Vacancy for a Parish Flood Representative

Working as a community is a sensible way to help reduce the impacts of a shared flood risk. In view of the recent spate of wet weather, swollen rivers and flooded roads, the Parish Council is seeking to fill the vacant post of Parish Flood Representative.

Our Parish Flood Representative would be a designated individual who would work in conjunction with the Parish Council to liaise with Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Drainage & Flooding team. The individual would provide an important communication link between the whole of our Parish and the Flood Risk Management authorities on issues such as:

• land drainage
• surface water flooding
• groundwater flooding
• watercourse flooding

It should be emphasised that this position is NOT a flood emergency role. It is primarily concerned with the reporting of ongoing local land drainage and flooding issues in order to come up with practical solutions for long-term improvements.

No technical knowledge of drainage or flooding is required, what’s more important is that the Flood Representative is willing to gather information about drainage issues within our Parish and pass this on to Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Drainage and Flooding team.

The Parish Flood Representative would also make a parish flood plan, keep it up to date and provide information and advice to residents on how to keep safe during flooding.

This is a voluntary, unpaid role. The individual does not need to be a Parish Councillor or attend regular Parish Council meetings. Any member of the public is welcome to apply but the nomination would need to be agreed with the Parish Council.

If you would like to find out more about the Parish Flood Representative role please email the Parish Clerk, Helen Richardson at

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