Parish Council Minutes – 11th May 2020


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs Jenny Gully, Mr T Heaford, Mr P Baxter,
Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk)
There were 6 Members of the public present.

6.1. Members of the Public: – A resident expressed her concern regarding 20/01547/FUL on Land to the North of the Orchard,
High Street and asked that the Parish Council request that the application be struck out due to the inaccuracies on the
application form. She also asked the Parish Council to Not to support the development as it is on a prominent site partially in
the conservation area, full of wildlife. The proposal conflicts with Policy 1 and 2 of the neighbourhood plan and the B&NES
Conservation Policy. She asked the Parish Council to support the TPO application for the trees on site, Designates the area as a
Community Asset and to extend the conservation area to include the whole of the site.
A resident stated that he had a serious concern that the developer has been on site during the Covid-19 Lockdown and
concerned that even if the application is withdrawn something needs to be put in place to prevent the developer from
continuing regardless.
A resident had concern that her bungalow would be overlooked by the development

6.2. Apologies for Absence None

6.3. Notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None

6.4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 16th April 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman
will sign them at the next available opportunity.

6.5. An update on District Matters. Cllr Paul May reported that he had contacted the head of planning regarding the
Trees on the site of the planning application 20/01547/FUL and applied for an emergency Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
to cover the trees & vegetation on site. The planning department have now instructed the Applicant to submit a correct
application as the current one states that there are no trees on site. Paul would support any action to extend the
conservation area as it is an important part of the village
The Ward Councillor also reported that even though their planning application was turned down, the airport are trying to
implement night flights and additional use of the airport.
The Ward Councillor requested that a letter was sent to vulnerable people regarding services available in respect to
Covid 19.
The Ward Councillor reported that many people were upset that a call for sites was issued during the Covid 19 outbreak.
B&NES have received a high level of applications for Business Grants and Children’s services are seeing a lot of additional
pressures due to Covid 19.

6.6. Updates on current matters:

a) Memorial Hall-Cllr Paul Baxter – Nothing to report due to Covid 19
b) Community Speedwatch – Cllr Mike Daniels – on hold until we have some normality.
c) Fingerposts – Cllr Janette Stephenson – No progress on Fingerposts at the moment
d) Vintage Phone Box – Cllr Paul Baxter & Cllr Jenny Gully – Nothing to report due to Covid 19
e) Defibrillators – Cllr Janette Stephenson – Nothing to report
f) Allotments – Cllr Mike Daniels – The committee is meeting on zoom on Saturday morning. A £5 increase to rents is
proposed and will be discussed next meeting
g) Review of speed limit through Woollard & Publow – Cllr Janette Stephenson & Cllr Paul May – No progress until we are
back to normal
h) Climate Emergency working group – Cllr Dawn Custance –
Climate emergency group held a zoom meeting on 7th May and discussed limited things that could be done under
lockdown. Local farmers/landowners will be contacted in the near future regarding planting trees in Autumn/Winter.
Possibilities were discussed for reducing shopping miles by using local service for some shopping and daily essentials.
Written info will be requested on what the Chew Valley tree planting group can offer (Voluntary work, materials etc)
Next meeting on June 4th provisionally.
i) Coronavirus: Masks for the volunteers had arrived and would be delivered shortly.

6.7. Matters for Discussion/ Decision:
a) The Parish Council resolved to adopt Supplementary Standing Orders to meet the statutory requirements for the
holding of remote meetings, and this lasts until May 7th, 2021 or the repeal of legislation whichever is the earlier.
The Parish Council approved expenditure to subscribe to Zoom to provide an improved online platform
b) The Parish Councils response to Local Plan Partial Update & Draft Statement of community involvement was reported
and accepted.
c) The policy schedule for the annual insurance cover was reviewed and payment approved

6.8. Reports:
a) The Clerks Progress Report, previously circulated, was accepted.
b) The Chairman had nothing additional to report.

6.9. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:

i) 20/01520/FUL: Fairfield House, Woollard Lane, Publow: The Demolition of 2 side glass extensions/conservatories
and the erection of a single / double storey side extension. Existing rear balcony is to be extended over the single
storey part of the side extension. The Parish Council agreed that they had no objection as the extension was built on
the same footprint of the existing two conservatories.
ii) 20/01547/FUL: Land to the North of the Orchard, High Street, Pensford: Erection of 3 bed dwelling with Parking.
The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to this application. The Site is a green space in the middle of the village, highly
valued by local residents. There are trees on site despite the application stating that there are no trees and losing
them would negatively impact the visual amenity of the setting. The Conservation Area runs through the middle of
the site and so the impact on the Conservation area needs to be considered. The Parish Council would like to see an
ecology survey submitted by the application as there are reports of Bats & Slow worms on the site. The Parish
Council are concerned about access onto the High Street as the road is already difficult to navigate due to many
parked cars, and cars travelling too fast. The pedestrian route to school for children from Hillcrest runs past the
access to the site. The Proposed development overlooks the bungalow below, and is out of character with
neighbouring properties within the Conservation Area.
The design and scale of the proposed development is not fitting with its setting.
The Parish Council resolved to support the TPO for the three sycamores on the site.
The Parish Council resolved to make a request that the boundary of the Conservation area is moved to encompass
the whole site.
iii) 20/01571/CLEU: Sunny Acres, Woollard Lane, Publow. Use of Annexe attached to Sunny Acres as a separate
dwelling (Certificate of Lawfulness) The Parish Council agreed that they had no objection to this application.

b) Decision Notification:

i) 20/01002/HPD: 55 Hillcrest, Pensford. Prior approval request for single storey flat roofed rear extension that
would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4 metres 2) have a maximum height of 3.25 metres
and 3) have eaves that are 3 metres high. APPROVE
ii) 19/04752/FUL: 40 Hillcrest, Pensford. Demolition of existing double garage and creation of a new one bedroom
bungalow. REFUSE
iii) 20/00894/FUL: Wyvern, Publow Lane, Woollard. Erection of a single storey extension following removal of
conservatory. PERMIT

6.10. Financial Matters:
Financial Report
i) the financial Report was accepted.
ii) Payments to be authorised at May meeting were approved:
Dom Lowe Footpaths (April) £80
DPM Lucas Cut the Green £60
Parish Councils Airport Association Subscription £75
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (May) £745.54
Zurich Municipal Insurance £750.35
H Richardson – Reimburse: Co-op Stamps £15.72
50pcs Facemasks £30.00
Minutes 11/5/2020 Page 3 of 3
Olympus Voice recorder £58.71

6.11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:
To identify the two bus shelters recorded in the asset register.
Dog bins
Allotment rent increase.

6.12. To Note Future Meetings:

Interagency Meeting – Wednesday 13th May 2020 (Virtual)
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 11th June 2020 Avon Room, Saltford Parish Hall
Parish Liaison – Thursday 16th July 2020
B&NES ALCA meeting – Thursday 3rd September 2020
Parish Liaison – Thursday 22nd October 2020
The meeting closed at 20.10 pm

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