Parish Council Minutes – 11th December 2023


Held on Monday 11th December 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mr S Grimes, Mrs S Grimes (Chairman), Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 11 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident representative from Avon needs Trees updated the Parish Council about planting in the Great Avon Wood, and addressed some concerns from Local Residents.

45.1. Apologies: Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Ms C Dinsdale, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor)

45.2. Declarations of Interest: None

45.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2023 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

45.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:
i) 23/04030/FUL. Teasel Barn. Stanton Road, Pensford. Demolition of existing detached single storey garage to be replaced with a two storey, two bedroom detached dwelling (annex).The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 23/04223/PIP. JAT Environmental Reclamation Ltd, Pensford Hill, Pensford. A Permission in Principle Planning Application for the Erection of up to 4 New Build Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) and Associated Infrastructure at JAT Reclamation. (Resubmission of 23/02417/PIP). The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application as it is outside the Housing Development Boundary and in the Greenbelt.
iii) 23/04465/FUL. 6 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of first floor extension and alterations The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application as long as the render & tiles match the existing finish.

b) Decision Notification:
i) 23/03587/ADCOU. Unregistered Farm Buildings Adjacent To Sandhills, Birchwood Lane, Publow: Prior approval request for change of use from agricultural building to 2no. dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated operational development. PERMIT
ii) 23/02194/FUL. Agricultural Buildings and Land Blackrock Lane, Publow. Erection of 1no. 4 bed dwelling and associated works. COMMITTEE NOTIFICATION

45.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council reviewed the standing orders and made some amendments to the model standing orders provided by NALC. The document would be updated and reviewed again next month.
b) It was suggested that the Parish Council reconsider the appointment of a flood warden to liaise with B&NES on matters related to flooding. Councillors most affected by potential flooding said that the appointment was not necessary, and no councillors volunteered for the role. It was agreed that the voluntary role would be advertised to see if a resident would be keen to volunteer.
c) The Parish Council resolved to terminate the agreement with Solving Communications and demand the return of the deposit for the ANPR cameras.
d) The Parish Council approved expenditure for an electrician to change the light bulb in the Hillcrest Defibrillator and provide a quote to update the electrics.
e) The Parish Council looked at the damage to the Table tennis table as the paint had peeled off it following a bad frost. The manufacturer would be asked to repaint it.
f) The Parish Council resolved to add Paul Baxter & Steve Filer as Bank Signatories on all Natwest Bank Accounts
g) The Parish Council resolved to decline the invitation to join the Rural Parishes Network.
h) The Parish Council did not approve the grant request for £150 from the Chew Valley Nature Recovery Network.
i) The Parish Council reviewed the 2nd draft of the 2024-25 budget and amendments put forward would be circulated in draft 3.
j) The Parish Council reviewed the Clerk’s Spinal Column Point (SCP) and approved a one point increase from SCP 25 to SCP 26.

45.6. Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted
b) December payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – footpaths
Amount £85.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson (33.5f) – Salary
Amount £1,156.29
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense HMRC
Amount £955.36
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Water2Business
Amount £69.03
VAT £-
Recover N/A

45.7. B&NES Ward Councillor sent his apologies.

45.8. Reports

a) PCAA: Discussed a couple of planning applications related to the Airport, but the PCAA had no objection.
b) Allotments: Plots available – needs to be tidied up and introduce regular inspections.
c) Parish Council Working Group – 3 attended last meeting, continuing to work on current projects.
d) Clerks Report – circulated. The Parish Council considered two planning applications that arrived too late to be added to the agenda and instructed the Clerk to submit a delegated response. 23/04534/FUL. Bell Farm, Hunstrete Lane, Woollard. Conversion of Barn into ancillary living accommodation. The Parish Council object to the design in its current form. 23/04536/FUL Greenmeadow, Woollard Lane, Publow. Conversion of garage, raising roof and extension behind. The Parish Council Support the application.
e) The Chairman- The dog bin has been removed. The contact details of someone to amend the war memorial will be sent to the Clerk.

45.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

45.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison –28th Feb, 19th June, 18th September 2024
Chew Valley Forum – early 2024
ALCA Meeting 23 Jan, 11th June.

The meeting closed at 21.18

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