Pensford Jubilee Tree Planting

Publow with Pensford Parish Council has planted a tree on the village green to celebrate HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022, to honour of her leadership of our nation and to leave a legacy to benefit future generations.

A record of our tree planting has been uploaded to The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) map. (Click the link to view on the QGC map).

Please share the photographic record of our QGC virtual plaque on social media using the hashtag #QueensGreenCanopy or #plantatreeforthejubilee to encourage others across the UK to get involved. You can use the link below to share:

Now that our planting is complete, volunteers will be taking care of our tree to give it the best chance of flourishing.

You can follow QGC’s digital channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where they will be sharing other Jubilee tree plantings throughout the official planting season, which is from October to March.



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