Parish Council Minutes – 9th May 2016


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford Mr J Kelly, Mr P Baxter, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer,
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.

There were four members of the public present.

Update on Finger Posts Restoration: Lydia Robinson attended the meeting and gave a brief update on the current situation regarding fundraising and future restoration of the finger posts. Approximately 50 people had attended the recent fundraising event and currently over £1,200 had been received in donations.
There are five fingerposts in need of restoration in the Parish. However it has been mentioned there may be a missing post at the top of Hursley Hill. This is being looked into. The first to be restored will be at the junction of the A37 and High Street. A Forge has been commissioned to carry out the re-casting of the fingers. Each post will need to be taken apart. A full survey of each post has been carried out for BANES Council and a Health & Safety Report has been completed. Any money left from the restoration of the first post will roll on to the next one. Grants will need to be applied for to help with the next refurbishment and ongoing maintenance programme for the future. Post Cards continue to be on sale at the Post Office for 50p each.

Annual General Meeting:

a) Chairman’s Report: The Chairman read her report which gave a summary of the last year.

b) Financial Report: Mr Kelly read out the Financial Summary of the Parish Council.

c) Memorial Hall Report: Mrs Gully & Mrs Jones gave an update on the Memorial Hall. Funding remains a concern, however a new committee is now in place with some goon entertainment being provided for families in the Parish. Concerns remain about the Play Area and the ongoing costs.


1. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman: Mrs T Jones proposed Mrs J Stephenson for Chairman and Mr T Heaford for Vice-chairman. This was seconded by Mr S Filer.

2. Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book: This was duly signed by the newly elected Officers.

3. Members of the Public:

Cutting of the Village Green: Members of the Public asked when the Village Green would be cut. Many feel that the Green should be cut on a more regular basis during the growing season. The Footpaths Officer has been asked to cut the green. Clerk to check with BANES regarding the ownership of the Green and speak to the Insurance Company again about Liabilities in relation to a third party cutting the Green.

4. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P May and Mrs S Grimes.

5. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None received.

6. To confirm the Minutes of Monday 11th April 2016 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read the Minutes were signed as a True and Fair Record.

7. Appointment of Representatives for:

Memorial Hall Committee: Mrs Gully & Mrs Jones.
Parish Council’s Airport Association: Mr T Heaford.
Parish Liaison Meetings: Mr T Heaford & Mrs S Grimes.
ALCA Meetings: BANES Local Council Group: Mr T Heaford.
Chew Valley Forum: Mr T Heaford.
Flood Representative: Mr P Baxter & Mrs J Gully.
Planning Sub Committee: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr T Heaford, Mr J Kelly. All Planning Applications are now being received online from Bath & North East Somerset. Clerk will give notification regarding the larger applications if they fall outside of a meeting date.
Guardians for Defibrillators: Post Office – Mrs T Jones, Hillcrest: Mrs L Cains, Woollard: Mrs J Stephenson. Scanning of the Defibrillator at the Post Office had been undertaken and confirmation of the submission was awaited.

8. To receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May.

A37 Meeting: A37 meeting with officers as a follow up of the previous meeting is scheduled for the 25th may in the village hall if that can be arranged 2.30 to 4.30. Cllr May will contact residents but help from the parish will be appreciated.
The new council has made the A37 its priority scheme for a complete review. This is the first time such approach has been made and it is a great credit to the Cabinet member for highways that he has supported me in pressing for this.
Cllr May has met the new area highways inspector at Peats hill which has had long standing problems. It was clear that there is a system of drainage but it has not been properly maintained so as a starter this will be done.
The devolution debate continues. It is not clear what the deal would look like if one or more authorities withdraw. Of course, the Bristol approach may vary now that there is a new elected mayor. Banes have yet to discuss the issue in the council chamber but there is a strong feeling that since the recent mayoral referendum we could not support the concept of a sub-regional area additional mayor.
The Banes core strategy is due for review by 2019 but the timing is out of step with the JSP review currently being undertaken. There are advantages in bringing forward our review to maintain the clearly different housing areas of Bristol and banes.
The RUH is part of a transitional team set up by NHS England that is seeking a health area of Banes and Wiltshire. This will not serve the communities West of Bath that often access Bristol more than Swindon or even Salisbury. Clerk will ask Cllr May to clarify this.

9. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

a) Acker Bilk Bench Update: An article was placed in the May edition of the Gazette.

b) Fundraising Evening for Finger Posts Update: Update given by Lydia.

c) Tennis Club: Mrs Grimes reported that the Contractor will be looking to tarmac as soon as weather has improved. A grant application has been made to Avon LTA for a new gate, pathway to court and fencing re design. The Coaches will be starting a cardio session and beginners class Monday evenings. If there is sufficient interest there will be new junior classes starting Saturday mornings.

d) Neighbourhood Plan Update: The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th June where the draft Plan will be discussed along with the final policies.

e) Pensford 10K Sunday 24th April 2016: This years 10K was again a success with the total amount of entries up on last year’s figures. All went well. 75n volunteer Marshalls helped on the day. The Primary School raised £1200. Next year will mark the 30th Anniversary of the 10k and it is hoped will take place on 30th April 2017.

10. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) A37 Night Re-surfacing Roadworks/Diversions: Details of the re-surfacing have been placed on the Web Site and the Noticeboards and circulated by email to many. Details have also been posted on the Facebook Page of Pensford News. The Memorial Hall Committee have kindly offered Parking at the Memorial Hall.

b) Pensford War Grave Memorial: An email had been received from Chris James who along with a group of others are planning a cycle ride which will include the cemetery where one of the Pensford Men who died in WW1 is buried. The cemetery is in Poperinge and the man is Disney Grant. They would like to take something to leave at the grave either a plaque or some token from the Parish. On discussion it was agreed that Mr James be advised to check the regulations in relation to leaving something on the grave. Clerk to follow up.

c) Neighbourhood Watch Grant Application: The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme was set up several years ago and it has recently expanded to include Belluton, Parsonage Lane, Blackrock Lane and Pensford Hill along with the rest of Pensford. Neighbourhood Watch signs are now needed for these new areas. The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had written to the Parish Council to ask for a donation of £60 to cover the cost of the additional signs. The Parish Council supported this. A request for a regular update from the Neighbourhood Watch team will be made.

d) Wi-Fi at Memorial Hall: The costs for Wi-Fi at the Hall had been put together as follows. Equipment Cost – £90.00 ongoing cost of £9.99 per month. No installation cost and no line rental cost. A grant for Wi-Fi through the Transparency Grants can be applied for. Wi-Fi at the hall may encourage more people to hire the hall. Can the Wi-Fi be turned off when hall not in use to prevent “piggy backing” off of the Wi-Fi? It was suggested by a member of the Public that we wait for the High Speed Broadband from BT at an unlimited use cost of £39 per month. Mr Wilcox from DCM Computers will be invited to come to the June meeting to discuss this further.

Clerk & Mr Kelly will produce an application for a Transparency Grant.

11. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

20 MPH Speed Limits: Clerk has asked BANES if the 20mph Limit can be extended through Publow and into Woollard….the reply from BANES is as follows:
“I am afraid that the plans that have gone out are the final versions being put through the Traffic Regulation Formal consultation process.
We have made several alterations to the proposals during the informal consultation phase during the past 9 months and reached a point that we can no longer make additions as the lanes you describe do not form part of the built up/residential area of the village. We therefore now need to concentrate on delivering the scheme otherwise we will be at risk of not having the required amount of money left to deliver the promised 20mph speed limits.

Yellow Line Parking: A Member of Public sent to the Clerk photos of cars parked on the Double Yellow Lines on the corner of Publow Lane and in front of the Lock Up. Clerk has sent these photos to BANES and questioned who is enforcing this. No reply has been received. Clerk has since followed up with another email and awaits a reply.

Neighbourhood Planning: The End of Grant Reports have been prepared and submitted to Ground Works. No queries have been made by Groundworks. Therefore Clerk has now raised cheques to be signed.

Technical Consultation on Planning Changes: Clerk has emailed the Parish Councils response supporting the detailed reply from ALCA.

Peats Hill: Clerk has reported to Council Connect the raised drain cover at the entrance to Church Farm, Peats Hill.

Fly Tipping in Woollard Lane: Reports of asbestos being dumped in Woollard Lane were received. This was immediately reported to Council Connect. Ref: 159826

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane: A second Email has been sent to Development Management asking for an update on the Enforcement Issue with Quarry Lodge.

