Parish Council Minutes – 10th July 2023


Held on Monday 10th July 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Present: Mr P Baxter(Chairman), C Dinsdale (Part), Mr S Filer, Mr S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Dr L Malt, Mr W Tantam, Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) Paul May (Ward Councillor) and 2 Members of Public.

Public Participation:
41.1. Apologies: Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Stephenson

41.2. Declarations of Interest: None

41.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th June 2023 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

41.4. Planning:

  • C Dinsdale joined the meeting

a) Applications to consult:

i) 23/02194/FUL: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow. Erection of 1no. 4 bed dwelling and associated works. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the development as it is outside the Housing Development Boundary, the new building appears to be significantly taller than the original construction and there is a lack of information on sustainable construction as required by the Neighbourhood Plan

ii) 23/02214/FUL: 13 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of two storey side extension and internal alterations, provision of rear decking area, formation of new vehicular access and replacement part of rear boundary hedge with timber fence (Resubmission). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application but ask that the access arrangement are reviewed to provide maximum safety and visibility to pedestrians on the route to school.

iii) 23/02409/TCA: Pensford County Primary School, Pensford Hill,Pensford:
T1-Betula Pendula-prune back from building/boundary giving 1-2m clearance
T2-Salix Alba ‘tristis’- remove major dead wood (>50mm), Pollard
T3-Fraxinus Excelsior- Fell, Treat stump with Herbicide
T4-Acer Pseudoplatanus-Fell
T5-Acer Pseudoplatanus-Prune ,sever climbing plant at base
T6-Acer Pseudoplatanus-Fell
T7-Fraxinus Excelsior-Fell, has Ash Die Back in Canopy
T8-Fraxinus Excelsior-Fell, has Ash Die Back in Canopy
The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application but ask that the school consider replacing the felled trees. The Parish Council would be able to help sourcing new trees.

b) Decision Notification:

i) 22/04635/FUL: Greenfields, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Erection of dwelling and detached home office including demolition of detached barn (Resubmission). REFUSE

41.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Councillors reviewed the WECA Somer Valley Links Consultation and agreed to respond asking for a 20mph zone from the village signs to the Bus Stop by Back Lane due to the major problem with heavy goods vehicles.

b) The Parish council resolved to accept proposal from a volunteer to refurbish the Pensford Notice board.

41.6. Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) July payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen
Amount £85.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson (33.5f)
Amount £865.86
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense (Reimburse H Richardson)
Amount £118.55
VAT £19.76
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense Paul Baxter (Reimburse Coronation)
Amount £249.48
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Pensford Clock Tower Project
Amount £242.52
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense DPM Lucas – Grass Cutting
Amount £50.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Titan Internet (Reimburse H Richardson)
Amount £48
VAT £8
Recover Y

41.7. B&NES Ward Councillor reported that he would like to put his allowance towards the Clock Tower Appeal, but may need to make the application through the Parish Council. The B&NES strategic plan would be presented at the Chew Valley Forum on Wednesday. The Local Plan would be discussed at a meeting in Whitchurch on 27th July. He suggested the Neighbourhood Plan should be reviewed to be completed after the B&NES local Plan is approved to maximise the strength of the plan. He is trying to form an A37 Action Group for all parishes impacted by the A37 in this area.

41.8. Reports

a) PCAA: report from meeting on 15/6/23 circulated
b) ANPR: it was agreed that SG would put up the warning signs in locations previously agreed
c) Northeast Area TRO: Proposal to put continuous double yellow lines along Publow Lane would be included in the forthcoming consultation and so the Parish Council need to respond asking for some parking to be allowed (with double yellows to provide passing places) in that consultation. The Ward Councillor will try to arrange meeting with an officer (PB & SF volunteered to attend)
d) Clerks Report – circulated
e) The Chairman- No report

41.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Ward Councillor donation to Church Tower, Set up working group for plan for parish.

41.10. To note Future Meetings

Parishes Liaison – Wednesday 19 July 2023, Wednesday 18 October 2023
Chew Valley Forum 12th July, 6pm the Library Chew Valley School


The meeting closed at 20.24pm

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