The Parish Council has received the following Planning Applications for consideration:
- Reference: 23/04534/FUL (& 23/04535/LBA Listed Building Consent)
- Address of Proposal: Bell Farm , Hunstrete Lane, Woollard, Bristol BS39 4HU
- Proposal: Conversion of barn into ancillary living accommodation, including repairs to roof, re-opening of original windows and creation of one new window in north elevation. Lean-to structure insulated and weatherproofed for conversion. Landscaping alterations and widening of drive access.
- Expiry Date for Consultation: 07/01/2024
- Reference: 23/04536/FUL
- Address of Proposal: Greenmeadow , Woollard Lane, Publow, Bristol BS14 0QS
- Proposal: Conversion of garage raising of roof and extension behind
- Expiry Date for Consultation: 29/12/2023
To view full details, or to comment personally on these applications, please visit the Bath and North East Somerset Council, Planning Portal.