Memorial Hall Meeting – Clerk and Janette Stephenson will be attending the next Memorial Hall meeting on June 7th.

Meeting regarding A37 with Cllr P May, BANES Representatives: It is hoped that a meeting to discuss the A37 will be held on Wednesday 25th May at 2pm. Clerk has booked the Memorial Hall. The Booking form has been completed and returned. Clerk has confirmed to Kelvin Packer, BANES that he will need to bring his own screen, projector and laptop equipment. Confirmation is awaited regarding whether or not the meeting will be a Public Meeting or a Closed Meeting.

Allotments: It is likely that another plot will be rented soon following an enquiry from a Member of the Public. Clerk is in the process of arranging a site meeting to look at the vacant plots.

Planning: Target decision dates for the following Planning Applications were noted as follows: Pensford Garage New Road – 31st May 2016 and Land Adjacent to Meadow Barn Wick Lane an extension of time was asked to the 27th May 2016.

b) Joint Spatial Plan Workshop 23rd April 2016: A Group meeting to discuss the West Of England Joint Strategic Plan. A workshop was undertaken along with Compton Dando, Clutton and Keynsham. The Joint Spatial Plan for the four Authorities Bristol, South Gloucester, BANES & North Somerset was discussed. The Consultation had already ended so concerns were raised. There will be a pre-submission plan in the Spring and in Early 2018, the plan will be adopted.

c) Chew Valley Forum Meeting Report: Mr Heaford attended this meeting. A presentation was given by the Police. Mostly concerned with speeding traffic in chew Magna. A member of the Parish Council raised the point that the Speed Limit along Chew Lane by the School do not make sense as they are faster than the 20mph heading towards the Doctors Surgery. Neighbourhood Plan updates were given from on the Chew Valley Plan and an update from Publow with Pensford, Stowey Sutton, Clutton (submitted & passed) were given.

Diversions for the A37 works were highlighted at the meeting.

A presentation was given on Floods and Winford Brook. Clerk to send link to Flood Reps.

The next meeting will be on 7th July 2016 at Chew Valley School. Community Assets and Community Halls will be on the agenda.

12. Planning: KC Printing had been asked to print out the Planning Applications so that they were easier to consult at the meeting.

Applications received Discussed by the Sub- Committee:

16/01736/FUL Mr & Mrs Rodgers Police House 1 Police Lane Pensford. Single storey two bedroom attached annexe. Parish Council supported this application.

Applications to Discuss:

16/01865/FUL: Mr & Mrs Cullen Belluton House Stanton Road Erection of an Agricultural Barn. The colour of the Roof cladding was not specified on the plans. Clerk to send support from Parish Council but ask for the clarification of the colour.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

15/05387/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane. Double Garage, alterations to driveway and creation of new entrance. PERMIT

16/01094/FUL Mr Padfield Southleigh Farm Birchwood Lane. Construction of new vehicular access from Birchwood Lane to serve the farm buildings at Southleigh Farm. PERMIT

16/01274/TCA Mr J Coles Land West of 182 Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Norway Spruce – Remove. No Objection.

10. Financial Matters: Mr Baxter stated that a resident, who did not wish to be named, was still querying the cost to the Council of the Clerk. He further said that this compared unfavourably to average costs per an SLCC survey conducted using 2011 data.
It was explained that the cost is derived from the rate paid multiplied by the hours worked. The rate was per NJC scale Point 26 while both the Chair and the Vice Chair, who both worked closely with the Clerk were content that the hours claimed were less than the hours the clerk devoted to Parish Council duties. The Vice Chair commented that he had worked alongside the Clerk for 15 years and that she represented excellent value for money.
It was felt that nothing further could be said about the matter. It was commented however that it was extremely distasteful or there could be an alternative agenda in play that a parishioner should continually query the integrity of Councillors and the Council employee.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 26 640.12
Zurich Insurance Parish Council Insurances Renewal 760.31

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 26.40
KC Printing Printing of Planning Applications 20.16

Receipts to note:

Mr Penney Allotment Rental 40.00

13. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

14. To Note Future Meetings:

Parish Liaison Meeting 11th May 2016 – JS
Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 11th May 2016
Memorial Hall Meeting 7th June 2016 – JS & JB



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