: This year was once again a trail run which saw approximately 150 runners taking part.
11. Matters for Discussion/Decision:
a) To agree Salary Rise for Clerk as agreed by NJC from 1st April 2019: Clerk reported the Salary Rise would be a 34p per hour increase. All agreed.
b) Memorial Hall Meeting: Clerk had circulated minutes from the last meeting.
12. Clerks Progress Report: Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting.
13. Planning:
Applications to Discuss:
19/01508/VAR Pensford Garage New Road Pensford. Application for Variation of condition 15 of application Redevelopment of car sales site to include erection of 6 no. 3 bedroom houses and conversion of garage workshop to provide 2 no. 3 bedroom cottages (Resubmission). Condition number: Condition 15 – Removal. Parish Council had no objections to the removal of Condition 15.
19/01932/FUL 141 High Street Pensford. Erection of a rear infill extension with alterations to roof. Replacement of window at rear with French Doors. Parish Council Support.
Woollard Lane: Clerk to chase up on Log Cabin Enforcement Issue.
Planning Outcomes to Note:
19/00689/FUL The Wickets Blackrock Lane Publow. Erection of 2 storey dwelling following demolition of existing property. WITHDRAWN
14. Financial Matters: Parish Council will look for an accountant to help the Clerk with the Responsible Financial Officer duties. Clerk will make contact with the Clerk for Clutton Parish Council.
Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £777.14
Zurich Insurance Parish Council Insurance Renewal £747.58
SLCC Membership Renewal £136.00
CSH Recycling Take away and disposal of Allotment Site Rubbish £200.00
Payments to Be Authorised:
KC Printing Register of Members Interests £9.84
Allotment Society Membership Renewal £30.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerks Imprest £37.40
Mr D Lucas Cutting of Village Green 10/4 & 24/4 £40.00
Receipts to Note:
Allotments Annual Allotment Rental £60.00
15. Items of Report to carry forward to next Meeting: The Parish Councils’ Standing Orders will be reviewed at a future meeting.
16. To Note future Meetings:
Date of next Parish Council Meeting Monday 10th June 2019 at 7.15 pm
BANES ALCA AGM 29th May 2019 Avon Room Saltford Hall 7 pm – 9.30 pm
Mrs Grimes gave her apologies for the June Parish Council Meeting.